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The Anti-Racism Ambassadors Network
<nowiki>The Anti-Racism Ambassadors Network | Le Réseau des ambassadeurs de la lutte contre le racisme</nowiki>
== '''The Anti-Racism Ambassadors Network''' ==
='''The Anti-Racism Ambassadors Network (ARAN)'''=
The Anti-Racism Ambassadors Network (the Network) was established to support existing efforts in the public service to '''dismantle systemic racism with an intersectional lens''' . The Network aims to create a space for public servants in Canada at the municipal, provincial, territorial and federal level, to share knowledge, spread information and take action.  
The Anti-Racism Ambassadors Network (the Network) was established to support existing efforts in the public service to '''dismantle systemic racism with an intersectional lens'''. The Network aims to create a space for public servants in Canada at the municipal, provincial, territorial and federal level, to share knowledge, spread information and take action.
The Anti-Racism Ambassadors Network (the Network) was established to support existing efforts in the public service to dismantle systemic racism with an intersectional lens. The Network aims to create a space for public servants in Canada at the municipal, provincial, territorial and federal level, to share knowledge, spread information and take action.  
ARAN is different in that it is a grass-roots group of public servants volunteering from across Canada and not tied to any Government organization. Currently the Network acts as a community mobilizer and connector to collect, amplify, house and disseminate information and resources on Anti-Racism activity for all to use. In doing so, it will also amplify the work being done by BIPOC colleagues and connect all people working in this space.  
<abbr>ARAN</abbr> is different in that it is a grass-roots group of public servants volunteering from across Canada and not tied to any Government organization. Currently the Network acts as a community mobilizer and connector to collect, amplify, house and disseminate information and resources on Anti-Racism activity for all to use. In doing so, it will also amplify the work being done by <abbr>BIPOC</abbr> colleagues and connect all people working in this space.
It will also serve as a network to encourage and support members in taking practical action to dismantle systemic racism. We recognize that this is a community effort and it will take collective partnerships and action to affect change. This includes but is not limited to the work of existing networks like the Black Employees Network(s), Indigenous Employee Network(s), Visible Minorities Network(s), Federal Black Employees Caucus (FBEC), 2SLGBTQIA+/Pride networks and other similar communities as well as resources from organizations and departments standing up their own Anti-Racism units.  
It will also serve as a network to encourage and support members in taking practical action to dismantle systemic racism. We recognize that this is a community effort, and it will take collective partnerships and action to affect change. This includes but is not limited to the work of existing networks like the Black Employees Network(s), Indigenous Employee Network(s), Visible Minorities Network(s), Federal Black Employees Caucus (FBEC), 2SLGBTQIA+/Pride networks and other similar communities as well as resources from organizations and departments standing up their own Anti-Racism units.
As this Network grows, it aims to help bridge and identify gaps in the area of Anti-Racism across public service organizations in Canada where feasible.
As this Network grows, it aims to help bridge and identify gaps in the area of Anti-Racism across public service organizations in Canada where feasible.
To stay connected to information and resources by subscribing to our distribution list, please click '''[Https://gmail.us17.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=047e72e0ac9534f0e7347760d&id=b073304c40 Here]'''
To stay connected to information and resources by subscribing to our distribution list, please click '''[Https://gmail.us17.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=047e72e0ac9534f0e7347760d&id=b073304c40 Here]'''
== '''Current Work in Progress'''  ==
* Developing an online site to house information and resources provided by Network members and all communities in this space.  
* Developing a draft mandate/core principles for the Network and its longevity.  
