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! colspan="2" |[[File:WIKI OSEZ-DARE - OUTILS ET RESSOURCES - EN - 5.jpg|alt=|frameless|1674x1674px]]
|<big>'''Role and responsibilities'''</big>
* [ Council of the Network of Official Languages Champions: About us]
* [[gccollab:file/download/3388877|Reference Guide for Official Languages Champions]]
* [ Role and responsibilities of official languages champions]
* [ Mandates of the bodies playing a key role in official languages]
* [ List of Champions and people responsible for Official Languages] (Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat)
|'''<big>Respecting official languages</big>'''
'''<big>in a work environment</big>'''
* [[:en:images/2/24/Language_of_Work_Rights_while_Teleworking.pdf|Language of Work Rights While Teleworking]]
* [[:en:Community_of_Official_Languages/Newsletter|Official Languages Community Newsletter]]
* [ Effective practices for chairing bilingual meetings]
* [[:en:OSEZ-DARE/arriere-plans|Microsoft Teams Backgrounds]]
* [ Official Languages Maturity Model] (Comissionner of Official Languages)
* [ Tool for the linguistic identification of positions] (Comissionner of Official Languages)
* [ Official languages governance: Checklist for deputy heads]
* [ From Linguistic lnsecurity to Linguistic Resilience (FON4-J03)]
==== '''BEST PRACTICES''' ====
(Canada School of Public Service, Secrétariat du Conseil du Trésor du Canada)
* [ Official Languages Hub]
|<big>'''Research and infographics'''</big>
* [ 2017 Collection of Official Languages Resources]
* [ Self-assessment tool for official languages best practices]
* [ Official Languages Tracking Survey 2021 - Final Report]
* [[:en:DARE-OSEZ/events|Best Practices Forum on Official Languages]]
* [ Official-Language Minority Communities Dashboard] (Canadian Heritage)
* [ Encouraging linguistic security in the workplace] (Comissionner of Official Languages)
==== '''THEME KITS''' ====
* [ Official Languages inforgraphics] (Comissionner of Official Languages)
==== New official languages champions ====
* [[:en:images/b/bb/Reference_Guide.pdf|Reference Guide for Official Languages Champions]]
* [ About the Council of the Network of Official Languages Champions]
* [ Infographic on the Council of the Network of Official Languages Champions]
* [ Infographic on the Role and Responsibilities of Official Languages Champions]
* [ Official Languages Governance]: Learn more about the role of key institutions
* [ List of persons responsible for official languages and official languages champions in institutions subject to the Official Languages Act]
==== Respecting official languages when teleworking ====
* [ Working remotely]
* [[:en:Community_of_Official_Languages/Newsletter|Best practices to help support bilingualism during virtual meetings and events]]
* [ How can we promote the use of both official languages when teleworking?] (video)
* [ Vocabulary on distance teaching and telework]
==== '''INFOGRAPHICS''' ====
* [ Infographic on the Council of the Network of Official Languages Champions]
* [ Infographic on the Role and Responsibilities of Official Languages Champions]
* [ Infographics on Canada's Official Languages] (Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages of Canada)
* [ Statistics on Official Languages in Canada] (Canadian Heritage)
* [ Statistics on Official Languages in Canada] (Canadian Heritage)
* [[:en:images/9/90/Infographic-francophone-immigration.pdf|Dashboard on Francophone Immigration - 2019]] (Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada)
* [[:en:images/9/90/Infographic-francophone-immigration.pdf|Dashbord on Francophonre immigration – 2019]] (Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada)
* [ E-poster with links to learn or maintain the second official language]
* [[:en:images/1/1c/Sign-affiche.pptx|Editable poster for second language meetings days]]
|<big>'''Videos and podcasts'''</big>
* [ Cheat Sheet: Part IV Official Languages Obligations and the Use of Web Communications and Social Media] (Employment and Social Development Canada)
