GC Web Priorities-September 22 2021 - Priorités Web du GC-22 septembre 2021

Revision as of 16:09, 23 September 2021 by Arianna.merritt (talk | contribs)


1. Updates

Notes and action items

  1. Updates


  • Task Success: First GC Task success working group meeting is tomorrow. If you want to be in this meeting, please contact Peter Smith ([[1]]).
  • Communications: We are working on a DTO Communique, Web managers email and a blog post
  • Design System: As part of the GC Design system project, we are planning to run some usability tests shortly. We will ask participants to try to perform tasks in different design systems so we can learn how different systems support findability.

Research participants needed

We're looking for 3-5 participants from each of these streams:

  • Web comms: web or electronic communication advisors, web writers, content designers, etc.
  • Designers: interaction designers, service designers, etc.
  • Developers: publishers, coders, developers, etc.

We'd like to get representation from several different departments.

Our goal is to start the testing next week (week of September 27). We expect the tests to take about 30 minutes. The sessions will be recorded, but the research insights will be anonymous.

If you're interested in participating in the study, please send an email to david.pepin@tbs-stc.gc.ca or reach out to me on Slack.



  • Minor updates to travel pages this week:
    • ArriveCAN landing page
    • Exposure page
    • Vaccinated travellers
    • Foreign national content in the Travel wizard


  • Continuing on Proof of vaccination page to make sure links are updated
  • IRCC is working with PHAC on content


  • Canada.ca has updated the banner to leaves as it’s the first day of fall
  • With the recent Cabinet shuffles, PP is ready to support departments with updating Ministerial profiles


  • Thank ISC, CIRNAC, and PCH for getting the pages up for National Day of Truth & Reconciliation (September 30th)
  • Encourage people to work with PP on Ministerial Profile Pages when time is right.


  • National Day of Truth & Reconciliation - If you need any promotional graphics for National Day of Truth & Reconciliation (September 30th) or have any questions, please reach out to katherine.snow@canada.ca
  • Looking for guidance for strat comms officer about c-58 with accessibility issues
  1. Review of JamBoard exercise
  • Shared areas of focus and opened it up for discussion
  1. Discussion around publishing long documents like transition materials (C58)

A good discussion was had where colleagues shared how they approach issues with extremely long documents like transition materials.

  • Accessibility is extremely important - prepping the content creators ahead of time saves headaches
  • Style guide is important but choose your battles as timelines are often short, moving to an approach where the Canada.ca style guide is applied for all comms products since nearly everything ends up on the web, will help with this issue in the long run
  • Moving to a “design for digital first” approach can also help adjust the content development process
    • **be careful to develop a product that still flows into the overall Canada.ca experience and IA

Brian Golden & Michael Lawson both have some checklists and documentation to help advise teams who are developing this content ahead of time so that the documents are in better shape for web publishing. They’ll share resources through the Slack channel and have been invited to present what they have to the group at a future meeting.

Thank you for the discussion. If you have any other comments, please let us know.

Ordre du jour

1. Mises à jour

Notes et actions à prendre