=='''Le Réseau des ambassadeurs de la lutte contre le racisme (RALR)'''==
Le Réseau des ambassadeurs de la lutte contre le racisme (le Réseau) a été créé pour soutenir les efforts déployés dans la fonction publique afin de '''démanteler le racisme systémique dans une approche intersectionnelle'''. Le Réseau vise à créer un espace pour les fonctionnaires du Canada aux niveaux municipal, provincial, territorial et fédéral, en vue de partager des connaissances, de diffuser de l'information et d'agir.
* Drafting a glossary of key terms used in this space for common understanding.  
Le RALR est différent en ce sens qu'il s'agit d'une inspiration issue de fonctionnaires bénévoles de partout au Canada qui n'est liée à aucune organisation gouvernementale. Actuellement, le Réseau agit en tant que mobilisateur et connecteur communautaire pour recueillir, amplifier, héberger et diffuser des informations et des ressources concernant les activités de lutte contre le racisme afin que tout le monde puisse les utiliser. Ce faisant, il amplifiera également le travail effectué par les collègues du personnel autochtones, noirs et de couleur (PANDC) et connectera toutes les personnes travaillant dans cet espace.
* Connecting with horizontal networks and communities across departments to build an inter-organizational group for monthly check-ins and knowledge exchange.
En outre, il servira de réseau pour encourager et soutenir les membres à prendre des mesures pratiques pour démanteler le racisme systémique. Nous reconnaissons qu'il s'agit d'un effort communautaire et qu'il faudra des partenariats et des actions collectives pour obtenir des changements. Cela inclut, sans s'y limiter, le travail des réseaux existants tels que le(s) Réseau(s) des employés noirs, le(s) Réseau(s) des employés autochtones, le(s) Réseau(s) des minorités visibles, le Caucus fédéral des employés noirs (FBEC), les réseaux 2SLGBTQIA+/Fierté et d'autres communautés similaires, ainsi que les ressources des organisations et des ministères qui mettent en place leurs propres unités de lutte contre le racisme.
* Sharing information about events or resources to the slowly growing Network  
Au fur et à mesure que ce Réseau se développe, il vise à aider à combler et à identifier les lacunes dans le domaine de la lutte contre le racisme dans les organisations de la fonction publique au Canada, dans la mesure du possible.
== '''Twitter / GC Collab'''  ==
== '''Current Work in Progress'''  ==
[https://twitter.com/aranetwork_ps Twitter: Anti Racism Ambassadors Network]
* Developing an online site to house information and resources provided by Network members and all communities in this space.  
[[gccollab:groups/profile/5752038/enanti-racism-ambassadors-networkfr|GC Collab: Anti Racism Ambassadors Network]]
* Connecting with horizontal networks and communities across departments to build an inter-organizational group for monthly check-ins and knowledge exchange.
'''Slack''': aran-publicservants.slack.com
* Sharing information about events or resources to the slowly growing Network  
'''Email''': Aranpublicservants@gmail.com
== '''Travaux en cours''' ==
== '''How Can I Get Involved''' ==
There a'''r'''e a number of ways to get involved and thank you to everyone who has already indicated how they can participate and support the growth of the Network.
* Represent your organization - f you are already part of a network working in this space, consider representing your group at inter-departmental/inter-organizational check-ins and stay tuned into what others are doing and help minimize operating in silos.
* Share resources - if you have relevant educational information, templates, resources, events to promote or other informational/material of value, please share it with the Network.  
* Mettre en place un site en ligne pour héberger les informations et les ressources fournies par les membres du réseau et toutes les communautés dans cet espace.
* Établir des contacts avec les réseaux horizontaux et les communautés des différents ministères afin de créer un groupe inter-organisationnel pour des rencontres mensuelles et l'échange de connaissances.
* Partager des informations sur des événements ou des ressources avec le réseau qui se construit lentement.
* Offer Your Subject Matter Expertise (SME)* - We were so excited to see a large number of you with expertise in a range of topics. As activity in this space continues to grow across departments, there will be a need for SMEs, as speakers or facilitators to support events. Consider offering to be contacted and included on our list of SMEs for folks and the Network to reach out to you.  
