BACLAC - Classification for Canadian history - Class FC - British Colonial Period

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Table of contents FC History of Canada in general
Discovery and exploration to 1603
French Régime
British colonial period
Canada, the nation, 1867-
Local history
FC 2001-4350
Tables Index PDF

The British Colonial Period, 1760/63-1867, FC400-480

400                  General works.

Works confined to the period. For general histories ending in the period, see FC161.

401                  Biography.

           .A1, Collective.

           .A2-Z, Individual.

 Individual biographies, see table VII.
 Individuals important to a period, place or topic are classed with the period, place or topic.

409                  General special topics, .A-Z.

Class historical and descriptive works here. Practical and theoretical works are classed in JV7200-7295.
 e.g.    .C6     Clergy reserves
.I4       Immigration and settlement. Colonization.

The moulding of Québec, 1760/63-1791.

Military administration, 1760-1764; Pontiac's conspiracy; the preservation of French institutions and civil law; the Québec Act, 1774; the American Revolution and the coming of the Loyalists; the Constitutional Act, 1791, and the division into Lower and Upper Canada.

410                  General works.

411                  Biography.

           .A1, Collective.

           .A2-Z, Individual.

Individual biographies, see table VII.
e.g.     .C37     Carleton, Guy, Sir, 1724-1808
.H34    Haldimand, Frederick, Sir, 1718-1791
.L65     Longueuil, Joseph Dominique Emmanuel Le Moyne de, 1738-1807
.M87   Murray, James, 1721-1794

Political history

412                  Political history.

Cf. JL48, English rule, 1763-1792.

413                  Military administration, 1760-1764.

414                  Québec Act, 1774.

415                  Constitutional Act, 1791.

419                  Other special topics, .A-Z.

e.g.     .P6       Pontiac’s conspiracy, 1763-1765

Canada and the American Revolution, 1775-1783.

Class here only works relating to Canada.

Cf. E201-298, The American Revolution.

420                  General works.

421                  Biography.

           .A1, Collective.

           .A2-Z, Individual.

Individual biographies, see table VII.
e.g.     .C39     Cazeau, François, 1734-1815

422                  Special topics, .A-Z.

e.g.     .A4      American Invasion, 1775-1776

Loyalists in Canada (General).

Class here only works relating to Canada. Works confined to a single province or locality are classed with the province or locality.

423                  General works.

Cf. E277-278, Loyalists.

424                  Biography and personal narratives.

           .A1, Collective.

           .A2-Z, Individual.

Individual biographies, see table VII.
e.g.     .C64     Coffin, John, 1729-1808
.J64     Johnson, John, Sir, 1742-1830
.M4     Meyers, John Walden, 1745-1821

United Empire Loyalists.

425                  Periodicals. Societies. Collections.

426                  General works.

Biography, see FC424.

427                  Anniversaries, celebrations, etc.

428                  Late Loyalists.

Biography, see FC424.

The Two Canadas, 1791-1841.

The War of 1812; control of government by privileged groups; demand for reform and the Rebellion of 1837; mission of the Earl of Durham; the Act of Union, 1841.

Works confined to a single province are classed with the province.

440                  General works.

441                  Biography.

           .A1, Collective.

           .A2-Z, Individual.

Individual biographies, see table VII.
e.g.     .B9       By, John, 1781-1836
.C64    Colborne, John, Sir, 1778-1863
.C73    Craig, James Henry, 1748-1812
.D87    Durham, Louisa Elizabeth Grey Lambton, Countess of, 1797?-1841
.D875  Durham, John George Lambton, Earl of, 1792-1840
.H42    Head, Edmund Walker, Sir, 1805-1868
.M25   McLane, David, ca. 1767-1797
.S34    Salaberry, Charles Michel d'Irumberry de, 1778-1829
.S93    Sydenham, Charles Poulett Thomson, Baron, 1799-1841

War of 1812.

Class here only works relating to Canada.
Cf. E351-364.

