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BACLAC - Classification for Canadian history - Class FC - Index
Intro | Policy Statements | Library Classification Schedules | Authority Records (to come) | Subject Cataloguing | Descriptive Cataloguing | Procedures (to come) | News and Updates (to come) | Other Documentation |
Aariak, Eva: FC4324.1.A27
Abbott, Douglas: FC611.A22
Abbott, John Joseph Caldwell, Sir: FC526.A22
- Administration
- 1891-1892: FC525-529
Aberhart, William: FC3674.1.A34
Abraham, Battle of the Plains of, 1759: FC386.5
Absentee landlords (P.E.I.): FC2621.3
Acadia: FC2041-2049
Acadian renaissance: FC2045
Acadians: FC2041-2049
- Expulsion, 1755-1758: FC2043.5
- In Louisiana: F380, etc.
- In New Brunswick: FC2500.5
- In Nova Scotia: FC2350.5
- In Prince Edward Island: FC2650.5
- In the United States: E184.A2
Act of Union, 1841: FC463
Addresses, essays, lectures
- see Minor works
Agrarian movements in Western Canada: FC3239.A35
Agriculture in the Red River Settlement: FC3372.9.A35
Ailleboust de Coulonge et d’Argentenay, Louis d’: FC341.A34
Air force history (General): FC236
Air force societies: FC241
Alaska boundary dispute: FC190
Alaska highway: FC4023.9.A4
Alberta: FC3651-3700
- Created a province, 1905: FC3217.3
Alexander, Lincoln M.: FC3077.1.A44
Algonquin Provincial Park: FC3065.A65
Alienation. Regionalism in the Northwest: FC3209.A4
- National: FC2
- Local, under locality
Alward, David: FC2480.1.A48
American Invasion, 1775-1776: FC422.A4
American Revolution, 1775-1783
- General: E201-298
- Canada: FC420-422
- Nova Scotia: FC2321.3
Amherst, Jeffery Amherst, Baron: FC384.1.A45
Anderson, James T. M.: FC3523.1.A53
Annand, William: FC2323.1.A55
Annexation movements
- British Columbia: FC3822.9.A5
- Canada: FC479.A5
Annexation question, 1841-1867: FC479.A5
Antiquities (Non-Indigenous)
- General: FC65
- Local, under locality
Archaeology (Non-Indigenous)
- General: FC65
- Local, under locality
Archibald, Adams George, Sir: FC2323.1.A72
Arctic boundary: FC191
Arsenault, Aubin-Edmond: FC2623.1.A78
Assiniboia (Red River Settlement): FC3372
Atlantic Provinces: FC2001-2020
Auyuittuq National Park: FC4314.A88
Back, George, Sir: FC3961.1.B32
Baffin Island: FC4345.B34
Baillairgé, Charles: FC2922.1.B35
Baldwin, Robert: FC471.B34
Ball, Dwight: FC2179.1.B35
Banff National Park : FC3664.B3
Bannatyne, Andrew Graham Ballenden : FC3372.1.B34
Baronets of Nova Scotia: FC2321.9.B3
Barrett, David: FC3828.1.B37
Barrette, Antonio: FC2924.1.B37
- see names of individual battles and wars.
Beaudoin, Louise: FC2926.1.B4
Beauharnois, François de: FC371.B42
Beauharnois scandal, 1931: FC573.B4
Beaujeu, Daniel Hyacinthe, de: FC381.B43
Beaver as emblem: FC223.B4
Beaver Dams, Battle of, 1813: FC446.B4
Bennett, R.B.: FC576.B45
- Administration
- 1930-1935: FC575-579
Bennett, W. A. C.: FC3827.1.B45
Bennett, W. R.: FC3828.1.B44
Benson, Edgar J.: FC626.B45
Bernier, Joseph-Elzéar: FC3962.1.B47
Bertrand, Jean-Jacques: FC2925.1.B47
- see Introduction and Tables II-VII.
Biculturalism: FC145.B5
Bidwell, Marshall S.: FC3071.1.B5
Bigot, François: FC381.B53
Bilingualism: FC145.B55
Binns, Pat: FC2627.1.B56
- French Canadians: FC132.1
- Governors-general: FC26.G6
- Métis: FC109.1
- National: FC25-27
- Prime ministers: FC26.P7
- Also with other topics, local history and periods.
Black Creek Pioneer Village: FC3065.B63
Black, George: FC4022.1.B53
Black, Martha Louise: FC4023.1.B53
Blair, Andrew George: FC2472.1.B56
Blake, Edward: FC506.B54
Blakeney, Allan: FC3527.1.B43
Blanchard, Jotham: FC2322.1.B53
Boer War, 1899-1902
- see South African War, 1899-1902
Bompas, William Carpenter: FC4021.1.B6
Bonner, Robert: FC3827.1.B65
Bonnycastle, R. H. G.: FC3963.1.B6
Booth, J. R.: FC2775.1.B66
Borden, Robert Laird, Sir: FC556.B67
- Administration
- 1911-1917: FC555-559
- 1917-1920: FC555-559 (Union Government)
Bouchard, T.-D.: FC2924.1.B68
Boucher, Pierre: FC306.B68
- International: FC180-192
- Interprovincial: FC200-212
Bourassa, Henri: FC556.B68
Bourassa, Robert: FC2925.1.B68
Bowell, Mackenzie, Sir: FC526.B69
- Administration
- 1894-1896: FC525-529
Bowron Lake Provincial Park: FC3815.B69
Bowser, W. J.: FC3824.1.B69
Boyle, Cavendish, Sir: FC2173.1.B69
Boyle, Joe: FC4022.1.B6
Bracken, John: FC3375.1.B7
Bradstreet, John: FC384.1.B74
Brébeuf, Jean de, Saint: FC314.B7
Bressani, Francesco Giuseppe : FC314.B74
British colonial period, 1760/63-1867: FC400-480
British Columbia: FC3801-3850
- Colony of, 1858-1871: FC3822.3
- Created a province, 1871: FC3822.8
- Union with Vancouver Island, 1866: FC3822.25
British North America Act, 1867: FC478
Broadbent, Ed: FC626.B76
Broadfoot, Barry: FC601.B76
Brock, Isaac, Sir: FC443.B76
Brown, George: FC471.B76
Brown, Rosemary: FC3828.1.B76
Browne, William J.: FC2175.1.B76
Brownlee, John Edward: FC3673.1.B76
Bruce, James, Lord Elgin: FC471.E435
Brûlé, Étienne: FC332.1.B7
Buchanan, John M.: FC2326.1.B82
Bulger, Andrew H.: FC3372.1.B84
Buteux, Jacques: FC314.B9
By, John: FC441.B9
Cabot, John: FC301.C3
Cadastres: FC312
Cadet, Joseph Michel: FC381.C3
Calgary: FC3697
Callbeck, Catherine: FC2626.1.C35
Calvert, Lorne: FC3528.1.C35
Campbell, Alexander B.: FC2625.1.C34
Campbell, Douglas Lloyd: FC3376.1.C34
Campbell, Gordon: FC3830.1.C36
Campbell, Kim: FC631.C34