== '''Twitter / GC Collab / Slack / Email/Links'''  ==
[https://twitter.com/aranetwork_ps Twitter: Anti Racism Ambassadors Network]
* Volunteer - As  activity in this space increases, volunteers may be needed across various events. By being on our volunteer list, you will receive information about    call-outs for volunteer support at these activities where you can consider offering your time. Thank you to everyone who has already signed up to be contacted for this.  
[https://teams.microsoft.com/l/team/19%3AZy6_RB1KDDriN8EOkrzIkypdje5U9t5RdSOGGqIV9tg1%40thread.tacv2/conversations?groupId=77e383b9-1520-4870-a8b1-5be14ca9e9aa&tenantId=f6a7234d-bc9b-4520-ad5f-70669c2c7a9c GCXchange: Anti Racism Ambassadors Network - Ambassadeurs du Reseau anti-Racisme]
* Slack: [[aran-pubicservants.slack.com]] If you are doing active work in this space, consider joining the Slack workspace to connect with others for knowledge exchange, access resources and information about events, and keep the dialogue going. Since the link to join is only active for a limited amount of time, please contact us to add you to the workspace.  
Thank you for your passion and commitment to supporting this important work.  We look forward to working with you and growing together.
== '''Upcoming Anti-Racism Events''' ==
[[gccollab:groups/profile/5752038/enanti-racism-ambassadors-networkfr|GC Collab: The Anti-Racism Ambassadors Network]]
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== '''Event Details''' ==
== '''Détails de l'événement''' ==
|'''Career Discussions with Newer Black Public Servants'''
Feb 16, 2021 02:30 PM in Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Hear about how newer black public servants’ navigate their career path. They will share their lived experiences, including obstacles that they faced and how they managed them and the impact to their career. Has mentoring, and networking helped them achieve success thus far?
[[/wiki.gccollab.ca/International Equity Collective|International Equity Collective]]
'''Moderator''' : Ingrid Coles
[https://teams.microsoft.com/l/team/19%3AbbbIiRhaH0c6JGHbIV2Om7oGYhU9fwY-GbM9j8ztBPc1%40thread.tacv2/conversations?groupId=bda69da0-0336-4369-b629-8f548e8b2149&tenantId=f6a7234d-bc9b-4520-ad5f-70669c2c7a9c Data Equity Network]
'''Panelists :''' Adwoa Gyasi-Nimako, Liz Martin, Imanzi Kayitare, Davy Sabourin
[https://open.spotify.com/show/13MaDKa3uMGr7El726qbzJ IDEEA-nomics podcast]
'''Closing remarks:''' Minister Bardish Chagger
[[ARAN Employment Equity Act Review]]
[https://trello.com/b/jvPOpcye/aran-community-resource-library ARAN - Community Resource Library | Trello]
|'''Discussions de carrière avec des hauts dirigeants noirs'''
Feb 16, 2021 2:30 PM in Eastern Time (États-Unis et Canada)
Découvrez comment les nouveaux fonctionnaires noirs naviguent dans leur cheminement de carrière. Ils partageront leurs expériences vécues, y compris les obstacles auxquels ils ont été confrontés et la façon dont ils les ont gérées et l’impact sur leur carrière. Le mentorat et le réseautage les ont-ils aidés à réussir jusqu’à maintenant?
[[ARAN Letter to the Clerk]]
'''Modérateur :''' Ingrid Coles
[https://www.linkedin.com/company/anti-racism-ambassadors-network/ LinkedN]
'''Panélistes :''' Adwoa Gyasi-Nimako, Liz Martin, Imanzi Kayitare, Davy Sabourin
[https://can01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Feepurl.us17.list-manage.com%2Ftrack%2Fclick%3Fu%3D047e72e0ac9534f0e7347760d%26id%3D3370c0a896%26e%3D6d41ee1c86&data=04%7C01%7Cdeepika.grover%40fin.gc.ca%7Cf2f530c218aa4d9d155a08d9f8a7d4ba%7Cc8d186b6faab43fb98c018a0dfa65ac1%7C0%7C0%7C637814223489443821%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C3000&sdata=fsOS3xpwbNgMj%2Fk2uM2%2BXFUkvHF6KbcpwO7kyQ4eYHc%3D&reserved=0 ARAN Overview Deck - GoogleDoc]
'''Remarques finales :''' Ministre Bardish Chagger
[[GC Diversity Networks - Réseaux de la-diversité-du GC|Interdepartmental Diversity Networks]]
== '''How Can I Get Involved''' ==
There are a number of ways to get involved and thank you to everyone who has already indicated how they can participate and support the growth of the Network.
|'''Leadership in Action: Paths to Eliminate Anti-Black Racism'''
