
Revision as of 10:31, 23 June 2022 by Chris.ulch (talk | contribs)

YPN Student Committee Logo - Logo RJP Comité Étudiant

What is the Student Binder?

The Student Binder was created by the ISC-CIRNAC YPN Student Committee with the intent to enhance the student onboarding process and work term. We have added a multitude of resources ranging from Indigenous Learning to managing remote work. We invite you to use this resource on a need basis. That is, we don't encourage you read the binder in whole, rather, to use this binder whenever you have a question, need to take training, want to expand your cultural competency, have additional tips and tricks to managing your work term, and more. We recommend that you first look at the Table of Contents, download your own version and make it your own! You can remove or add information that is relevant to your term and needs.

In all, we created this binder for you to use in a way that works best for you. It is a great resource that will compliment any other onboarding activities that you complete.

If you have recommendations on information that could be added let us know! You can reach us at trinity.choiniere-hamilton@rcaanc-cirnac.gc.ca or ypnstudentcommittee-comiteetudantrjp@rcaanc-cirnac.gc.ca

We hope you enjoy!

Access the Student Binder

You can access the binder here (work in progress)