Procedures for Purchase of Furniture (including Chairs)

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Furniture purchases must be done through your Branch Accommodation Officers (BAO).

For standard furniture requirements (excluding office chairs), the BAO will contact [Tenant Services (BTS)].

There are two (2) ways you can purchase furniture (including chairs):

  1. Through CORCAN.
  2. Using PSPC Supply Arrangements (SAs); Acquisition Card can now be used (see below)

1. Purchasing using CORCAN

The most efficient way to purchase furniture including chairs is using CORCAN’s Supply Arrangement No.E60PQ-050000/001/PQ. CORCAN has been given the status of special supplier allowing federal departments and agencies to acquire from CORCAN without following the standing tendering process.

Acquiring products and services from CORCAN is fast and easy.

CORCAN purchases are done using a Stores Transfer Order. This does not require a Purchase Requisition or a Call-up it requires only a Funds Commitment to be created IN SAP.

Acquisition Cards are not accepted on STOs.

Below are the links to CORCAN’s website and procedures on how to purchase furniture.

  • To purchase from CORCAN you must determine what you want and how many you need.
  • Fill out the Store Transfer Form with your FUNDS Commitment number included and submit to CORCAN for ordering

You will have to contact a Sales Representative.

Should you decide not to use CORCAN to purchase furniture, then you must use one of PSPC’s Supply Arrangements (SAs).

2. Purchasing using the PSPC Supply Arrangement

Furniture (including chairs) is one of the twelve (12) mandatory commodities that Public Service and Procurement Canada (PSPC) has identified. When purchasing furniture it is mandatory to use the Supply Arrangements (SAs) that were established by PSPC.

Purchase of Furniture (including chairs) below $10,000

There are two (2) ways to purchase furniture below $10,000.

Furniture (excluding chairs) Chairs (including ergonomic)
First, you should consult the Workspace Furniture Search Tool. First, you should consult the Office Seating Search Tool Office Seating Supply Arrangements to determine the requirement of your chair.
Option 1:
  1. Go to Quick Step by Step.
  2. Look through Client Search Tool (CST) for approved product by category.
  3. Go to CST instructions for the required category.
  4. Go to the required CST category and insert your quantities to determine the estimated value of your requirement and to see which supplier can provide it.
  5. Request a quote by email or telephone to one or more supplier. You can use the Request for Bid (RFB) but it is not mandatory.
  6. Evaluate (confirm product meets the requirement and ensure that the item is listed on the Supply Arrangement).
  7. If an RFB was used to obtain quotes, this will form part of the contract when signed by both the client and the supplier.
  8. Award using your Acquisition Card.
Option 1:
  1. Go to “Tier 1: Step by Step– How to”
  2. Go to Chair Builder Choose chair attributes/features of the required chair
    • If you need additional guidance, go to Chair Builder Example to help define your chair
    • For budget estimation purposes, go to Chair Estimator to get an estimated value of common chairs
  3. Go to “SA Suppliers Information Table” and select one or more suppliers
  4. Request a quote by email or telephone to one or more suppliers
  5. Evaluate (confirm product meets the Chair Builder, meets the requirement and supplier is on the SA). The chair must be on the Supply Arrangement
  6. Award using your Acquisition Card
Option 2:
  1. Go to Suppliers Information Table and select one supplier.
  2. Request a quote by email or telephone to one or more suppliers. You can use a Request for Bid (RFB) but it is not mandatory.
  3. Evaluate (confirm product meets the requirement and that the item is on the Supply Arrangement).
  4. If an RFB was used to obtain quotes, this will form part of the contract when signed by both the client and the supplier.
  5. Award using your Acquisition Card.
Option 2:
  1. Go to “Tier 1: Step by Step– How to”
  2. Go to “SA Suppliers Information Table” and select one or more supplier(s)
  3. Review the suppliers published price list (e.g. from their website or in the SOSA App) and/or request a quote by email or Telephone
  4. Evaluate (Confirm product meets the requirement and that the supplier is on the SA). The chair must be on the Supply Arrangement
    • Government discounts are available from certain suppliers and brands of chairs in addition to the published price list. You can identify the discount rate by consulting the Price List Minimum Discount listing in the SOSA App of the selected vendor
  5. Award using your Acquisition Card

When using the Acquisition Card, your Card Document (documentation to support the purchase for audit purposes) must include the following documents and must refer to the Supply Arrangement information listed below.

  • Suppliers Information Table
  • Supply Arrangement Number for the vendor of your purchase and the following note: “The terms and conditions of SA E60PQ-140003/XXX/PQ apply to and form part of this document.”
  • Price list (e.g. website screenshot) and Minimum Discount List
  • Copy of the quote (if obtained by email)
  • For chairs, chair builder information (if applicable)

Purchase of Furniture (including chairs) over $10,000: Purchase Requisition (PR) is required:

When creating your PR, you must create it using 3 lines as follows (furniture, furniture installation and furniture delivery):

  • You must use the following GL and material codes
    • Furniture: G/L Code 58201, Material Group - N7110
    • Furniture Installation: G/L Code 54819, Material Group 5169
    • Furniture Delivery: G/L Code 56101, Material Group V001
  • Upload Contract Request Form (CRF) not accepted or Contract Request Checklist
  • All quotations received or Sole Source Justification (Under $25,000, low dollar value)
  • Security Requirement Checklist requesting escort only, signed and approved by [Security] or clearly define that the delivery is to be made to the loading dock only
  • Health Canada contact name for the delivery
  • Delivery address

You must include all documents listed above otherwise your PR will be rejected and returned to you.


If you are unable to find furniture that meets your needs on the SA, you must send an email to [1] justifying why no furniture can meet your needs. POD will review and determine if you can purchase the furniture without using the SA. POD will confirm and provide you with the process to go forward.

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