* Represent your organization - if you are already part of a network working in this space, consider representing your group at inter-departmental/inter-organizational check-ins and stay tuned into what others are doing and help minimize operating in silos. These occur monthly and if you would like to attend, please send us an [[email]].
Date & Time: February 17, 2021 | 1:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. EST
A call for dedicated actions to address systemic Anti-Black racism within our institutions, organizations, and communities has generated new pathways to develop and strengthen leadership.  Public sector leaders have committed to lead differently and foster diversity and inclusion in their respective departments and agencies as well as in the delivery of their service to Canadians. We invite you to join us for a discussion with academics and public servants leading anti-racism, diversity, and inclusion initiatives to take a step forward in empowering yourself.
* Share resources - if you have relevant educational information, templates, resources, events to promote or other informational/material of value, please share it with the Network.  
'''RSVP''' https://ipac-anti-racism.eventbrite.ca
* Offer Your Subject Matter Expertise (SME)* - We were so excited to see a large number of you with expertise in a range of topics. As activity in this space continues to grow across departments, there will be a need for SMEs, as speakers or facilitators to support events. Consider offering to be contacted and included on our list of SMEs for folks and the Network to reach out to you.  
'''Cost:  Free Admission'''
* Volunteer - As  activity in this space increases, volunteers may be needed across various events. By being on our volunteer list, you will receive information about call-outs for volunteer support at these activities where you can consider offering your time. Thank you to everyone who has already signed up to be contacted for this.
'''Keynote by:''' Nombuso Dlamini, Assistant Professor at York University
Thank you for your passion and commitment to supporting this important work.  We look forward to working with you and growing together.
'''Remarks by:'''
Gina Wilson, DM, Diversity and Inclusion and Youth; an
Bill Matthews, DM, Public Services and Procurement Canada, and DM Ally for the UN Decade for People of African Descent
|'''Leadership en action : des voies pour éliminer le racisme anti-noir'''
Date et heure : 17 février 2021 | 13h00 - 14h30 HNE
Un appel à des actions dédiées pour lutter contre le racisme systémique anti-noir au sein de nos institutions, organisations et communautés a généré de nouvelles voies pour développer et renforcer le leadership.  Les dirigeants du secteur public se sont engagés à diriger différemment et à favoriser la diversité et l’inclusion dans leurs ministères et organismes respectifs ainsi que dans la prestation de leurs services aux Canadiens. Nous vous invitons à vous joindre à nous pour discuter avec des universitaires et des fonctionnaires qui mènent des initiatives de lutte contre le racisme, de diversité et d’inclusion afin de faire un pas en avant dans l’autonomisation.
'''RSVP:''' https://ipac-anti-racism.eventbrite.ca
'''Coût: Entrée gratuite'''
'''Discours liminaire par:''' Nombuso Dlamini, professeure associée de l’Université York.
'''Allocutions liminaires par:'''
Gina Wilson, SM, Diversité et Inclusion et Jeunesse; et
Bill Matthews, SM, Services publics et de l’approvisionnement Canada, et SM allié pour la Décennie des Nations Unies pour les personnes d’ascendance africaine;
|'''Career Discussions with Senior Black Leadership'''
Feb 18, 2021 02:00 PM in Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Experienced black leaders share their journey on how they got where they are. They will talk about maximizing their skill sets, and how the colour of their skin affected their career path. The discussion will touch on the role of finding mentors, sponsors, networking and the importance of matching your interest with your career goals.
'''Moderator:''' Joyce Lawson & Liz Martin
'''Panelists:''' Roxane Lee, Sena Paradis, Darren Ruck, Heather Hamilton
'''Link''' https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_mQOnQ5deTZOdERIxzsfeUw
|'''Discussions de carrière avec des hauts dirigeants noirs'''
Feb 18, 2021 02:00 PM in Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Des leaders noirs expérimentés racontent leur parcours sur la façon dont ils sont arrivés là où ils sont. Ils parleront de maximiser leurs compétences et de l'impact de la couleur de leur peau sur leur cheminement de carrière. La discussion portera sur le rôle de trouver des mentors, des parrains, le réseautage et l'importance de faire correspondre vos intérêts avec vos objectifs de carrière.
