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===<big>[https://www.cafconnection.ca/National/Stay-Connected/Family-Information-Line.aspx The Family Information Line (FIL)]</big>===
===<big>[https://www.cafconnection.ca/National/Stay-Connected/Family-Information-Line.aspx The Family Information Line (FIL)]</big>===
|<big>To speak with a FIL counsellor, call 1-800-866-4546 (toll-free in North America) or 1-613-995-5234 (collect calls accepted).</big>
|<big>To speak with a FIL counsellor, call 1-800-866-4546 (toll-free in North America) or 1-613-995-5234 (collect calls accepted).</big>
|<big>Speak to friendly, experienced professionals who are well-versed on CAF communities and services. FIL counsellors are available to handle calls in confidence 24 hours a day, seven days a week.</big>
|<big>Speak to friendly, experienced professionals who are well-versed on CAF communities and services. FIL counsellors are available to handle calls in confidence 24 hours a day, seven days a week.</big>
=== <big>[https://cfmws.ca/support-services/families/bereavement-grief/hope-program The HOPE Program]</big> ===
|<big>Contact HOPE by email ([mailto:HOPE-ESPOIR@forces.gc.ca HOPE-ESPOIR@forces.gc.ca]) or by calling '''1-800-883-6094.'''</big>
|<big>Provides CAF members and their families who have recently lost a loved one with peer support. Members and families are eligible for this service if they have lost a loved on who served in the Canadian Armed Forces, either active or retired, Regular or Reserve Force.</big>
=== <big>[https://cfmws.ca/support-services/families/military-family-resource-centres Military Family Resource Centres (MFRCs)]</big> ===
|'''<big>Visit the website to learn more:</big>'''
[https://cfmws.ca/support-services/families/military-family-resource-centres <big>Military Family Resource Centres | MFRC | CFMWS</big>]
|<big>CAF members and their families have access to dedicated, frontline service providers, responsible for connecting military families to a wide range of programs and services.</big>
=== <big>[https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/services/benefits-military/health-support/medical-dental-centers.html Military Medical Centres]</big> ===
|'''<big>Visit the website to learn more:</big>'''
[https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/services/benefits-military/health-support/medical-dental-centers.html <big>Canadian Armed Forces medical and dental centres - Canada.ca</big>]
|<big>Locate a medical and dental centre anywhere in Canada</big>
=== [https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/services/benefits-military/health-support/sexual-misconduct-response.html <big>Sexual Misconduct Support and Resource Centre</big>] ===
|<big>You have two ways of contacting the SMSRC:</big>
# <big>By '''Phone''', call the Toll-free 24/7 line, Crisis and Referral Centre available 24/7, at 1-844-750-1648</big>
# <big>By '''Email''' at DND.SMSRC-CSRIS.MDN@forces.gc.ca, available Monday to Friday, from 0700-1700 (Eastern time), excluding statutory holidays.</big>
|<big>Support services for currently serving and former Canadian Armed Forces members, National Defence public service employees, Cadets and Junior Canadian Rangers affected by sexual misconduct and their families, aged 16 and older. Guidance and support for leaders and management on addressing sexual misconduct.</big>
=== [https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/services/benefits-military/conflict-misconduct/integrated-conflict-complaint-management.html <big>Integrated Conflict and Complaint Management</big>] ===
|<big>'''Visit the website to retrieve the contact information for the Complaint Management Services centres nearest you:''' [https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/services/benefits-military/conflict-misconduct/iccm.html Integrated Complaint and Conflict Management (ICCM) - Canada.ca]</big>
|<big>Service that helps CAF members submit, track, and resolve complaints.</big>
=== [https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/services/benefits-military/health-support/chaplain.html <big>Chaplain Services</big>] ===
|<big>In an urgent situation, please contact the chaplains’ office at your closest CAF formation,</big>
<big>base or wing. For additional information, or to contact a chaplain in a non-urgent manner during regular business hours, contact us:</big>
* <big>by '''telephone''' at 1-866-502-2203</big>
|<big>Spiritual guidance and support is available.</big>
== '''<big>Resources for DND Public Service Employees</big>''' ==
<big>Whether you are looking to improve your well-being, increase your awareness, or access any of the many services and programs that are available to you, support is available when and how you need it.</big>
{| class="wikitable"
!<big>Service Name</big>
!<big>Contact Information</big>
=== [https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/programs/defence-employee-assistance-program.html <big>Employee Assistance Program</big>] ===
|<big>'''By Phone''': Available 24/7</big>
<big>English: '''1-800-663-1142''', or 1-888-384-1152 (for people with hearing impairments).</big>
<big>French: '''1-866-398-9505''', or 1-866-433-3305 (for people with hearing impairments).</big>
|<big>The EAP is a professional, confidential, and proactive service to support you and your family members with a wide range of personal, family and work-related concerns. These services are designed to enable a proactive approach to supporting your well-being.</big>
=== [http://hrciv-rhciv.mil.ca/en/e-office-of-disability-management.page <big>The Office of Disability Management</big>] ===
|'''<big>Visit the website to learn more:</big>'''
[http://hrciv-rhciv.mil.ca/en/e-office-of-disability-management.page <big>Office of Disability Management (mil.ca)</big>]
|<big>Note: accessible only on the National Defence network. ODM created to be an impartial,</big>
<big>collaborative and inclusive group that supports employees and supervisors/managers dealing with disability-related matter due to illness, impairment and injury.</big>
=== [https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/services/benefits-military/conflict-misconduct/new-workplace-harassment-and-violence-prevention-regulations-for-defence-team-public-servants-bill-c65.html#workplace <big>The Workplace Harassment and Violence Prevention Centre of Expertise</big>] ===
|'''<big>Visit the website for the steps on how to report an incident:</big>'''
[https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/services/benefits-military/conflict-misconduct/new-workplace-harassment-and-violence-prevention-regulations-for-defence-team-public-servants-bill-c65.html#workplace <big>Workplace harassment and violence prevention program - Canada.ca</big>]
|<big>WHVP provides guidance to Defence Team personnel, develops training, and focuses on prevention initiatives.</big>
=== [https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/services/benefits-military/health-support/sexual-misconduct-response.html <big>Sexual Misconduct Support and Resource Centre</big>] ===
|<big>You have two ways of contacting the SMSRC:</big>
# <big>By '''Phone''', call the Toll-free 24/7 line, Crisis and Referral Centre available 24/7, at 1-844-750-1648</big>
# <big>By '''Email''' at DND.SMSRC-CSRIS.MDN@forces.gc.ca, available Monday to Friday, from 0700-1700 (Eastern time), excluding statutory holidays.</big>
|<big>Support services for currently serving and former Canadian Armed Forces members, National Defence public service employees, Cadets and Junior Canadian Rangers affected by sexual misconduct and their families, aged 16 and older. Guidance and support for leaders and management on addressing sexual misconduct.</big>
=== [https://018gc.sharepoint.com/sites/ORG-2295-0006?locale=en-us <big>Organizational Well-Being SharePoint site</big>] ===
|<big>Visit the SharePoint:</big>
[https://018gc.sharepoint.com/sites/ORG-2295-0006?locale=en-us <big>Organizational Well-Being - Bien-être organisationnel - Home (sharepoint.com)</big>]
|<big>'''Note''': accessible only on D365 Helpful information about the mental health and well-being services available to DND public service employees.</big>

