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==The Forum==
The Best Practices Forum on Official Languages is being held virtually this year and is opening its audience to the entire public service. Take the opportunity and attend this annual event that brings together official languages champions, persons responsible for official languages and coordinators responsible for implementing measures to foster the development of Francophone and Anglophone minority communities, support their development and promote the full recognition and use of English and French in Canadian society.
The Best Practices Forum on Official Languages is being held virtually this year and is opening its audience to the entire public service. Take the opportunity and attend this annual event that brings together official languages champions, persons responsible for official languages and coordinators responsible for implementing measures to foster the development of Francophone and Anglophone minority communities, support their development and promote the full recognition and use of English and French in Canadian society.
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Revision as of 11:49, 22 January 2021


The Forum

The Best Practices Forum on Official Languages is being held virtually this year and is opening its audience to the entire public service. Take the opportunity and attend this annual event that brings together official languages champions, persons responsible for official languages and coordinators responsible for implementing measures to foster the development of Francophone and Anglophone minority communities, support their development and promote the full recognition and use of English and French in Canadian society.

This year’s Forum will focus on the theme of diversity and inclusion.

From insecurity to linguistic security: Coaching, resilience and risk taking

How can career coaching be leveraged to implement linguistic security? Are you familiar with the concept of linguistic resilience? Do you recognize the impact of leaders who make ongoing efforts to speak in their second language? Do you wish to discover an application that helps public servants mitigate their linguistic insecurity?

In order to answer these questions, the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat has brought together many specialists who will share their experience regarding some competencies related to the creation of linguistic security on an individual and organizational basis.

Welcoming address

Nancy Chahwan , Chief Human Resources Officer, Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat (TBS), will present a short introduction of the Honourable Jean-Yves Duclos , President of the Treasury Board.


Nikolay Slavkov, Director of the Canadian Centre of Studies and Research on Bilingualism and Language (CCERBAL)

Louise Varagnolo, Strategic advisor, , Official Languages Centre of Excellence, Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat

Troupe de comédiens acadiens

Animée par Carsten Quell, Directeur exécutif, Centre d’excellence en langues officielles, Secrétariat du Conseil du Trésor du Canada


Date et heure: 3 mars 2021, de 10h30 à 12h (HE)

Date limite pour l'inscription : 2 mars 2021

Langues : Français et anglais

Inscription : École de la fonction publique du Canada ou


Leadership en matière de langues officielles : prêcher par l'exemple à l'ensemble du Canada

Patrimoine canadien convie des cadres de la fonction publique reconnus pour leur leadership en matière de promotion du français et de l’anglais à faire part de leur expérience. Les conférenciers de cette causerie sauront vous inspirer en discutant de leur style de leadership en matière de langues officielles et de leur façon de

contribuer à des milieux de travail bilingues, inclusifs et diversifiés au sein de la fonction publique fédérale. Ils aborderont un éventail de questions concernant les langues officielles telles que l’usage de sa seconde langue officielle, la tolérance et la sécurité linguistique, la sensibilisation et le rôle d’influence de la haute gestion.

Mot de bienvenue

Hélène Laurendeau, sous ministre du Patrimoine canadien et championne de la communauté des langues officielles

Panel de discussion

Daniel Watson, sous-ministre des Relations Couronne Autochtones et des Affaires du Nord

Martine Dubuc, sous-ministre déléguée, Environnement et Changement climatique Canada

Valérie Gideon, sous-ministre déléguée, Services aux autochtones Canada

Haut gradé des Forces armées canadiennes

Animée par Stéphan Déry , Président du Conseil du Réseau des champions des langues officielles et sous-ministre adjoint, Direction générale des services immobiliers, Services publics et Approvisionnement Canada


Date et heure: 3 mars 2021, de 13h30 à 15h

Date limite pour l'inscription : 2 mars 2021

Langues : Français et anglais

Inscription : École de la fonction publique du Canada ou