- Administration
- 1993: FC630-634
Campbell, Robert: FC4021.1.C34
Canada Day: FC503.C3
Canada First movements (General): FC99
Canada, the nation, 1867- : FC500-
Canada’s first century as a nation, 1867-1967: FC500.5
Canadian citizenship: JL187, KE4351
Canadian histories: FC161-165
Canadian identity: FC97
Canadian North: FC3951-3970
Canadian Northwest: FC3201-3230
Canadian question: FC99
Canadian unity: FC98
Canadianization: JL187
Canol: FC4172.9.C3
Cape Breton Highlands National Park: FC2314.C36
Cape Breton Island: FC2343
Capital city: FC479.C3
Cardin, Lucien: FC621.C37
Cardin, P.-J.-A.: FC581.C37
Cariboo gold rush, 1859-1875: FC3822.5
Carleton, Guy, Sir: FC411.C37
Carmack, George W.: FC4022.1.C37
Carney, Patricia: FC631.C37
Caroline Incident, 1838: FC457.C3
Caron, Adolphe: FC2922.1.C37
Carson, William: FC2172.1.C37
Cartier, George-Étienne, Sir: FC471.C37
Cartier, Jacques: FC301.C37
Cartwright, George: FC2171.1.C37
Cashin, Peter: FC2175.1.C38
Catholic missions in New France: FC313-324
- Biography: FC314
Cauchon, Joseph: FC506.C32
Cazeau, François: FC421.C39
Centennial celebrations. Expo 67: FC623.C4
Chabanel, Noel, Saint: FC314.C43
Champlain, Hélène Boullé de: FC332.1.C53
Champlain, Samuel de: FC332
Chapleau, J. A.: FC2922.1.C4
Chaput-Rolland, Solange: FC2925.1.C433
Charest, Jean: FC2927.1.C45
Charlottetown: FC2646
Charlottetown conference, 1864: FC476
Château Clique: FC468.C45
Chaumonot, Pierre Joseph Marie: FC314.C44
Chauveau, Pierre-J.-Olivier: FC2922.1.C45
Chénier, Jean Olivier: FC451.C54
Chevrier, Lionel: FC581.C48
Chrétien, Jean: FC636.C47
- Administration
- 1993-2003: FC635-639
Christie, Loring: FC561.C48
- National: FC24
- Local, under locality
Church and state: KE4502-4514, BX
Citizenship: JL187, KE4351
- National: FC95
- Local, under locality
Clark, Christy: FC3830.1.C53
Clark, Glen: FC3829.1.C56
Clark, Joe: FC626.C58
- Administration
- 1979-1980: FC625-629
Clear Grits: FC473
Clergy reserves: FC409.C6
Clericalism in Québec: FC2920.C38
- General: FC177
- Local, under locality
Cochrane, Caroline: FC4174.1.C63
Coffin, John: FC424.C64
Colborne, John, Sir: FC441.C64
- National: FC15-19
- Local, under locality
- see Immigration and settlement
Columbia River Treaty, 1961/1964: FC3827.3
Comic works
- General: FC173
- Local, under locality
Company (or Community) of Habitants, 1645-1660: FC343
Company of New France, 1627-1663: FC342
Company of One Hundred Associates, 1627-1663: FC342
Company of the West Indies, 1664-1674: FC369.C6
Comprehensive histories of Canada: FC161-165
Comprehensive works on Canada: FC51
Confederation, 1867: FC474-479
- New Brunswick: FC2471.4
- Nova Scotia: FC2322.4
Confederation (late entries)
- Alberta, 1905: FC3217.3
- British Columbia, 1871: FC3822.8
- Manitoba, 1870: FC3214.8
- Newfoundland, 1949: FC2174.8
- Attitude toward: FC2170.C65
- Prince Edward Island, 1873: FC2621.4
- Saskatchewan, 1905: FC3217.3
Confederation movement: FC474
Conferences, Historical: FC10
Congresses, Historical: FC10
Conscription issue, 1917: FC557.5
Conscription issue, 1942: FC582.5
Constitution Act, 1867: FC478
Constitutional Act, 1791: FC415
Constitutional crisis, 1926: FC567
Copland, A. Dudley: FC4172.1.C69
Copps, Sheila: FC636.C66
Cornish, Francis Evans: FC3373.1.C67
Couillard, Philippe: FC2928.1.C68
Coureurs de bois: FC329.C6
Cowboys in Alberta: FC3670.C6
Craig, James Henry: FC441.C73
Creighton, Donald: FC151.C74
Crosbie, John: FC631.C76
- National: FC95
- Local, under locality
Cumberland rising, 1776: FC2321.35
Currie, Arthur, Sir: FC556.C87
Customs scandal, 1926: FC568.C8
Daniel, Antoine, Saint: FC314.D35
Davin, Nicholas Flood: FC3217.1.D39
Davis, William G.: FC3076.1.D38
Dawson, Yukon: FC4047
De Cosmos, Amor: FC3823.1.D4
Denison, George T.: FC3072.1.D45
Denonville, Jacques René de Brisay, marquis de: FC362.1.D6
Denys, Nicholas: FC2042.D45
Depression of 1929: FC577
- On the Prairies: FC3242.9.D35
- In Saskatchewan: FC3523.9.D4
Des Barres, Joseph F. W.: FC2621.1.D48
Description and travel
- National: FC70-76
- Local, under locality
Devine, Grant: FC3527.1.D48
Dexter, Darnell: FC2329.1.D49
- National: FC23
- Local, under locality
Diefenbaker, Edna May: FC541.D54
Diefenbaker, John G.: FC616.D53
- Administration
- 1957-1963: FC615-619
Dinosaur Provincial Park: FC3665.D56
Diplomatic history
- General: FC242
- War of 1812: FC445
- Early 20th century: FC542
- Late 20th century: FC602
- 21st century: FC642
- Relations with individual countries and groups of countries: FC243-251
- National: FC31
- Social: FC32
- Local, under locality
Discovery and exploration
- General: FC179
- To 1603
- America (General): E101-135
- Canada: FC300-302
- La Vérendrye’s explorations: FC3211.3
- Northwest coast region, 1821-1849: FC3821.6
National: FC15-19
- Local, under locality
Doer, Gary: FC3379.1.D64
Dollard des Ormeaux, Adam: FC341.D64
Dominion Day: FC503.C3
Dorchester, Sir Guy Carleton, Baron: FC411.C37
Dosanjh, Ujjal: FC3829.1.D67
Douglas, James, Sir: FC3822.1.D68
Douglas, T. C.: FC3525.1.D68
Drew, George A.: FC3075.1.D74
Droughts on the Prairies: FC3242.9.D76
Drury, E. C.: FC3073.1.D78
Duceppe, Gilles: FC636.D82
Dufferin and Ava, Frederick Temple
- Hamilton-Temple-Blackwood, Marquis of: FC506.D8
Du Gua de Monts, Pierre: FC332.1.D8
