
Social Media
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...Coming soon
Social media can be an effective way to share information when working remotely. It has increasingly been used across the GC. The Treasury Board Secretariat states that “Departments and employees use social media for:
* official government business and/or communications activities
* work related activities such as networking, gathering and sharing knowledge, career development
* some personal use according to <nowiki>''</nowiki>acceptable criteria.
To learn more about the Government of Canada’s policy on social media, including the rules for how we manage websites and corporate social media accounts, you can review the Treasury Board’s  GC Social Media Requirements.
Many government departments and agencies use Twitter and Facebook to communicate with the Canadian public and their own employees and stakeholders.  Find out if your organization is active on social media and follow along for important information.
We have compiled a list of official Twitter accounts that may be of interest to GC employees. Note that some accounts have both an English and French version and we have included both where applicable.
* '''Digital Government''' deals with digital matters within the Government of Canada. @DigitalCDN or @CDNnumerique
* '''Canadian Digital Service''' account “teams up federal departments and agencies with peoples’ needs at the centre of government” . You can follow along at @cds_GC or @SNC_GC
* '''GC Mental Health''' is an account from the Centre of Expertise on Mental Health in the Workplace follow them at @CEMHW_CESMMT
* '''Talent Cloud''' is an account about “ public sector talent in the digital age” Follow them at  @gc_talent
* '''Beyond 2020''' is the official account of the Beyond 2020 initiative, you can follow them at @BeyondGC2020
* '''The Canada School of Public Service''' has information on training and development programs available to the GC. Find them at @schoolGC
* '''GCCollab''' has a Twitter account for the GCCollab platform, “working to bring together Canadians to collaborate more effectively”. Follow them at @GCCollab
* '''@jobs_GC or @emplois_gc''' provides information on Government of Canada job opportunities and recruitment programs.
* '''PoliComm''' is the policy community for Canada’s public service. Follow at @policommpoli
* '''GCIndigenous''' is a Government of Canada account you can follow at @GCindigenous or @GCAuchtones
* '''@OpengovCan or''' @GouvOvertCan is a Twitter account that raises awareness and sparks dialogue about the government of Canada open government efforts.
* '''LeadersGC''' connects leaders at all levels to shape our public service @leadersgc
* '''FlexGC''' is a group supporting public servants to successfully work from anywhere and you can follow them at @flexgcinfo. They also have a hashtag #flexgc.
<small>''April 2021''</small>