GC Data Conference 2023/networking


GC Data Conference 2023: Leveraging Data to Advance Innovation, February 22 & 23, 2023

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  • Data Science Network
  • The Data Science Network for the Federal Public Service is a new data science community that will facilitate data science capacity building and sharing of data science methods across the Government of Canada, allowing the public service as a whole to benefit from the use of automation and new data sources. The Network users share information on training, best practices, cutting-edge projects and more.

  • Data Talent
  • More info coming soon

  • Digital Community
  • In the public service, members of the digital community are leaders in transforming how the government works and delivers services. We have the opportunity, scale and reach to build tools and services for all of Canada.

    Our community includes:

    • the traditional domain of Information Technology, the people responsible for enabling technical transformation
    • information and data management
    • data analytics
    • data science

  • Information Management & Data Leaders
  • The GC Enterprise Data Community of Practice draws data and information practitioners of all varieties, independent of level or area of practice. The goal of the community is to build a space for sharing information and raising awareness related to data practices and activities across the GC.

  • People & Culture
  • People and Culture Working Group (PCWG) is a community forum for learning, knowledge sharing, and collaboration. We connect on common priorities and challenges to share best practices and lived experiences on all things data. Inclusivity is at our bedrock where we invite data practitioners and stakeholders of all classifications and levels with diverse educational and professional backgrounds to participate.

    Our mandate is to transmit the knowledge and value of data to transform the people and culture around data and data literacy. Critical inquiry and reflection on issues and challenges faced by the community provide opportunity for collective intelligence building and collaborative approaches to problem-solving, which can create new ways of thinking and doing. In turn, members can bring back knowledge and ideas to their networks and advance discussions further.

  • Public Sector Experimentation
  • The Public Sector Experimentation team team aim to create the conditions for more widespread innovation across the public service.

    Their efforts are supported by a three-point framework:

    • demonstration projects (learning by doing);
    • community building (learning events and information sharing); and
    • research (exploring new and enabling methodologies).

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→ Click here to join the GC Data Conference 2023 Slack workspace. Enter your email address and follow the instructions to create an account or log in.

Once you're logged in, you'll find a list of channels on the left organized by topic or event session.

You can start by introducing yourself in the #welcome-bienvenue channel, and then joining any channel you're interested in.

For example, in the below image, the channel highlighted in blue is for Day 1 (February 22, 2023), plenary session from 10:30 - 11:00 am. Once you've selected that channel, you can begin typing to share your thoughts on the "Conference opening" with other participants.


If you're experiencing technical difficulties, or would like to learn more about using Slack, please visit the Slack Help Centre.

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