'''Modératrice :''' Joyce Lawson & Liz Martin
'''Conférenciers :''' Roxane Lee, Sena Paradis, Darren Ruck, Heather Hamilton
'''Link''': https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_mQOnQ5deTZOdERIxzsfeUw
== '''Anti-Racism Resources''' ==
{| class="wikitable"
|Centre on Diversity and Inclusion (CDI) :
|At the Centre on Diversity and Inclusion, we want to build a truly diverse and inclusive public service with empathy and co-development at the heart of our work. By engaging with Employment Equity (EE) and equity-seeking groups, we will work to ensure that your voices are heard and that your lived experiences inform our work. We are excited to lead and work with others on cross-departmental initiatives to make the most significant impact across the federal public service.  
|[https://gcconnex.gc.ca/groups/profile/42886322/centre-on-diversity-and-inclusion-cdi-centre-sur-la-diversite-et-linclusion-cdi?language=en Centre on Diversity and Inclusion (CDI) :]
The Indigenous Learning Series
|The Indigenous Learning Series aims to build understanding of Canada’s shared history and how it impacts us today.
As Indigenous employees, we are largely aware of our own cultures and histories. But it is sometimes interesting to browse through content to see what it includes and whether it represents your experience accurately and respectfully. The Indigenous Learning Series is a way for Indigenous employees to learn about other Indigenous groups that they may not identify with or would simply like to know more about.
|[http://www.csps-efpc.gc.ca/ils-eng.aspx The Indigenous Learning Series]
|Black Employees Network
|The Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat (TBS) Black Employees Network (the BEN) was launched in June 2020 to provide a safe space to discuss barriers faced by Black employees within TBS and the Government of Canada. It is also a safe space to have real conversations about inclusion, anti‑black racism and discrimination. The BEN provides a unique opportunity to be part of a forum to reflect upon the reality of racism and discrimination in the workplace.
|[https://gcconnex.gc.ca/groups/about/65834006 The Black Employees Network]
== '''Who Are We?''' ==
The Network itself is the collective group of folks who wish to be involved and engaged in dismantling systemic racism across the public service in Canada, this includes you. 
The team below are the folks who have been coordinating ARAN to date outside of their working hours. We are not experts in Anti-Racism, but rather a group of motivated public servants looking to identify and fill a gap. At this time, we are working to set up the Network and lay the foundation.  
Meet the co-collaborators:
'''Aalya Dhanani Essa (She/Her)'''
Twitter: @AalyaDE
* Aalya is a community connector and policy professional currently involved in a data transformation endeavour with Transport Canada. She holds a B.A. in    Psychology and an M.A. in Sociology with specialization in Feminist and Gender Studies.
* Aalya brings her insight and experience of working across horizontal communities, including her experience working on GBA+, and mental-health training to the team. This includes her time volunteering as a crisis-line counsellor for sexual assault victims and at the Royal Ottawa Mental Health Centre.
* Her personal lived  experiences as a POC in the South Asian diaspora, educational/professional background and passion and commitment to support efforts that dismantle systemic racism led her to the Network.
'''Muhammed (Ali) Khan (He/Him)'''
Twitter: @AliKhanGC
* Ali works at Service Canada and has years of experience building networks within the public service.  
* He looks forward to working with his colleagues to continue to promote Anti-Racism within the public sector.
'''Barâa Arar (She/Her)'''
* Barâa Arar works at Shared Services Canada as a program officer in Equity, Diversity and Inclusion.
* Before joining the Federal Government, she worked alongside a number of charities and non-profit organizations on matters of social justice.
* She holds a Master’s degree in History from the University of Toronto.
'''Elisabeth Martin (She/Her)'''
* Elisabeth (Liz) was born and raised in France. She decided to settle in British Columbia after visiting South Africa.
