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== Add Image Enterprise Network connectivity ==
== Add Image Enterprise Network connectivity ==
Security is reflected in the Service and Digital Target Enterprise Architecture diagram as a cross‑cutting factor that spans all horizontal layers. The goal is to ensure security at all architectural levels, from design to implementation to operations; and to ensure authentication, authorization, auditing, monitoring, tokenization, and encryption of all data, whether at rest or in motion.
== ADD image security architecture ==
=== Improved outcomes ===
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|'''Improved  digital services that meet citizens’ expectations'''
|Canadian citizens expect  reliable digital services that deliver a cohesive user experience.
Their expectation for cohesive  user experience is founded on their perception that digital services are  being delivered by “one” government and not a collection of departments. By  aligning digital service delivery to a common set of services defined within  a GC Service Inventory and implemented using reusable components based on a  common taxonomy of business capabilities, GC can improve the user experience.
Their expectations for  reliability and availability are based on their experiences with modern  private‑sector internet services. By transitioning to public cloud offerings  and infrastructure, GC can leverage private sector investments to meet citizens’  expectations for reliability and availability.
|'''Managed  costs and improved agility'''
|GC needs to achieve economies  of scale realized by modernizing and standardizing IT and by reducing its  reliance on costly and outdated technology.
By encouraging the sharing of  reusable components based on business capabilities and by leveraging private  sector cloud solutions and open source software, GC can both reduce  redundancy and help manage costs.
By transitioning to an  architecture that leverages public cloud offerings and infrastructure, GC can  become more agile in responding to changes in business needs, thus delivering  future‑ready IT systems that can support the GC digital transformation  journey.
|'''Engaged  and effective workforce'''
|Retention has been identified  as a significant IT workforce and talent management issue. The ability to  attract and retain new talent is challenging due to the perception that government  IT is decades out‑of‑date. Besides the drain on workforce capacity, attrition  has negatively impacted morale, the level of engagement and overall workforce  effectiveness.
By adopting modern technology  and practices, the government is in a better position to attract and retain  new talent. Reducing attrition and boosting recent talent acquisition will  have a positive impact on morale and foster an engaged and effective  workforce.
=== Realization practices and principles ===
To realize the GC Enterprise Ecosystem Target Architecture, departments should align with the practices and principles as outlined below, when considering new IT solutions or modernizing older solutions. The architectural approach was developed to facilitate managed incremental transitions but requires more strategic planning on the part of departments to be implemented effectively.
The Government of Canada Enterprise Architecture Framework defined below presents the evaluation criteria being used by GC Enterprise Architecture Review Board to align solutions to the Service and Digital Target Enterprise Architecture. In the interest of effective communication to the architecture community of practice, the material has been organized based on the architectural domains business, information, application, technology, and security.