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|community building, innovation, and intrepreneurship.
|community building, innovation, and intrepreneurship.
|Aalya Dhanani
|Aalya Dhanani (she/her)
[on leave until February 2023]
|Policy Advisor, Digital Services & Transformation Office
|Transport Canada
|Transport Canada

Revision as of 12:45, 13 January 2022

Welcome to the GC Mentorship Community / Bienvenue!

Who Are We?

The GC Mentorship Community on GCPedia is a grassroots initiative supported by the NCRYPN, the Federal Youth Network, and GC Students, that provides young GofC professionals and students with the opportunity to informally connect with, and learn from, experienced employees. This community consists of mentors, listed in the table below, who have graciously volunteered their time and stories to share with you, our interested mentees. The purpose of this initiative is to mirror the beauty of the "Living Library" trend, which aims to bring back the art of connecting with others by providing access to individuals who are willing to share their time, their energy, and their stories. By engaging with our Community, you are learning from the stories and experiences of a wide range of individuals in the Canadian public service.

Please note that this initiative is evergreen. Mentors are welcome to join and withdraw from the community as needed, as are mentees.

How It Works:

Below, you will find all of the mentors participating in this initiative, along with their relevant details. Mentees - please feel free to scan our list of mentors below. When you find one who speaks to your interests and goals, click on their contact information and send them an email to schedule a one-on-one chat. The suggested amount of time for a chat is 30 minutes. Please be respectful of your mentors - they are volunteers, after all!

Want To Get Involved?


There are two ways to become a mentor. You can:

  • Send us an email (emails at the bottom of the page); or
  • You can edit this page yourself and add yourself to our shelves with the follow steps!
    • Click the "Edit" button at the top of this page.
    • Scroll down to the Mentor Community section.
    • Click a cell in the table. At the side (row) and top (column) of this cell, you will see little arrows ( ">") pointing to the cell. If you click on this, it will give you an option to "Insert Above", "Insert Below", etc. Insert a row and fill out your information in order to become a Mentor in our library!

GC Mentorship Community (Mentors)

Name Position Title Department Email Twitter / LinkedIn Languages Interests
Wendy Bullion-Winters Head of Human Resources / Director General, Human Resources Management Canada School of Public Service @wendyBwinters Bilingual future of work, beyond 2020, public service renewal, continuous learning, diversity and inclusion

Kimberley Jessome

Director General, Investigations Public Service Commission Kimberley.jessome2@canada N/A Bilingual career development and empowering emerging talents to develop the career they desire

Nathalie Bertrand

ADM Corporate Services and Chief Financial Officer Infrastructure Canada N/A Bilingual mentoring, networking, career development
Sarah Paquet Director and Chief Executive Officer Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada Sarah Paquet Bilingual
Caroline Leclerc Global Affairs Canada Caro Leclerc Bilingual life and learning
Alexandra MacLean Canada Revenue Agency, International and Large Business Directorate N/A English tax – policy – law
Johanna Read Fisheries and Oceans Canada Johanna Read English career development (within and outside the public service) – leadership development – people management – workplace culture – stress management & preventing or recovering from burnout
Nicole Girard Transport Canada Nicole Girard Bilingual mentoring – coaching – learning – governance – transformation – scuba diving
Neil O’Rourke Assistant Commissioner Fisheries and Oceans Canada N/A Bilingual mentoring – helping others by sharing own experience
Sylvain Beauchamp Director General Client Experience Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada N/A Bilingual mentoring – client experience – HR – board games
Robert Kopersiewich Statistics Canada N/A Bilingual mentoring – career development – personal growth (spirituality, coaching, mental health)
Jennifer MacDougall Free Agent Federal Youth Network @Jen_MacDougall Bilingual networking – early career development – GC Learning
Chris Henderson Deputy Commissioner of Operations Fisheries and Oceans Canada – Canadian Coast Guard @cxh065 English mentoring
Pierre Bilodeau Executive Director Canadian Food Inspection Agency @pbilodo Bilingual science and technology as key drivers for economic development – science policy – governance – value chain partnerships – peer learning
Rehana Yousaf  Service Canada Benefit Officer Employment and Social Development Canada N/A Bilingual mentoring, networking, career development, GC learning and any opportunity to develop competencies
Corinne Prince Director General for Francophone Immigration and Official Languages Part VII Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada N/A Bilingual mentoring, networking
Jason Charron Director General, Compliance Programs Canada Revenue Agency – Compliance Programs Branch @JasonCharron