* Liz became a Public Servant 10 years ago. Her three favourite words are “why?” and “why not?” Her mantra is “Purpose over popularity”.
* Liz challenges status quos and unassumed biases and she believes in the power of grassroots movements.
* She graduated from a law school in France. Her time spent as a Black student in law school gave her    powerful insight into systemic racism and she brings these insights to the Network.  
'''Glennys Egan (She/Her)'''
Twitter: @gleegz
* Glennys is a recent addition to the public service, working on program policy and design at the Public Health Agency of Canada.
* She brings years of experience of working at the community and policy level in the non-profit sector, supporting and advocating for vulnerable youth in Canada and East Africa. She has also sat on the Board of Directors of the Ottawa Rape Crisis Centre, an anti-oppressive feminist organization.
* Glennys holds a B.A. in Political Science and Human Rights and an M.A. in Political Economy.
'''Sarah Patrick (She/Her)'''
* Sarah is a recent graduate of Carleton University's Gender Studies B.A. program where she focused on queerness, disability, and class. She aims to leverage her privilege to amplify the work being done to end white supremacy, and challenge other white people to educate themselves and do better.
* She currently works at Shared Services Canada (SSC) as the Gender and Technology and Student Lead    to the Chief Information Officer. Sarah is co-chair of SSC’s LGBTQ2IA+  Network.
* Sarah also brings her experience in non profit and local activism to the table.
'''Vickie Patacairk (She/Her)'''
Twitter: @VLPatacairk
== '''Comment puis-je m'impliquer?''' ==
* Vickie is a long time Public Servant and advocate for Accessibility and Inclusion. Her strong  background in HR and work in Unconscious Bias are the driving force of her mission statement.
Il y a plusieurs façons de s'impliquer et nous remercions toutes les personnes qui ont déjà indiqué comment elles pouvaient participer et soutenir la croissance du Réseau.
* Vickie is the NCR Executive Representative to the ESDC Employees with Disabilities Network, advocating for her colleagues and advising on many committees and working groups to advance awareness across the departments and government at large.
* Représenter votre organisation : Si vous faites déjà partie d'un réseau travaillant dans ce domaine, envisagez de représenter votre groupe lors des réunions de suivi interministérielles/inter-organisationnelles afin de rester à l'écoute de ce que font les autres et d'aider à minimiser le fonctionnement en silos. Ces réunions ont lieu tous les mois et si vous souhaitez y participer, envoyez-nous un ''courriel.''
* Partager des ressources : Si vous disposez d'informations didactiques pertinentes, de modèles, de ressources, d'événements à promouvoir ou d'autres informations/matériels de valeur, n'hésitez pas à les partager avec le Réseau.
* Proposez votre Expertise en la matière (EM)*: Nous avons été ravis de voir que vous étiez nombreux à posséder une expertise dans un grand nombre de domaines. Comme le travail dans ce domaine continue de croître dans tous les ministères, nous aurons besoin d'EMs, en tant que conférenciers ou animateurs, pour soutenir les événements. Pensez à proposer d'être contacté et d'être inclus dans notre liste d'EM pour que les personnes intéressées et le Réseau vous contactent.  
* Bénévolat : Au fur et à mesure que le volume d'activité dans ce domaine augmente, il se peut que nous ayons besoin de bénévoles dans le cadre de divers événements. En vous inscrivant sur notre liste de bénévoles, vous recevrez des informations sur les appels au soutien bénévole lors de ces activités où vous pourrez envisager d'offrir votre temps. Merci à toutes les personnes qui se sont déjà inscrites pour être contactées à ce sujet.
* Vickie brings her experience as Mixed Indigenous – Polish Canadian and her lived experience as a disabled bilingual public servant to the Network.
Nous vous remercions de votre enthousiasme et de votre détermination à soutenir ce travail important. Nous nous réjouissons de travailler avec vous et de prospérer ensemble.
In addition, we’ve had the incredible help of Britt Hurley who has played a key role in helping us get setup, provide technical guidance and advice, Pat Heard who helped execute the design and vision of our logo and Shawn Thompson who is helping to get our website setup.