* [ Videos of the Council of the Network of Official Languages Champions]
==== '''VIDEOS''' ====
* [ Setting the tone for Official Languages]
* [ How can we promote the use of both official languages when teleworking?]
** [[:en:DARE-OSEZ/tools/video-settingthetone|Promotional Toolkit]]
* [ Video targeting high school students]
* [ Video – Take the lead and make official languages shine!] (Canadian Heritage)
* [ Video targeting university students]
** [[:en:OSEZ-DARE/outils/video-Take_the_lead_and_make_official_languages_shine!|Promotional Toolkit]]
* [ “Seven”: Video on Part VII of the Official Languages Act] (Canadian Heritage)
* [ Official languages: are you the next Section 41 leader?]
** [[:en:DARE-OSEZ/tools/video-41leader|Promotional Toolkit]]
* [ The Official Languages Act] (Historica Canada)
* [ The Official Languages Act] (Historica Canada)
* [ Building my life in French in Canada] (Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada)
* [ Building my life in French in Canada] (Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada)
* [ The Culture of Bilingualism: Testimonies] (Canada School of Public Service)
* [ Youtube Channel]
* [ Best Practices Video on Official Languages]
* [ Let’s Talk Bilingualism]
* [ Dare! Videos]
* Council's YouTube channels:
|'''<big>Useful links</big>'''
** In English: [ OL_Champions]
** In French: [ Champions_LO]
* [ Official Languages Hub]
* [ Best Practices Digest]
==== '''BACKGROUNDS (MS TEAMS)''' ====
* [ Guide for Drafting Memoranda to Cabinet]
We were inspired by the MS Teams backgrounds developed by our colleagues at the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat and created some for Official Languages Champions. Here are the background images that you can download, as well as [[:en:images/3/32/Instructions.docx|instructions]]:
* [[:en:images/5/57/PCH-OL-Strategy-eng.pdf|Canadian Heritage Official Languages Strategy 2021–2026]] (Canadian Heritage)
==== Feel free to use the official language of your choice / N'hésitez pas à utiliser la langue officielle de votre choix (EN-FR) ====
[[File:EN-FR OL Champions.png|alt=Colorful image with text Feel free to use the official language of your choice / N'hésitez pas à utiliser la langue officielle de votre choix|frameless]][[File:EN-FR Boardroom.png|alt=Image of boardroom with text Feel free to use the official language of your choice / N'hésitez pas à utiliser la langue officielle de votre choix|frameless]]
==== N'hésitez pas à utiliser la langue officielle de votre choix / Feel free to use the official language of your choice (FR-EN) ====
[[File:FR-EN Champions LO.png|alt= Image colorée avec le texte N'hésitez pas à utiliser la langue officielle de votre choix / Feel free to use the official language of your choice|frameless]][[File:FR-EN Salle reunion.png|alt= Image d'une salle de réunion avec le texte N'hésitez pas à utiliser la langue officielle de votre choix / Feel free to use the official language of your choice|frameless]]
==== Help me practice my second language / Aidez-moi à pratiquer ma langue seconde (EN-FR) ====
[[File:EN-FR Books.png|alt=Image of books with text Help me practice my second language / Aidez-moi à pratiquer ma langue seconde|frameless]][[File:EN-FR Colourful.png|alt=Image of colourful paper with text Help me practice my second language / Aidez-moi à pratiquer ma langue seconde|frameless]]
==== Aidez-moi à pratiquer ma langue seconde / Help me practice my second language (FR-EN) ====
[[File:FR-EN Livres.png|alt=Image de livres avec le texte Aidez-moi à pratiquer ma langue seconde / Help me practice my second language| frameless]][[File:FR-EN Couleurs.png|alt=Image de papier coloré avec le texte Aidez-moi à pratiquer ma langue seconde / Help me practice my second language|frameless]]

Revision as of 10:17, 20 November 2024


Role and responsibilities
Respecting official languages

in a work environment


(Canada School of Public Service, Secrétariat du Conseil du Trésor du Canada)

Research and infographics
Videos and podcasts
Useful links