Dumas, Jean Daniel: FC384.1.D85
Dumont, Gabriel: FC3217.1.D84
Dumont, Mario: FC2926.1.D58
Duncan, Pat: FC4025.1.D86
Dunderdale, Kathy: FC2178.1.D85
Dunlop, William: FC3071.1.D84
Dunsmuir, James: FC3823.1.D85
Duplessis, Maurice: FC2924.1.D86
Durham, John George Lambton, Earl of: FC441.D875
Durham, Louisa Elizabeth Grey Lambton, Countess of: FC441.D87
Eastern Townships: FC2943
Edmonton: FC3696
Elements in the population
Canada: FC104-106
- Local, under locality
Elgin, James Bruce, Earl of: FC471.E435
Ellesmere Island: FC4345.E55
Emmerson, Henry Robert: FC2472.1.E45
National: FC23
- Local, under locality
English-French relations (General): FC144-145
English rule, 1629-1632: FC339.E5
English-speaking Canadians
- General: FC141
Québec: FC2950.5
- General: FC177
- Local, under locality
Era of the trading companies, 1627/32-1663: FC340-349
Erie, Fort, Siege of, 1814: FC446.E7
Erie, Lake, Battle of, 1813: FC446.E71
- see Minor works
Ethnic groups
Canada: FC104-106
- Local, under locality
Eves, Ernie: FC3078.1.E94
Examinations, questions: FC61
Exhibitions, exhibits
National: FC21
- Local, under locality
- see Discovery and exploration
Expulsion of the Acadians, 1755-1758: FC2043.5
External relations
- see Foreign relations
Family Compact: FC468.F3
Fascism in Canada, 1935-1948: FC583.F38
Fathers of Confederation: FC477
Federal-provincial conferences (General): FC255
Federal-provincial relations: JL27
Fenians: FC480.F4
Fentie, Dennis: FC4025.1.F46
Ferguson, G. Howard: FC3074.1.F47
Fidler, Peter: FC3212.1.F53
Filmon, Gary: FC3378.1.F55
First Nations: E77-99
Fish Creek Provincial Park: FC3665.F38
Fisheries and
Early discoveries: FC302.F5
Early Newfoundland history: FC2170.F5
FitzGibbon, James: FC443.F58
Fleming, Donald M.: FC616.F58
Ford, Doug: FC3080.1.F67
Foreign relations
- General: FC242
Relations with individual countries and groups of countries: FC243-251
International relations: JZ1515
Forget Scandal: FC2923.9.F5
Forillon National Park: FC2914.F58
Fort Langley: FC3814.F67
Fort Lennox: FC2914.F6
Forty-ninth parallel: FC185-188
Foster, George E., Sir: FC526.F67
Franklin, John, Sir: FC3961.1.F73
Search for: FC3961.3
Fraser, Simon: FC3212.1.F73
Fraser River gold rush, 1858-1859: FC3822.4
Fredericton: FC2496
Freedom of trade in the Northwest, 1821-1870: FC3213.9.F7
French, George Arthur, Sir: FC3216.3.F74
French and Indian War, 1755-1763
- see Seven Years War, 1755-1763
French Canadians
- General: FC131-139
- Local, under locality
French-English relations (General): FC144
French language in Québec: FC2920.F7
French on Hudson Bay: FC3211.2
French régime: FC305-389
Acadia: FC2041-2049
Early years: FC330-339
Royal colony: FC350-389
Trading companies control: FC340-349
Front de libération du Québec: FC2925.9.O25
Frontenac, Louis de Buade, comte de: FC362
Frontier, The: FC179
Frost, Leslie M.: FC3075.1.F7
Fundy National Park: FC2464.F85
Fur trade in British Columbia (Maritime): FC3821.3
Fur trade in the Northwest: FC3207-3214
Furey, Andrew: FC2179.1.F87
Gaglardi, Phil: FC3827.1.G34
Gallant, Brian: FC2480.1.G35
Galt, A. T., Sir: FC471.G3
Gardiner, James G.: FC3524.1.G37
Garneau, F. X.: FC151.G37
Garson, Stuart: FC3375.1.G37
Gatineau (National Capital Region): FC2796
Gaulle, Charles de, 1890-1970 and Québec: FC248.G38
National: FC35
- Local, under locality
Genealogical societies
National: FC5
- Local, under locality
General comprehensive works on Canada: FC51
Geographic names
National: FC36
- Local, under locality
Getty, Donald: FC3675.1.G48
Ghiz, Joe: FC2626.1.G45
Ghiz, Robert: FC2628.1.G45
Ghost towns
Alberta: FC3670.G4
British Columbia: FC3820.G4
Gilbert, Humphrey, Sir: FC301.G55
Gillis, Clarence: FC2325.1.G54
Glacier National Park: FC3814.G52
Godbout, Adelard: FC2924.1.G62
Gold mining in British Columbia: FC3820.G6
Gold rush
Cariboo, 1859-1875: FC3822.5
Fraser River, 1858-1859: FC3822.4
Klondike, 1896-1899: FC4022.3
Golden Ears Provincial Park: FC3815.G64
Gordon, Walter L.: FC621.G67
Gore, Francis: FC3071.1.G67
Gouin, Lomer: FC2923.1.G68
Gouin, Paul: FC2924.1.G68
Gourlay, Robert: FC3071.1.G68
Gowan, James Robert, Sir: FC3073.1.G693
Graham, Shawn: FC2479.1.G73
Grand Pre National Historic Park: FC2314.G72
Grant, Cuthbert: FC109.1.G73
Gray, John Hamilton: FC2621.1.G72
Great Bear Lake: FC4195.G74
Great Lakes Basin
- see St. Lawrence River - Great Lakes Basin
Great Lakes boundary: FC183
Green belt (National Capital Region): FC2799.G7
Green Gables, Prince Edward Island National Park: FC2614.G74
Greenfield, Herbert: FC3673.1.G74
Greenwater Lake Provincial Park Region: FC3515.G7
Greenway, Thomas: FC3373.1.G74
Grenfell, Wilfred Thomason, Sir: FC2193.3.G7
Grey Owl: FC541.G75
Grimes, Roger: FC2177.1.G75
Gros Morne National Park: FC2164.G76
Grossman, Allan: FC3076.1.G76
Gugy, A.: FC471.G93
- General: FC38
- Local, under locality
Habitants, Company (or Community) of, 1645-1660: FC343
Haldimand, Frederick, Sir: FC411.H34
Halifax: FC2346
Halifax Citadel National Historic Park: FC2314.H34
Halliburton, Brenton, Sir: FC2322.1.H3
Hamilton: FC3098
Hamilton, Alvin: FC616.1.H365
Hamm, John F.: FC2328.1.H36
Hanbridge, R. L.: FC3526.1.H35
- General: FC38
- Local, under locality
Handley, Joe: FC4174.1.H36
Harcourt, Michael: FC3829.1.H37
Hardisty, Richard Charles: FC3213.1.H37
