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GCStudents - ÉtudiantsGC/English/Resources/Pay and Benefits

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💵 Information about pay

Useful Resources

Government of Canada Salary Resources

👨‍💼 Pension and Service Buyback

Pension Contribution

Did you know? You begin contributing to the pension when you have been employed in a student job (FSWEP, CO-OP, RAP) for more than six (6) months of continuous employment and have worked more than 12.5 hours per week.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Service Buyback

Did you know? Your years of work as a student employee can be counted as part of your working years for early retirement if you buy them back.

📃 Eligibility criteria for health insurance

With the Government of Canada, we have Sun Life (health care, optional) and Canada Life (dental care, mandatory).

  • Student Employment: This refers to workers under a student contract in the Federal Student Work Experience Program (FSWEP), Research Affiliate Program (RAP) or CO-OP (Public service student recruitment programs -
    • Eligibility: You are eligible if you have had student employment (FSWEP, COOP, RAP) for more than six (6) months of continuous employment and have worked more than 12.5 hours per week.
  • Casual Employment: Casual employees are workers hired for a specified period of time not exceeding 90 working days per calendar year in a department or agency (Casual Worker -
    • Eligibility: A casual worker is not eligible for |...| the Public Service Health Care Plan (PSHCP) or the Public Service Dental Care Plan.

🦷 Public Service Dental Care Plan with Canada Life (mandatory and automatic enrollment)

Public Service Dental Care Plan member booklet

A) Validate your membership

  1. Go to MyGCPay.
  2. Select the "Benefits" tab.
  3. You will see if you are registered or not.
  4. Write down your certificate number which begins with CF.
  5. If you are not registered, review the eligibility criteria above.
    1. If you meet all the eligibility criteria, contact the Pay Centre by phone to verify your file.

B) Information to share to use your insurance

  1. Download the Canada Life app on your cell phone (recommended) or sign in on the website.
    1. Your identification number is your certificate number (see step 1 to 3 in the section above).
    2. Your plan number is either 55555 or 55666.
  2. On the home page, select the cards and share the following information:
    1. Name of your insurer: Canada Life
  3. Plan/contract number: 55555 or 55666
    1. Certificate number/identification number (#ID) (if necessary, see step 4 in the previous section).

🩺 Public Service Health Care Plan with Sun Life (optional membership)

To access this insurance, you must complete a form and submit an application. You do not join automatically since it is optional.

The Public Service Health Care Plan provides coverage for a wide variety of health-related products and services.

A) Apply for membership

  1. Complete the from to enroll in the plan.
    1. The PRI your Personal Record Identifier that should be found in the header of your letters of offer for your student job.
    2. To find your pension number, log in to the Pension Portal for Active members of the Public Service.
      1. Click on your name at the top right.
      2. Write down your pension number.
  2. Fill out the form for the Pay Centre and download the form.
    1. In section 2, select "Benefits".
    2. In section 3, select, "PSHCP - Exception".
    3. In section 4, add your manager's information.
    4. Leave section 5 blank.
  3. Send the forms to the Pay Centre.
  4. Once the Pay Centre has processed your application, you will be contacted.

B) Validate your membership

  1. Go to MyGCPay.
  2. Select the "Benefits" tab.
  3. You will see if you are registered or not.
  4. Write down your certificate number which corresponds to your identification number.
  5. Finalize the membership by completing the positive enrolment (online form).
    1. The contract number is 055555 or 055666.
    2. The certificate number, also called the identification number, is the one you noted in step 4.

C) Information to share to use your insurance

  1. Download the Sun Life app to your cell phone (recommended) or sign in on their website.
  2. Log in to your account.
  3. On the home page, select the cards and share the following information:
    1. Name of your insurer: Sun Life
    2. Plan/contract number: 55555 or 55666
    3. Certificate number/identification number (#ID) (if necessary see step 4 in the previous section)

If you have resources that you would like to add to our wiki page, write to us:
