Important: The GCConnex decommission will not affect GCCollab or GCWiki. Thank you and happy collaborating!
Data Science Communities of Practice - UseR!
This page provides summaries of discussions and tutorials organized by Use R! Community of Practice
***Discussion topics at Use R! gccollab group :
- General topics:
- Why R?
- Best way to start (and keep learning) R
- Events and Forums for R users
- From Excel to R
- R with Python (and other languages/tools)
- Efficient programming in R (coding style, memory-efficient coding, collaboration-ready codes, source control)
- data.table for efficient data processing
- Reading various kinds of data in R
- Open R codes for GC: on GCcode and GitHub
- RStudio news and tricks
- Specialized topics:
- ggplot2 and its extensions for data visualization
- Shiny for Interactive Data Visualization, Analysis and Web App development
- R Markdown for automated and reproducible data science
- Record Linking and other Data Engineering tasks in R
- Geo/Spatial coding and visualization in R
- Text Analysis in R
- Machine Learning and Modeling in R
Webinars and Meetups:
- Friday's "Lunch and Learn Data Science with R" meetups: See gccollab group Files for all video-recoding and notes. (NB: you need to join the group to access to these files)
- 30 Jul 2021: Geospatial data tools in R (code)
- 16 Jul 2021: Dual Coding - Python and R unite!
- 9 Jul 2021: Exploring ggplots (recording, code)
- 2 Jul 2021: Parsing GC Tables (code)
- 25 Jun 2021: Using the Open Government Portal API within R (recording, code on
- Analyzing PSES results using R and Shiny: 21 Apr 2021
- Building R packages: 16 Apr 2021 - 21 Apr 2021 (recording, code)
- Webinars at RStudio: (codes at