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=Welcome to GC Remote Working=
='''Welcome to GC Remote Working'''=
This new forum was created by experts at Shared Services Canada in an effort to help GC workers newly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic who find themselves working remotely.   
This new forum was created by experts at Shared Services Canada in an effort to help GC workers newly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic who find themselves working remotely.   
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== '''Spotlight: How SSC Helped YOU Work Remotely''' ==  
== '''A Look Back: A Year of the GC Remote Worker Wiki''' ==
Since May, 2020 the Shared Services Canada Technology Showcase team has been working in full pivot mode to deliver content relevant to GC technology users. Unable to deliver our planned in-person information sessions, we created the GC Worker Wiki to curate and share information available from across the GC.  Our focus? Remote working. As the GC workforce nationwide adapted quickly to remote working, there was much to learn. 
As 2020 comes to a close our GC Remote Working Wiki will capture the ways Shared Services
A year later, our Remote Working wiki has had more than 5, 434 views. We have created and shared 14 different posts and each post is viewed an average of 120 times.
Canada responded, supported and enabled the teleworking culture shift across the Government
of Canada
'''Secure Remote Access'''
Our very first post was on audio video conferencing back on May 6<sup>th</sup> – which offered tips to fully leverage audio and video conferencing tools. Essentially, audio and video conferencing was out path to re-creating the in person connections we were used to.  
When most public servants were asked to work from home last March, it presented challenges
Flash forward 14 months and our last post focused on a deeper dive into using Teams and Microsoft 365. In fact, we did three posts on M365 alone!
for the networks supporting employees’ ability to telework.
SSC’s Networks, Security and Digital Services teams quickly took on the challenge and improved
Secure Remote Access (SRA) capacity for the GC as a whole. SRA securely connects public
servants to their departmental networks through corporate internet infrastructure so they can
access the applications and services they need to do their jobs from anywhere. Since March 2020
SSC increased SRA capacity by 111% to support 290,000 simultaneous connections.
'''Provisioning Devices to our Partners'''
Our most viewed post? Information Management last June. We all needed an important reminder about correctly storing and sharing our business information when working remotely.
To enable so many GC employees to suddenly work from home, SSC’s Email and Workplace
Over the past 14 months we have covered topics from mental health, to team building to highlighting the best of GC social media. We have partnered with Communities of Practice – the M365 CoP and the GC Flex group and worked closely with the Canada School of Public Service. We have shared tips and support mechanisms for learning a second language when working remotely. And we have covered the depth and breadth of SSC’s accessibility support and tools program; which has become even more important while we are away from the office.
Technology Services team needed to give GC workers the tablets, laptops, and cell phones they
needed to work anywhere, anytime, almost overnight. They had “all the right tech” to work remotely.  
SSC set up a secure communication system for GC senior leaders called the GC Emergency
If you have not yet read through these posts, take a look back and learn something new to help you make the most of remote working.
Communication System (GCECS). Within 10 days, SSC procured 4,000 devices to supply the  
GCECS, as well as any urgent departmental requests for COVID-19 response-related needs.
When provisioning devices, SSC addressed health and safety concerns by setting up a brand-
As the Technology Showcase team moves forward, we will be developing new wiki and other ideas to continue to bring you the best of SSC and GC supports for today’s digital worker, both virtually and eventually, in person. We are currently developing a Virtual InfoSession, product videos, and an interview series.
new process and contract to be able to ship devices safely. Teams increased sanitization
practices when receiving all packages before beginning to work on them, to ensure they could
continue to work safely.
'''M365 Roll-Out'''
When thousands of public servants switched to remote work, they needed a solution that
'''We want to hear from you!''' We are always looking for new topics to cover. Reach out to share your ideas and suggestions by using  [[|this email]].  
placed less strain on the GC network while facilitating collaboration. The Networks, Security and
Digital Services branch (NSDS), with assistance from Microsoft, they deployed an unclassified
tenant of M365 to dozens of departments in just over one week- unthinkable under normal
M365’s cloud-based systems allow employees to collaborate via technology that is easy to use,
<small>''July 2021''</small>  
secure, reliable and accessible from home. NSDS also accelerated the deployment of MS Teams,
a collaboration and messaging hub, to 38 departments and enabled many more departments to
do the same.
By providing chat, audio, videoconferencing and file-sharing functions, MS Teams offers a rich
environment for communication and collaboration. At its peak, MS Teams had over 100,000 users
across 41 government departments!
| '''Mental Health''' |||| '''M365''' |||| '''Smartphone''' |||| '''AV Conferencing''' |||| '''Virtual Teams''' |||| '''Information Management''' |||| '''Accessibility''' |||| '''Remote Office'''
| '''Mental Health''' |||| '''M365''' |||| '''Smartphone''' |||| '''AV Conferencing''' |||| '''Virtual Teams''' |||| '''Information Management'''  
| [[Image:Mental Health attribution rqr'd1.png|90px|link=]] || [[Image:Blank.png|30px]] || [[Image:M365_attribution_rqrd1.png|75px|link=]] || [[Image:Blank.png|30px]] || [[Image:Smartphone1.png|50px|link=]] || [[Image:Blank.png|30px]] || [[Image:AVVC_Icon1.png|100px|link=]] || [[Image:Blank.png|30px]] || [[Image:Virtual Teams1.png|90px|link=]] || [[Image:Blank.png|30px]] || [[Image:More_Topics_Coming_Soon.png|70px|link=]]
| [[Image:Mental Health attribution rqr'd1.png|90px|link=]] || [[Image:Blank.png|30px]] || [[Image:M365_attribution_rqrd1.png|75px|link=]] || [[Image:Blank.png|30px]] || [[Image:Smartphone1.png|50px|link=]] || [[Image:Blank.png|30px]] || [[Image:AVVC_Icon1.png|100px|link=]] || [[Image:Blank.png|30px]] || [[Image:Virtual Teams1.png|90px|link=]] || [[Image:Blank.png|30px]] || [[Image:More_Topics_Coming_Soon.png|70px|link=]] || [[Image:Blank.png|30px]] || |[[Image:Accessibility_icon.png|90px|link=]] ||
| '''Second Language''' |||| '''SSC Best Practices''' ||||'''Students'''
| '''Second Language''' |||| '''SSC Best'''
|    '''GC Tools'''
|'''Social Media'''
|'''Spotlight on'''
|[[File:SecondLanguageIcon.png|link=|75x75px]]|| [[Image:Blank.png|30px]] ||[[File:SSC_Best_Practices_Icon.png|link=|75x75px]][[Image:Blank.png|30px]]
| [[File:SecondLanguageIcon.png|link=|75x75px]]
|| [[Image:Blank.png|30px]] ||[[File:SSC_Best_Practices_Icon.png|link=|75x75px]][[Image:Blank.png|30px]]
|[[File:Social Media2.png|frameless|125x125px|link=]]
|'''Remote Office'''

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