Hargrave, Letitia: FC3213.1.H38
Harper, Stephen: FC651.H37
- Administration
- 2006-2015: FC650-654
Harris, Mike: FC3078.1.H37
Hart, John: FC3826.1.H38
Hatfield, Richard: FC2476.1.H3
Haultain, Frederick, Sir: FC3217.1.H38
Head, Edmund Walker, Sir: FC441.H42
Head, Francis B.: FC3071.1.H43
Heaps, A. A.: FC581.H42
Hearne, Samuel: FC3212.1.H42
Hébert, Jacques: FC631.H42
Hébert, Louis: FC332.1.H4
Henday, Anthony: FC3211.1.H45
Hennepin, Louis: FC362.1.H45
Henry, George Stewart: FC3074.1.H45
Hepburn, Mitchell F.: FC3075.1.H46
Herschel Island (Qikiqtaruk) Territorial Park: FC4015.H4
Higgs, Blaine: FC2480.1.H54
Hincks, Francis, Sir: FC471.H55
Historians, Canadian: FC150-151
Historic sites and monuments
- General: FC215
- Local, under locality
Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada: FC215.9
Historical conferences: FC10
Historical congresses: FC10
Historical geography
- Boundaries
- International: FC180-192
- Interprovincial: FC200-212
- General: FC179
Historical societies
- National: FC4
- Programs, reports etc.: FC152
- Local, under locality
Histories of Canada: FC161-165
- Canada: FC149-158
- Local, under locality
Hoare, W. H. B.: FC4172.1.H63
Holway, Edward W. D.: FC218.H65
Horgan, John: FC3831.1.H67
Houston, Tim: FC2330.1.H68
Howe, C. D.: FC611.H69
Howe, Joseph: FC2322.1.H6
Hudson, Henry: FC3211.1.H8
Hudson Bay region (General): FC3969
Hudson’s Bay Company
- History: FC3207
- Journals: FC3212.2
- Monopoly, 1821-1870: FC3213
- Rivalry with French: FC3211
- Rivalry with North West Company: FC3212
- Sale of Territories to Canada, 1869: FC3213.2
Hughes, Sam, Sir: FC556.H84
Huronia. Huron missions: FC321
Ignatieff, George: FC601.I45
- see Pictorial works
Immigration and settlement (Canada)
- 1760-1791: FC409.I4
- 1791-1841: FC469.I4
- 1841-1867: FC480.I4
- 1896-1948: FC548.I4
- 1948-2006: FC608.I4
- 2006- : FC648.I4
Immigration and settlement (Local)
- Alberta
- 1905-1921: FC3672.9.I45
- British Columbia
- 1849-1871: FC3822.9.I4
- Canadian Northwest
- General: FC3209.I4
- 1870-1905: FC3217.4
- 1905-1945: FC3218.2
- Nova Scotia
- Early to 1784: FC2321
- Ontario
- General: FC3070.I4
- Prairies
- 1905-1945: FC3242.9.I4
- Québec
- 1897-1936: FC2923.9.I4
- 1936-1960: FC2924.9.I4
- 1960-1994: FC2925.9.I4
- 1994-2003: FC2926.9.I4
- 2003-2012: FC2927.9.I4
- 2012- : FC2928.9.I4
- Saskatchewan
- 1905-1929: FC3522.3
Immigration literature
- National: FC41-49
- Local, under locality
Imperial Order of the Daughters of the
- Empire: FC8.I4
Imperial preference: FC558.I4
Independence movements in Québec: FC2925.9.I5
Indigenous peoples:
- First Nations and Inuit in Canada: E77-99.
- For Métis: FC108-129.
Indigenous rights: E77-99
Innis, Harold A.: FC151.I55
Institutions (History): FC152
Intellectual life
- National: FC95
- Local, under locality
International boundaries: FC180-192
International Joint Commission: FC250.I6
International problems of the St. Lawrence River: FC2759.I5
Interprovincial boundaries: FC200-212
Interprovincial cooperation on the Prairies: FC3243.9.I5
Interprovincial relations: JL27
Inuit: E77-99
Iqaluit: FC4346
Isbister, A. K.: FC3213.1.I82
James Bay project: FC2925.9.J3
Jasper National Park: FC3664.J3
Jean, Michaëlle: FC651.J43
Jesuit Estates: FC2922.9.J4
- Missions: BV2290
Jesuits in New France: FC315-321
- Huronia. Huron missions: FC321
- Journal: FC319
- Relations: FC317-318
Jogues, Isaac, Saint: FC314.J6
Johnson, Albert: FC4172.1.J6
Johnson, Byron I.: FC3826.1.J64
Johnson, Daniel, 1915-1968: FC2925.1.J63
Johnson, Daniel, 1944- : FC2926.1.J65
Johnson, John, Sir: FC424.J64
Jolliet, Louis: FC362.1.J6
Jones, J. Walter: FC2624.1.J65
Juvenile works
- General: FC58
- History: FC172
- Local, under locality
Keenleyside, Hugh Ll.: FC541.K43
Kejimkujik National Park: FC2314.K4
Kelsey, Henry: FC3211.1.K44
Kenney, Jason: FC3676.1.K46
Killarney Provincial Park: FC3065.K5
King, Dennis: FC2629.1.K56
King, George Edwin: FC2472.1.K55
King, Richard: FC3961.1.K56
King, William Lyon Mackenzie: FC581.K5
- Administrations
- 1921-1926: FC560-569
- 1926-1930: FC570-574
- 1935-1948: FC580-584
King George’s War, 1744-1748: FC382
King William’s War, 1689-1697: FC363
King’s Landing Historical Settlement: FC2465.K5
Klein, Ralph: FC3675.1.K54
Klondike gold rush, 1896-1899: FC4022.3
Klondike Gold Rush International Historic Park: FC4014.K56
Kluane National Park: FC4014.K59
Knowles, Stanley: FC601.K59
Ku Klux Klan in Saskatchewan: FC3523.9.K8
Labelle, A.: FC2922.1.L32
Labrador: FC2193
- Boundary dispute: FC203
La Brosse, Jean Baptiste de: FC314.L328
Lachine Raid, 1689: FC369.L3
Laflamme, R.: FC526.L34
Laflèche, Louis-François: FC2922.1.L34
Lafontaine, L. H., Sir: FC471.L3
La Galissonière, Roland-Michel Barrin, marquis de: FC381.L33
Lagimodière, Marie Anne: FC3213.1.L34
Lahontan, Louis Armand de Lon d’Arce, baron de: FC362.1.L33
Lake of the Woods boundary: FC184
Lake Superior Provincial Park: FC3065.L4
Lalemant, Gabriel, Saint: FC314.L27
LaMarsh, Judy: FC621.L34
Lambton, John George, Earl of Durham: FC441.D875
Landry, Bernard: FC2926.1.L35
Landry, Pierre-Amand, Sir: FC2042.L35
Langevin, Hector: FC2922.1.L357
Language policy in Québec
- 1897-1936: FC2923.9.L3
- 1960-1994: FC2925.9.L26
Language rights: FC145.L3, JL67
Lapointe, Ernest: FC581.L36