Bilingual Contributing to a professional, divers and inclusive public service
Catarina Ferreira Canadian Food Inspection Agency English mentoring, networking, career development, GC learning
Mary Ann Triggs Assistant Deputy Minister, Service Canada – Ontario Region Employment and Social Development Canada, Service Canada N/A Bilingual
Marie-Josée Dorion A/Director General CPPB N/A Bilingual mentoring, networking, career development
Darryl Sato Director General, HR To Pay Operations Public Services and Procurement Canada @darsato English mentoring, career development, executive competency development, leadership, GC Service Delivery
Natalie Martel Public Service Procurement Canada @martel_natalie Bilingual Learning and mentoring
Maria Montilva Infrastructure Canada N/A Bilingual data, analytics, good government, efficiency, effectiveness, progress, growth, social inclusion
Kathleen Donohue AAFC – International Affairs Branch N/A Bilingual mentoring, networking, career development
Sam Ryan Director General, Integrated Technical Services, Fisheries and Oceans Canada Canadian Coast Guard N/A English career development
Brigitte Gibson Regional Director General, Prairies and Northern Region Department of Canadian Heritage @BrigitteGib Bilingual mentoring, networking, career development, learning – particularly in the context of language learning (Official Languages and the opportunities language learning can present); as well as on-the-job learning and stretch assignments
Jacqueline Gonçalves Environment and Climate Change Canada N/A Bilingual creating happy workplaces and lifelong learning
Tina Matos Director General Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada N/A English leadership, mentoring, networking
Patti Ryan Acting Compliance Manager National Defence N/A English "advising, coaching, mentoring, training, networking"
Christine Larade ESDC Christine Larade Bilingual public servant’s personal brand, mentoring, networking, career development, GC learning
Ernest Nwanguma Canada Revenue Agency N/A English Becoming a mentee, networking, and career development
Nathalie Thiffault Director, Corporate HR Public Service Commission Bilingual le développement et la gestion des personnes, le mentorat, l’apprentissage, le développement de carrière et le coaching
Alexandre Contreras Assistant Director Canada School of Public Service @alexandrecontr Bilingual mentoring, networking, career development
David E Elliott Senior Learning Experience Designer Canada School of Public Service David E Elliott English ·       Performance improvement, including learning, design, facilitation and coaching

·       Design Thinking

·       Diversity Equity and Inclusion with an emphasis on Equity and power sharing

Bethany Long 2SLGBTQ+ Champion Liaison Indigenous Services Canada Bethany Long English Mentoring, Networking, Career Development & GC learning
Frank Assu Senior Policy Analyst Substantive with Transport Canada, currently on Assignment with Environment Climate Change Canada @frankassubc English Mentoring, networking, engagement, career development, learning, getting involved in groups/committees
Stephane Duplessis A/ Director of Operations (Nova Scotia) Canadian Food Inspection Agency @DupesSays Bilingual mentoring, career development, design thinking, productivity tools, managers’ community
Stephanie Simard Manager, Training Public Services Procurement Canada N/A Bilingual Emotional intelligence, facilitating, training, networking, leading by example and being transparent, creating a fun environment
Natasha Cote-Khan UX Designer/Senior Advisor – Canada’s Free Agents Transport Canada   NatashaCoteKhan Bilingual Mentoring, career development, tools for career leaning for advancement, Service/Program Design, Human Centered Design, networking
John Medcof


Lead Faculty Canada School of Public Service John Medcof


bilingual mentoring, career development, executive leadership, networking, remote/virtual work
Susan Johnston (she/they) TBS @JoyCuriosity English mentoring on making hard transitions, GC learning relating to facilitation, public engagement
Hans Park HR Advisor Specialist-Labour Relations Employment and Social Development Canada N/A Englsih mentoring, career development, networking, continuous learning, resilience
Paul Keller Project Manager Quebec Federal Council (Innovation Lab) @PoltheWanderer Bilingual networking, accelerated learning, influencing, storytelling, digital literacy, resilience
Hope Harris Canada's Free Agent Program Natural Resources Canada English Mentoring, modern eldership, design thinking, facilitation, long-life learning, career development, mid-life transitions, intergenerational workplaces, future of work.
Pierre Losier Chair, Persons with Disabilities Network Bilingual
Louise Bessette A/Chief of Staff to the Chief Information Officer of Canada Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat N/A Bilingual mentoring, career development, governance, developing diverse talent
Abe Greenspoon Assistant Director, Enterprise Change and Learning Academy Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada Abe Greenspoon English community building, innovation, and intrepreneurship.
Aalya Dhanani (she/her)

[on leave until February 2023]

Policy Advisor, Digital Services & Transformation Office Transport Canada @AalyaDhanani English dismantling systemic racism, mental health advocacy, mentoring, networking, career development
Kristina Legrand (she/her/elle) Team Leader Canadian Human Rights Commission @heytherered Bilingual career development, coaching and mentoring, cheerleading the next generation
Tina Varvaresos Policy Analyst - Issues Management Canada Border Services Agency @Tina_Varvaresos English Student advocacy, mental health, the future of work, public engagement, networking.

Contact the GC Mentorship Community

Please email: