Federal Youth Network/Career Boot Camp

Career Boot Camp event banner
Presented by the Federal Youth Network

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Career Boot Camp

Since 2011, the Federal Youth Network (FYN) has annually hosted Career Boot Camp (CBC), a learning series offered in partnership with the Canada School of Public Service, offering workshops, group discussions, mentoring sessions and kiosks for new and young public servants navigating their public service careers. In 2019, CBC held 15 events in 14 cities across Canada with over 2,000 learners.

This year, CBC2021 is 100% virtual!  From coast-to-coast-to-coast, public servants will have access to his conference-style series of incredible presentations and workshops.  It will give you the tools you need to take charge of your career. Don’t miss out!

Want to start prepping for CBC2021?

Find out about FYN’s Virtual Learning Series and events leading up to CBC2021.

You especially don't want to miss the Optimizing Your Career Boot Camp Experience event on January 11th!

How to Register


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Who can attend CBC?

While the Federal Youth Network caters to public servants in the first 5-10 years of their career, CBC is open to all Federal public servants.

How do I register?

Registration is available in English and French.

Are the VLS sessions in December required to attend CBC?

The January 11th session and all of the December Virtual Learning Series programming is optional, but it is intended for those who want to optimize their experience.

How does a virtual conference work?

CBC does not require workshop selection so once you register, you may attend the events that interest you. We do recommend that you get manager approval and block time in your calendar to dedicate to the sessions you wish to attend. If you do not internally dedicate time to CBC, work will take over and you will miss this once-a-year opportunity!

Do I need to have a GCCampus account to register for CBC?

You do not need to use your GCCampus account to register, but we do recommend that you use your GC email if possible. This way, we can identify that you are a public servant.

Will my manager allow me work time to attend the events?

Check with your manager to find out what rules are in place in your department for learning and development. If necessary, complete a learning application to ensure time is set aside for you to attend the conference. Ensure that you continue to put Career Boot Camp into your annual Learning Plan. Highlight to your manager that it is free this year and there is no travel required.

Can I attend all of the CBC events?

You are welcome to attend as many CBC events as you wish. Do keep in mind that some sessions are duplicated to offer a choice of official language.

Can students attend?

Students currently working in the GC are welcome to attend.

What are the other events (book chat, twitter chat, mixers, etc.)?

There are many types of learners, so we have other learning opportunities planned during CBC. These events will take place after hours (for most regions), allowing for full attendance of those working in operations.

What time code do I use?

Talk to your manager about coding your time, if necessary

When will I get the links to the sessions?

The links to the sessions will come in a reminder email from CSPS closer to the event. If you received your confirmation of registration, you should expect your reminder to go to the same email address.

How do I know who the speakers are? Can I get access to their bios?

FYN will provide supplementary information about CBC on this page. Check back often for updates.

Will sessions be recoded?

The sessions will be recorded but not all recordings will be available for viewing due to accessibility and official language regulations. For this season, we recommend attending in-person.

What platforms do I need in order to attend?

You will need access to Zoom, the internet, and http://collaboratevideo.net/test/cs

My department does not support Zoom. Can I still participate?

If your work devices do not support Zoom, we suggest you use a personal device to attend these sessions.


Présenté par le Réseau des jeunes fonctionnaires fédéraux

Camp de carrières

Depuis 2011, le Réseau des jeunes fonctionnaires fédéraux organise chaque année le Camp des carrières (CDC), une série d'apprentissages offerte en partenariat avec l'École de la fonction publique du Canada, offrant des ateliers, des discussions de groupe, des séances de mentorat et des kiosques pour les nouveaux et les jeunes fonctionnaires qui naviguent dans leur carrière. En 2019, CDC a organisé 15 événements dans 14 villes du Canada avec plus de 2000 apprenants.

Cette année, CDC2021 est 100% virtuel! D'un océan à l'autre, les fonctionnaires auront accès à des conférences et des ateliers incroyables. Le CDC vous donnera les outils dont vous avez besoin pour prendre en charge votre carrière. Ne le manquez pas!

Vous voulez vous préparer pour le CDC2021?

Découvrez la Série d’apprentissages virtuels du RJFF et les événements menant au CDC2021.

Vous ne voulez surtout pas manquer l'événement : « Optimisation de votre Camp de carrières » le 11 janvier!

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