Laporte, Pierre: FC2925.1.L35
La Salle, Robert Cavelier de: FC362.1.L37
Late Loyalists: FC428
La Tour, Charles de Saint-Étienne de: FC2321.1.L27
Laurendeau, André: FC2925.1.L39
Laurier, Wilfrid, Sir: FC551.L3
- Administration
- 1896-1911: FC550-554
Laval, François de Montmorency: FC362.1.L38
La Vérendrye, Pierre Gaultier de Varennes et de: FC3211.1.L39
- Explorations: FC3211.3
Lawrence, Guy: FC4023.1.L39
- General: FC177
- Local, under locality
Le Ber, Jeanne: FC351.L42
- see Minor works
Legault, François : FC2929.1.L44
Léger, Jules: FC626.L43
Le Jeune, Paul: FC314.L43
Le Loutre, Jean-Louis: FC2042.L44
Le Moyne d’Iberville, Pierre: FC362.1.L45
Lesage, Jean: FC2925.1.L47
Lévesque, René: FC2925.1.L5
Lévis, François-Gaston, duc de: FC384.1.L49
Lloyd, Woodrow Stanley: FC3525.1.L56
Longueuil, Joseph Dominique Emmanuel Le Moyne de: FC411.L65
Lord, Bernard: FC2478.1.L67
Lougheed, Peter: FC3675.1.L69
- Siege and capture, 1745: FC383
- Siege and capture, 1758: FC385
Louisbourg National Historic Park: FC2314.L68
Lower Fort Garry National Historic Park: FC3364.L68
Loyalists in
- Canada: FC423-428
- New Brunswick: FC24271.3
- Nova Scotia: FC2321.4
- Ontario: FC3070.L6
- Prince Edward Island: FC2620.L6
- Québec: FC2920.L6
Lundy’s Lane, Battle of, 1814: FC446.L8
McBride, Richard, Sir: FC3824.1.M25
McColl, Ebenezer: FC3217.1.M32
McCrae, John: FC556.M42 Cf. PS8525
McDermot, Andrew: FC3372.1.M25
Macdonald, Angus L.: FC2325.1.M32
McDonald, Archibald: FC3213.1.M22
MacDonald, Donald C.: FC3076.1.M23
Macdonald, Hugh John, Sir: FC3374.1.M24
Macdonald, John A., Sir: FC521.M3
- Administrations
- 1867-1873: FC510-514
- 1878-1891: FC520-524
- Collected works: FC507.M3
Macdonald of Earnscliffe, Agnes Macdonald, Baroness: FC521.M28
McDonald, Piers: FC4025.1.M33
MacDonald, Rodney: FC2328.1.M33
Macdonell, Miles: FC3212.41.M26
McDougall, John: FC3217.1.M33
McDougall, William: FC3373.1.M26
MacEwan, Grant: FC3675.1.M234
McGee, Thomas D’Arcy: FC471.M25
McGibbon, Pauline: FC3076.1.M35
McGillivray, William: FC3212.1.M45
McKenna, Frank: FC2477.1.M34
Mackenzie, Alexander, Sir: FC3212.1.M46
Mackenzie, Alexander
- Administration
- 1873-1878: FC515-519
Mackenzie, William Lyon: FC451.M33
- Administration
- 1921-1926: FC560-569
- 1926-1930: FC570-574
Mackenzie River Valley: FC4194
McGuinty, Dalton: FC3079.1.M45
McLane, David: FC441.M25
MacLauchlan, Wade: FC2628.1.M33
MacLellan, Russell: FC2327.1.M35
McLeod, Bob: FC4174.1.M35
Macleod, James Farquharson: FC3216.3.M32
McLoughlin, John: FC3213.1.M29
McNab, Allan Napier, Sir: FC471.M3
McNeil, Stephen: FC2329.1.M33
Macphail, Agnes Campbell: FC541.M27
McQuesten, Thomas B.: FC3075.1.M33
Mactavish, William: FC3213.1.M32
Maine boundary dispute: FC182
Maisonneuve, Paul de Chomedey de: FC341.M33
Mance, Jeanne: FC306.M35
Manion, R. J.: FC581.M36
Manitoba: FC3351-3400
- Created a province, 1870: FC3214.8
Manitoba school question: FC528.M3
Manning, Ernest C.: FC3674.1.M35
Manning, Preston: FC636.M36
Manning Provincial Park: FC3815.M35
Marchand, F. G.: FC2923.1.M37
Marchand, Jean: FC626.M37
Maritime fur trade in British Columbia: FC3821.3
Maritime Provinces: FC2021-2050
Maritime Union: FC2039.M37
Marois, Pauline: FC2926.1.M37
Marquette, Jacques: FC362.1.M37
Martin, Paul, 1903-1992: FC621.M37
Martin, Paul, 1938- : FC636.M37
- Administration
- 2003-2006: FC635-639
Martin, William Melville: FC3522.1.M37
Massey, Vincent: FC611.M37
Medicare in Saskatchewan: FC3525.9.M4
Meighen, Arthur: FC556.M44
- Administrations
- 1920-1921: FC555-559
- 1926: FC560-569
Mercier, Honoré: FC2922.1.M47
Merritt, William Hamilton: FC3071.1.M4
Methodology: FC154
Métis: FC108-129
- Rebellions
- 1869-1870: FC3214
- 1885: FC3215
Metlakahtla mission: FC3822.9.M4
Meyers, John Walden: FC424.M4
Military administration, 1760-1764: FC413
Military history
- General: FC226
- Early 20th century: FC543
- Late 20th century: FC603
- 21st century: FC643
Military societies: FC241
Miller, Arthur: FC3829.1.M55
Milligan, Keith: FC2626.1.M55
Minor works
- General: FC60
- History: FC176
- Local, under locality
Moberly, Walter: FC3823.1.M62
Moe, Scott: FC3529.1.M64
Monarchy, attitudes toward: FC246.M6
Montcalm, Louis-Joseph, marquis de: FC384.1.M6
Montgomery’s Tavern, Battle of, 1837: FC457.M6
Montmagny, Charles Hault de: FC341.M65
Montréal: FC2947
Monts, Pierre Du Gua: FC332.1.D8
Monuments, Historic
- see Historic sites and monuments
Moores, Frank D.: FC2176.1.M66
Moravian missions: FC2193.7.M6
Morice, A. G.: FC3824.1.M67
Morin, Don: FC4173.1.M67
Morris, Alexander: FC3373.1.M67
Mount Revelstoke National Park: FC3814.M69
Mountaineering: FC216-219
Mountains of Canada
- General: FC216-219
- Rocky Mountains: FC219
- Local, under locality
Mowat, Oliver, Sir: FC3072.1.M68
Mulroney, Brian: FC631.M84
- Administration
- 1984-1993: FC630-634
Mulroney, Mila: FC631.M85
Multiculturalism: FC105.M8
Multilingualism: FC105.M85
Murphy, Emily F.: FC541.M7
Murray, George Henry: FC2324.1.M87
Murray, James: FC411.M87
- National: FC21
- Local, under locality
Nahanni National Park: FC4164.N34
National Capital Region: FC2781-2800
National Historic Park
- see National Historic Sites
National Historic Site
- Grand-Pré : FC2314.G72
- Halifax Citadel: FC2314.H34
- Fortress of Louisbourg: FC2314.L68
- Lower Fort Garry: FC3364.L68
- Port-Royal: FC2314.P67
- Signal Hill: FC2164.S5
- Fort Langley: FC3814.F67
- Rocky Mountain House: FC3664. R62
National Park (canadian)
- Auyuittuq: FC4314.A88
- Banff: FC3664.B3
- Cape Breton Highlands: FC2314.C36
- Forillon: FC2914.F58
- Fundy: FC2464.F85
- Glacier: FC3814.G52
- Gros-Morne: FC2164.G76
- Jasper: FC3664.J3
- Kejimkujik : FC2314.K4
- Kluane: FC4014.K59
- Mount Revelstoke: FC3814.M69
- Nahanni : FC4164.N34
- Pacific Rim : FC3814.P3
- Point Pelee: FC3064.P65
- Prince Albert: FC3514.P75
- Riding Mountain : FC3364.R53
- Thousand Islands: FC3064.S4
- Waterton Lakes: FC3664.W38
- Yoho: FC3814.Y65
National Park (Québécois)
- du Bic : FC2915.B52
- du Fjord-du-Saguenay : FC2915.S33
- du Mont-Orford : FC2915.O7
- du Mont-Tremblant : FC2915.M65
National and Provincial Parks
- General: FC215
- Local, under locality
National Parks and Historic Sites (Canadian)
- Alberta: FC3664
- British Columbia: FC3814
- Manitoba : FC3364
- New Brunswick: FC2464
- Newfoundland and Labrador: FC2164
- Nova Scotia: FC2314
- Northwest Territoiries: FC4164
- Nunavut: FC4314
- Ontario: FC3064
- Prince Edward Island: FC2614
- Québec: FC2914
- Saskatchewan: FC3514
- Yukon: FC4014
National Parks, Wildlife Sanctuaries and Historic Sites (Québec): FC2915
Nationalism in Québec
- General: FC2920.N38
- 1867-1897: FC2922.9.N3
- 1897-1936: FC2923.9.N3
- 1936-1960: FC2924.9.N3
- 1960-1994: FC2925.9.N3
- 1994-2003: FC2926.9.N3
- 2003-2012: FC2927.9.N3
- 2012- : FC2928.9.N3
Natural resources of Alberta: FC3670.N3
Naval history
- General: FC231
- War of 1812: FC449.N3
Naval societies: FC241
New Brunswick: FC2451-2500
New Englander settlement in Nova Scotia, 1760-1761: FC2321.25
New France, 1603-1760/63: FC305-389
New France, Company of, 1627-1663: FC342
New Québec: FC2944
Newfoundland and Labrador: FC2151-2200
- Created a province, 1949: FC2174.8
Niagara Falls, Battle of, 1814: FC446.L8
Nicholson, A. M.: FC3525.1.N52
Nicolet, Jean: FC341.N5
Nootka Sound controversy: FC3821.9.N6
Norman, E. Herbert: FC611.N67
Norquay, John: FC3373.1.N67
Norris, Tobias Crawford: FC3374.1.N67
North Pole: G600-839
North West Company: FC3212.3
Northern Alberta: FC3694
Northern boundary: FC191
Northern Manitoba: FC3393
Northern Ontario: FC3094
Northern Québec: FC2944
Northern Saskatchewan: FC3543
Northwest coast region, 1821-1849: FC3821.6
Northwest Company
- see North West Company
Northwest Mounted Police: FC3216
Northwest passage: FC3961.2
Northwest Rebellion, 1885: FC3215
Northwest Territories: FC4151-4200
Notley, Rachel: FC3676.1.N68
Nova Scotia: FC2301-2350
Nunavut: FC4301-4350
October crisis in Québec: FC2925.9.O25
Ogden, Peter Skene: FC3213.1.O34
Ogilvie, William: FC4022.1.O38
Oka crisis, 1990: FC2925.9.O6
Okalik, Paul: FC4324.1.O33
Oliver, John: FC3825.1.O45
Oliver, William Pearly: FC2326.1.O45
One Hundred Associates, Company of, 1627-1663: FC342
Ontario: FC3051-3100
Ostashek, John: FC4024.1.O88
Ottawa: FC3096
- National Capital Region: FC2795
Ottawa River and Valley: FC2771-2780
Outlines of Canadian history: FC171
Overland telegraph: FC3822.9.O9
Pacific Rim National Park Reserve: FC3814.P3
Pacific Scandal, 1873: FC513.P3
Pallister, Brian: FC3380.1.P35
Pamphlet box material
- General: FC177
- Local, under locality
Papineau, Louis Joseph: FC451.P36
Parc provincial des Laurentides
- see Réserve faunique des Laurentides
Parc provincial du Bic
- see Parc national du Bic
Parc provincial du Mont-Orford
- see Parc national du Mont-Orford
Parc provincial du Mont-Tremblant
- see Parc national du Mont-Tremblant
Parc provincial du Saguenay
- see Parc national du Fjord-du-Saguenay
Parc national du Bic: FC2915.B52
Parc national du Mont-Tremblant: FC2915.M65
Parc natiional du Mont-Orford: FC2915.O7
Parc du Fjord-du-Saguenay: FC2915.S33
Parent, S. N.: FC2923.1.P37
Paris, Treaty of, 1763: FC387
Parizeau, Jacques: FC2926.1.P37
Parkman, Francis: FC305
- General: FC215
- Local, under locality
Pasloski, Darrell: FC4025.1.P37
Patriotic societies: FC8
Patterson, William John: FC3524.1.P38
Pattullo, Duff: FC3826.1.P37
Pawley, Howard: FC3377.1.P39
Payette, Lise: FC2925.1.P39
Peace River Block, B.C.: FC3843
Peace River District: FC3693
Péan, Michel-Jean-Hugues: FC381.P43
Pearson, Chris: FC4024.1.P43
Pearson, Lester B.: FC621.P4
- Administration
- 1963-1968: FC620-624
Peckford, Brian A.: FC2176.1.P43
Penikett, Tony: FC4024.1.P46
- First Nations: E77-99
- French Canadians: FC131
- Historical
- National: FC1
- Local, under locality
- Hudson’s Bay Company: FC3207.1
- Inuit: E77-99
- Métis: FC108
- Mountains and mountaineering: FC216
- Royal Canadian Mounted Police: FC3216.1
- United Empire Loyalists: FC425
Peters, Frederick: FC2622.1.P48
Peterson, David: FC3076.1.P48
Petitot, Emile: FC3962.1.P4
Peyton, John: FC2171.1.P4
Phelps, Willard: FC4024.1.P54
Phillips, Donald: FC218.P48
Philosophy of Canadian history: FC158
Pichon, Thomas: FC2042.P35
Pictorial works
- General: FC59
- History: FC174
- Local, under locality
Pipeline debate: FC613.P5
Plains of Abraham, Battle of the, 1759: FC386.5
Point Pelee National Park: FC3064.P65
Point Roberts boundary: FC188
Pond, Peter: FC3212.1.P65
Pontiac’s conspiracy, 1763-1765: FC419.P6
Populism on the Prairies: FC3242.9.P6
Port Royal Habitation National Historic Park: FC2314.P67