442                  General works.

443                  Biography and personal narratives.

           .A1, Collective.

           .A2-Z, Individual.

Individual biographies, see table VII.
e.g.     .B76     Brock, Isaac, Sir, 1769-1812
.F58    FitzGibbon, James, 1780-1863
.S4      Secord, Laura, 1775-1868

444                  Sources and documents.

445                  Diplomatic history. Causes

Cf. FC249-250, Relations with the United States.

446                  Individual battles, engagements, sieges, etc. .A-Z.

e.g.     .B4       Beaver Dams, 1813
.C5      Châteauguay, 1813
.C57    Crysler’s Farm, 1813
.E7      Erie, Fort, 1814
.E71    Erie, Lake, 1813
.L8       Lundy’s Lane, 1814
Niagara Falls, see .L8, Lundy’s Lane
.Q4      Queenston Heights, 1812
.S75    Stoney Creek, 1813
.T6      Toronto, 1813
York, see .T6, Toronto

447                  Anniversaries, celebrations, etc.

448                  Minor works. Pictorial works

449                  Special topics, .A-Z.

e.g.     .N3      Naval history

Rebellion of 1837.

450                  General works.

451                  Biography.

           .A1, Collective.

           .A2-Z, Individual.

Individual biographies, see table VII.
e.g.     .C54     Chénier, Jean Olivier, 1806-1837
.M33   Mackenzie, William Lyon, 1795-1861
.P36    Papineau, Louis Joseph, 1786-1871

Lower Canada.

452                  General works.

453                  Personal narratives.

Upper Canada.

454                  General works.

455                  Personal narratives.

457                  Special events and topics, .A-Z.

e.g.     .C3       Caroline Incident, 1838
.M6     Montgomery’s Tavern
.S16    Saint Charles, Battle of, Saint-Charles-sur-Richelieu, Québec, 1837
.S2      St-Eustache

Political history

461                  Political history.

462                  Lord Durham’s report.

463                  Act of Union, 1841

Cf. JL53, Upper and Lower Canada, 1792-1840.

468                  Other special topics, .A-Z.

e.g.     .C45     Château Clique
.F3      Family Compact

469                  General special topics, .A-Z.

e.g.     .I4        Immigration and settlement. Colonization.
Cf. JV7224.

The United Canadas, 1841-1867.

The Rebellion Losses Bill and the winning of responsible government; political deadlock; the Charlottetown and Québec conferences; union of the British North American provinces.

470                  General works.

471                  Biography.

           .A1, Collective.

           .A2-Z, Individual.

Individual biographies, see table VII.
e.g.     .B34     Baldwin, Robert, 1804-1858
.B76    Brown, George, 1818-1880
.C37    Cartier, George-Étienne, Sir, 1814-1873
.E435  Elgin, James Bruce, Earl of, 1811-1863
.G3      Galt, A. T. (Alexander Tilloch), Sir, 1817-1893
.G93    Gugy, A. (Augustus), 1796-1876
.H55    Hincks, Francis, Sir, 1807-1885
.L3       Lafontaine, L. H. (Louis Hippolyte), Sir, 1807-1864
.M25   McGee, Thomas D’Arcy, 1825-1868
.M3     McNab, Allan Napier, Sir, 1798-1862

           .5         Collected works of Canadian statespersons, .A-Z.

For subarrangement see Table VIII.

Political history.

472                  Political history.

473                  Clear Grits and “rep by pop.”

474                  Confederation movement.

Class general works covering later entries into confederation here. Later entries of individual provinces are classed with the province.

476                  Charlottetown and Québec conferences, 1864.

477                  Fathers of Confederation (as a subject).

478                  British North America Act, 1867 (Constitution Act, 1867).

Cf. JL55, The Province of Canada, 1841-1867.

479                  Other special topics, .A-Z.

e.g.     .A5      Annexation question
.C3      Choice of capital city
.R4      Reciprocity

480                  General special topics, .A-Z.

e.g.     .F4       Fenians
.I4       Immigration and settlement

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