Latest revision as of 13:11, 25 July 2024

The Anti-Racism Ambassadors Network | Le Réseau des ambassadeurs de la lutte contre le racisme

The Anti-Racism Ambassadors Network (ARAN)

The Anti-Racism Ambassadors Network (the Network) was established to support existing efforts in the public service to dismantle systemic racism with an intersectional lens. The Network aims to create a space for public servants in Canada at the municipal, provincial, territorial and federal level, to share knowledge, spread information and take action.

The Anti-Racism Ambassadors Network (the Network) was established to support existing efforts in the public service to dismantle systemic racism with an intersectional lens. The Network aims to create a space for public servants in Canada at the municipal, provincial, territorial and federal level, to share knowledge, spread information and take action.

ARAN is different in that it is a grass-roots group of public servants volunteering from across Canada and not tied to any Government organization. Currently the Network acts as a community mobilizer and connector to collect, amplify, house and disseminate information and resources on Anti-Racism activity for all to use. In doing so, it will also amplify the work being done by BIPOC colleagues and connect all people working in this space.

It will also serve as a network to encourage and support members in taking practical action to dismantle systemic racism. We recognize that this is a community effort, and it will take collective partnerships and action to affect change. This includes but is not limited to the work of existing networks like the Black Employees Network(s), Indigenous Employee Network(s), Visible Minorities Network(s), Federal Black Employees Caucus (FBEC), 2SLGBTQIA+/Pride networks and other similar communities as well as resources from organizations and departments standing up their own Anti-Racism units.

As this Network grows, it aims to help bridge and identify gaps in the area of Anti-Racism across public service organizations in Canada where feasible.

To stay connected to information and resources by subscribing to our distribution list, please click Here

Le Réseau des ambassadeurs de la lutte contre le racisme (RALR)

Le Réseau des ambassadeurs de la lutte contre le racisme (le Réseau) a été créé pour soutenir les efforts déployés dans la fonction publique afin de démanteler le racisme systémique dans une approche intersectionnelle. Le Réseau vise à créer un espace pour les fonctionnaires du Canada aux niveaux municipal, provincial, territorial et fédéral, en vue de partager des connaissances, de diffuser de l'information et d'agir.

Le RALR est différent en ce sens qu'il s'agit d'une inspiration issue de fonctionnaires bénévoles de partout au Canada qui n'est liée à aucune organisation gouvernementale. Actuellement, le Réseau agit en tant que mobilisateur et connecteur communautaire pour recueillir, amplifier, héberger et diffuser des informations et des ressources concernant les activités de lutte contre le racisme afin que tout le monde puisse les utiliser. Ce faisant, il amplifiera également le travail effectué par les collègues du personnel autochtones, noirs et de couleur (PANDC) et connectera toutes les personnes travaillant dans cet espace.

En outre, il servira de réseau pour encourager et soutenir les membres à prendre des mesures pratiques pour démanteler le racisme systémique. Nous reconnaissons qu'il s'agit d'un effort communautaire et qu'il faudra des partenariats et des actions collectives pour obtenir des changements. Cela inclut, sans s'y limiter, le travail des réseaux existants tels que le(s) Réseau(s) des employés noirs, le(s) Réseau(s) des employés autochtones, le(s) Réseau(s) des minorités visibles, le Caucus fédéral des employés noirs (FBEC), les réseaux 2SLGBTQIA+/Fierté et d'autres communautés similaires, ainsi que les ressources des organisations et des ministères qui mettent en place leurs propres unités de lutte contre le racisme.

Au fur et à mesure que ce Réseau se développe, il vise à aider à combler et à identifier les lacunes dans le domaine de la lutte contre le racisme dans les organisations de la fonction publique au Canada, dans la mesure du possible.