Potts, Jerry: FC3216.3.P68
Poundmaker: E99.C88
Powell, Ben: FC2193.3.P69
Power, C. G.: FC581.P69
Power policy in British Columbia: FC3827.9.P6
Prairie Economic Council: FC3243.9.P7
Prairie Provinces: FC3231-3250
Prince Albert National Park: FC3514.P75
Prince Edward Island: FC2601-2650
- Created a province, 1873: FC2621.4
Protestant missions in New France: FC325-326
Provincial Park
- Algonquin : FC3065.A65
- Bowron Lake: FC3815.B69
- Dinosaur: FC3665.D56
- E.C. Manning : FC3815.M35
- Fish Creek : FC3665.F38
- Golden Ears : FC3815.G64
- Greenwater Lake: FC3515.G7
- Killarney : FC3065.K5
- Lake Superior : FC3065.L4
- Quetico : FC3065.Q4
- Strathcona : FC3815.587
- Wells Gray : FC3815.W44
- Whiteshell: FC3365.W48
Provincial parks
- General: FC215
Provincial Parks and Historic Sites
- Alberta : FC3665
- British Columbia: FC3815
- Manitoba : FC3365
- New Brunswick: FC2465
- Newfoundland and Labrador: FC2165
- Northwest Territories see Territorial Parks
- Nova Scotia: FC2315
- Nunavut see Territorial Parks and Historic Sites
- Ontario : FC3065
- Prince-Edward Island: FC2615
- Québec
- see National Parks, Wildlife Sanctuaries and Historic Sites (Québecois)
- Saskatchewan: FC3515
- Yukon see Territorial Parks
Purchase of Hudson’s Bay Company’s territories, 1869: FC3213.2
Québec (City): FC2946
Québec (Province): FC2901-2950
Québec Act, 1774: FC414
Québec campaign, 1759: FC386
Québec conference, 1864: FC476
Queen Anne’s War, 1702-1713: FC372
Queenston Heights, Battle of, 1812: FC446.Q4
Quetico Provincial Park: FC3065.Q4
Racial groups
- Canada: FC104-106
- Local, under locality
Radisson, Pierre-Esprit: FC3211.1.R33
Rae, Bob: FC3077.1.R34
Rae, John: FC3961.1.R33
Ragueneau, Paul: FC314.R3
Railway policy. Railway and politics
- 1867-1896: FC508.R3
- 1896-1911: FC553.R3
Railway question in British Columbia: FC3823.3
Ranching in Alberta: FC3670.R3
Rebellion of 1837: FC450-457
- 1841-1867: FC479.R4
- 1867-1878: FC508.R4
- 1878-1891: FC523.R4
- 1891-1896: FC528.R4
- 1896-1911: FC553.R4
Recollets in New France: FC322
Reconstruction and veterans’ re-establishment after 1918: FC558.R4
Reconstruction Party: FC578.R4
Red River Rebellion, 1869-1870: FC3214
Red River Settlement, 1811-1870: FC3372
- Early years to 1821: FC3212.4
Redford, Alison: FC3675.1.R43
Referendum in Québec
- 1960-1994: FC2925.9.R4
- 1994-2003: FC2926.9.R4
Regan, Gerald A.: FC2326.1.R44
Regimental histories: UA602
Regina: FC3546
Regina Riot, 1935: FC578.R44
Religious groups with historical significance
- Canada: FC104-106
- Local, under locality
“Rep by pop”: FC473
Research: FC154
Réserve faunique des Laurentides: FC2915.L3
Réserves fauniques (Québec): FC2915
Rhyming histories
- General: FC175
- Local, under locality
Richardson, John, Sir: FC3961.1.R52
Riding Mountain National Park: FC3364.R53
Riel, Louis: FC3217.1.R53
- Rebellions
- 1869-1870: FC3214
- 1885: FC3215
Robarts, John P.: FC3076.1.R62
Roberval, Jean-François de la Rocque, sieur de: FC301.R63
Robichaud, Louis J.: FC2475.1.R62
Robie, Simon Bradstreet: FC2322.1.R63
Robinson, John Beverly, Sir: FC3071.1.R6
Roblin, Duff: FC3376.1.R62
Roblin, Rodmond Palen, Sir: FC3374.1.R62
Rocky Mountain House National Historic Park: FC3664.R62
Rocky Mountains: FC219
Rogers, Edith: FC3375.1.R63
Roland, Floyd: FC4174.1.R65
Romanow, Roy: FC3528.1.R66
Ross, Alexander: FC3372.1.R68
Ross, George W., Sir: FC3072.1.R68
Ross, John, Sir: FC3961.1.R68
Rowand, John: FC3213.1.R69
Royal Canadian Legion: FC241.R6
Royal Canadian Mounted Police: FC3216
Royal colony, 1663-1760/63: FC350-389
Royal Engineers in British Columbia: FC3822.9.R6
Royal Northwest Mounted Police: FC3216
Royal visits: FC223.R6
Rupert’s Land purchased by Canada, 1869: FC3213.2
Russell, Peter: FC3071.1.R87
Rutherford, Alexander Cameron: FC3672.1.R88
Ryan, Claude: FC2925.1.R9
Ryerson, Egerton: FC3071.1.R94
Saint Charles, Battle of, 1837: FC457.S16
St. Eustache, Battle of, 1837: FC457.S2
Saint John, N.B.: FC2497
St. John’s, Newfoundland: FC2196
St-Laurent, Louis S.: FC611.S24
- Administration
- 1948-1957: FC610-614
St. Lawrence Islands National Park: FC3064.S4
St. Lawrence River boundary: FC183
St. Lawrence River - Great Lakes Basin: FC2751-2770
- Transportation route: FC2762.2,
- HD1694.A2, HE396, HE398, HE399-401
St. Lawrence Seaway: FC2763.2
- Authority: HD1694.A2
- Construction: TC427
- Waterway: HE396
Salaberry, Charles Michel d’Irumberry de: FC441.S34
San Juan Islands boundary: FC189
Saskatchewan: FC3501-3550
- Created a province, 1905: FC3217.3
Saskatchewan Rebellion, 1885: FC3215
Saskatchewan River and Valley: FC3544
Saskatoon: FC3547
Satirical works
- General: FC173
- Local, under locality
Sauvé, Arthur: FC576.S38
Sauvé, Jeanne: FC626.S38
Sauvé, Paul: FC2924.1.S29
Savage, John: FC2327.1.S28
Savikataaq, Joe: FC4324.1.S28
Schreyer, Edward: FC3377.1.S37
Scott, Walter: FC3522.1.S36
Seaton, Sir John Colborne, Baron: FC441.C64
Secord, Laura: FC443.S4
Seigneurial tenure: FC310
Seigneuries: FC311
Selinger, Greg: FC3379.1.S44
Selkirk, Thomas Douglas, Earl of: FC3212.41.S44
Selkirk controversy: FC3212.4
- The Prairies: FC3239.S4
- Québec (Province)
- 1897-1936: FC2923.9.S4
- 1936-1960: FC2924.9.S4
- 1960-1994: FC2925.9.S4
- 1994-2003: FC2926.9.S4
- 2003-2012: FC2927.9.S4
- 2012- : FC2928.9.S4
- Western: FC3219.9.S4
Separatist movements
- General: FC98
- Local, under locality
- see Immigration and settlement
Seven Years War, 1755-1763: FC384-387
Sévigny, Albert: FC2923.1.S49
Shadd, Mary A.: FC506.S53
Shaw, Walter R.: FC2625.1.S53
Shea, Ambrose, Sir: FC2173.1.S54
- Atlantic Provinces: FC2019.S5
- British Columbia: FC3820.S5
- Newfoundland and Labrador: FC2170.S5
- Nova Scotia: FC2320.S5
Sifton, Arthur Lewis: FC3672.1.S53
Sifton, Clifford, Sir: FC551.S53
Signal Hill National Historic Park: FC2164.S5
Silver, Sandy: FC4026.1.S55
Simcoe, Elizabeth: FC3071.1.S54
Simcoe, John Graves: FC3071.1.S55
Simpson, George, Sir: FC3213.1.S5
Simpson, Jimmy: FC218.S54
Simpson, Thomas: FC3213.1.S53
Sioux troubles, 1862-1865: FC3213.9.S5
Sitting Bull: E99.D1
Smallwood, Joseph R.: FC2175.1.S63
Snow, James: FC3076.1.S66
Social directories. Social registers
- National: FC32
- Local, under locality
Social life and customs
- National: FC85-90
- Local, under locality
Social security: FC608.S6
Societies, Genealogical
- see Genealogical societies
Societies, Historical
- see Historical societies
- National: FC15-19
- Local, under locality
South African War, 1899-1902
- General: DT1890-1920
- Effect in Canada: FC553.S6
South Nahanni River: FC4195.S6
Southern boundary: FC181
Stanfield, Robert L.: FC626.S73
Steele, Samuel B.: FC3216.3.S77
Stelmach, Ed: FC3675.1.S74
Stevens, H. H.: FC576.S74
Stevens, Sinclair: FC631.S74
Stewart, Charles: FC3672.1.S75
Stoney Creek, Battle of, 1813: FC446.S75
Strachan, John: FC3071.1.S86
Strachan, Robert Martin: FC3828.1.S7
Strathcona and Mount Royal, Donald Alexander Smith, Baron: FC506.S9
Strathcona Provincial Park: FC3815.S87
Strom, Harry E.: FC3674.1.S78
Study and teaching: FC155
Sullivan, William Wilfred, Sir: FC2622.1.S84
Sulpicians in New France: FC323
Sydenham, Charles Poulett Thomson, Baron: FC441.S93
Syllabi for Canadian history: FC171
Taillon, Louis-Olivier: FC2922.1.T34
Talbot, Thomas: FC3071.1.T36
Talon, Jean: FC362.1.T34
Tanner, John: FC3213.1.T36
Taptuna, Peter: FC4324.1.T37
Taschereau, Louis-Alexandre: FC2923.1.T38
Territorial expansion: FC179
Territorial government, 1875-1905: FC3217.2
Territorial Parks and Historic Sites
- Nunavut: FC4315
- Northwest Territories: FC4165
- Yukon: FC4015
Territorial waters: FC192
- International law: KZA1500
- General: FC57
- History: FC170
Thatcher, Ross: FC3526.1.T48
Thompson, David: FC3212.1.T46
Thompson, John S. D., Sir: FC526.T4
Tilley, Samuel Leonard, Sir: FC2472.1.T55
Tobin, Brian: FC2177.1.T62
Tolmie, Simon Fraser: FC3825.1.T64
Toronto: FC3097
- Capture, 1813: FC446.T6
Trading companies, Era of the, 1627/32-1663: FC340-349
Transportation via St. Paul, Minnesota: FC3213.9.T7
- National: FC70-76
- Local, under locality
Treaty of Paris, 1763: FC387
Tremblay, Emilie: FC4023.1.T74
Troyes’ Expedition, 1686: FC369.T76
Trudeau, Justin: FC656.T78
- Administration
- 2015- : FC655-659
Trudeau, Margaret: FC626.T69
Trudeau, Pierre Elliot: FC626.T7
- Administration
- 1968-1979: FC625-629
- 1980-1984: FC625-629
Trudel, Marcel : FC151.T78
Tulk, Beaton: FC2177.1.T85
Tupper, Charles, Sir: FC526.T8
- Administration
- 1896 : FC525-529
Turner, John N.: FC626.T87
- Administration
- 1984: FC625-629
Underhill, Frank H.: FC151.U53
Ungava, District of, N.W.T., 1895-1912: FC2944
Uniacke, Richard John: FC2322.1.U55
Union, Act of, 1841: FC463
Union Government, 1917-1921: FC558.U5
United Empire Loyalists: FC425-427
Upper Canada Villiage: FC3065.U66
Vallières, Pierre: FC2925.1.V35
Vancouver: FC3847
Vancouver Island: FC3844
- Colony of, 1849-1866: FC3822.2
- Union with British Columbia, 1866: FC3822.25
Vanier, Georges P.: FC621.V35
Vander Zalm, William N.: FC3828.1.V35
Vaudreuil de Cavagnal, Pierre François de Rigaud, marquis de: FC381.V3
Vaudreuil, Philippe de Rigaud, marquis de: FC371.V3
Verchères, Madeleine de: FC351.V47
Veterans’ organizations: FC241
Veterans’ re-establishment after 1918: FC558.R4
Victoria: FC3846
Village historique acadien: FC2465.V55
Voyageurs in the Northwest: FC3209.V69
Waddington, Alfred: FC3822.1.W33
Walkem, George Anthony: FC3823.1.W34
Wall, Brad: FC3529.1.W35
War of the Austrian Succession: FC382
War of 1812
- General: E351-364
- Canada: FC442-449
- Nova Scotia: FC2322.3
War of the League of Augsburg: FC363
War of the Spanish Succession: FC372
Waterton Lakes National Park: FC3664.W38
Wells, Clyde: FC2177.1.W45
Wells Gray Provincial Park: FC3815.W44
Wentworth Heritabe Village: FC3065.W46
Wentworth, John, Sir: FC2322.1.W46
West Indies, Company of the, 1664-1674: FC369.C6
Western Ontario: FC3093
Weston, Hiliary: FC3078.1.W47
Wheeler, Arthur O.: FC218.W44
Whelan, Edward: FC2621.1.W43
Whitehorse: FC4046
Whiteshell Provincial Park: FC3365.W48
Whitney, James Pliny, Sir: FC3073.1.W53
Wildlife sanctuaries (Québec): FC2915
Williams, Danny: FC2178.1.W55
Winnipeg: FC3396
Woikin, Emma: FC581.W65
Wolfe, James: FC384.1.W6
Woodsworth, J. S.: FC581.W66
World War I, 1914-1918
- General: D501-680
- Effect in Canada: FC557
World War II, 1939-1945
- General: D731-838
- Effect in Canada: FC582
Wright, Philemon: FC2775.1.W75
Wynne, Kathleen: FC3079.1.W95
- National: FC2
- Local, under locality
Yellowknife: FC4196
Yoho National Park: FC3814.Y65
York, Battle of, 1813: FC446.T6
Yukon: FC4001-40