Current Work in Progress

  • Developing an online site to house information and resources provided by Network members and all communities in this space.  
  • Connecting with horizontal networks and communities across departments to build an inter-organizational group for monthly check-ins and knowledge exchange.
  • Sharing information about events or resources to the slowly growing Network  

Travaux en cours

  • Mettre en place un site en ligne pour héberger les informations et les ressources fournies par les membres du réseau et toutes les communautés dans cet espace.
  • Établir des contacts avec les réseaux horizontaux et les communautés des différents ministères afin de créer un groupe inter-organisationnel pour des rencontres mensuelles et l'échange de connaissances.
  • Partager des informations sur des événements ou des ressources avec le réseau qui se construit lentement.

Twitter / GC Collab / Slack / Email/Links

Twitter: Anti Racism Ambassadors Network

GCXchange: Anti Racism Ambassadors Network - Ambassadeurs du Reseau anti-Racisme


GC Collab: The Anti-Racism Ambassadors Network

International Equity Collective

Data Equity Network

IDEEA-nomics podcast

ARAN Employment Equity Act Review

ARAN - Community Resource Library | Trello

ARAN Letter to the Clerk


ARAN Overview Deck - GoogleDoc

Interdepartmental Diversity Networks

How Can I Get Involved

There are a number of ways to get involved and thank you to everyone who has already indicated how they can participate and support the growth of the Network.

  • Represent your organization - if you are already part of a network working in this space, consider representing your group at inter-departmental/inter-organizational check-ins and stay tuned into what others are doing and help minimize operating in silos. These occur monthly and if you would like to attend, please send us an email.
  • Share resources - if you have relevant educational information, templates, resources, events to promote or other informational/material of value, please share it with the Network.
  • Offer Your Subject Matter Expertise (SME)* - We were so excited to see a large number of you with expertise in a range of topics. As activity in this space continues to grow across departments, there will be a need for SMEs, as speakers or facilitators to support events. Consider offering to be contacted and included on our list of SMEs for folks and the Network to reach out to you.  
  • Volunteer - As activity in this space increases, volunteers may be needed across various events. By being on our volunteer list, you will receive information about call-outs for volunteer support at these activities where you can consider offering your time. Thank you to everyone who has already signed up to be contacted for this.

Thank you for your passion and commitment to supporting this important work.  We look forward to working with you and growing together.

Comment puis-je m'impliquer?

Il y a plusieurs façons de s'impliquer et nous remercions toutes les personnes qui ont déjà indiqué comment elles pouvaient participer et soutenir la croissance du Réseau.

  • Représenter votre organisation : Si vous faites déjà partie d'un réseau travaillant dans ce domaine, envisagez de représenter votre groupe lors des réunions de suivi interministérielles/inter-organisationnelles afin de rester à l'écoute de ce que font les autres et d'aider à minimiser le fonctionnement en silos. Ces réunions ont lieu tous les mois et si vous souhaitez y participer, envoyez-nous un courriel.
  • Partager des ressources : Si vous disposez d'informations didactiques pertinentes, de modèles, de ressources, d'événements à promouvoir ou d'autres informations/matériels de valeur, n'hésitez pas à les partager avec le Réseau.
  • Proposez votre Expertise en la matière (EM)*: Nous avons été ravis de voir que vous étiez nombreux à posséder une expertise dans un grand nombre de domaines. Comme le travail dans ce domaine continue de croître dans tous les ministères, nous aurons besoin d'EMs, en tant que conférenciers ou animateurs, pour soutenir les événements. Pensez à proposer d'être contacté et d'être inclus dans notre liste d'EM pour que les personnes intéressées et le Réseau vous contactent.  
  • Bénévolat : Au fur et à mesure que le volume d'activité dans ce domaine augmente, il se peut que nous ayons besoin de bénévoles dans le cadre de divers événements. En vous inscrivant sur notre liste de bénévoles, vous recevrez des informations sur les appels au soutien bénévole lors de ces activités où vous pourrez envisager d'offrir votre temps. Merci à toutes les personnes qui se sont déjà inscrites pour être contactées à ce sujet.

Nous vous remercions de votre enthousiasme et de votre détermination à soutenir ce travail important. Nous nous réjouissons de travailler avec vous et de prospérer ensemble.