Revision as of 15:49, 21 October 2024

Page principal | EN

Ressources en santé mentale dans la fonction publique fédérale

Pour une assistance ou un soutien individuel immédiat en santé mentale :

Programme d’aide aux employés (PAE)

  • Le PAE ministériel offre un soutien psychologique professionnel à court terme à tous les employés et leur famille proche. Veuillez consulter ce lien pour trouver votre fournisseur du PAE : Programme d’aide aux employés (PAE).
  • Les employés des ministères qui disposent d’un PAE de Santé Canada peuvent demander d’être référés à un professionnel de la santé mentale qui s'identifie comme membre d'une communauté particulière ou qui a une formation et/ou une expérience dans le soutien aux clients d'une communauté particulière (par exemple, les communautés culturelles ou religieuses, autochtones, 2ELGBTQIA+)

9-8-8 : Ligne d’aide en cas de crise de suicide

  • Le 9‑8‑8 : Ligne d’aide en cas de crise de suicide offre aux Canadiens et Canadiennes un accès gratuit, 24 heures sur 24, tous les jours de l’année, à des services de prévention du suicide bilingues, axés sur les traumatismes et adaptés à la culture, par téléphone et par message texte. Si vous appelez ou envoyez un texto au 9‑8‑8, des personnes intervenantes dûment formées vous écouteront et vous apporteront de l’aide avec compassion, en vous offrant un espace sûr pour parler.

Pour des soutiens continus en santé mentale

Favoriser une santé mentale positive des employés et en milieu de travail est un travail de longue durée. Voici quelques ressources pour favoriser ou améliorer une santé mentale positive à l’échelle individuelle et en milieu de travail.

Services psychologiques du Régime de soins de santé de la fonction publique
  • Les employés peuvent désormais consulter un psychologue, un travailleur social, un psychothérapeute ou un conseiller sans ordonnance et bénéficier d’un remboursement de 80 % des frais dans le cadre du Régime de soins de santé de la fonction publique. Depuis le 1er juillet, 2023, ces prestations sont passées de 2 000 $ par année civile à 5 000 $.
Soutien en santé mentale : Demander de l’aide
  • Visitez le site canada.ca/sante-mentale en tout temps pour obtenir d’autres ressources et soutiens gratuits en matière de santé mentale et de consommation de substances.
Services d’ombudsman
  • Si votre organisation dispose d’un bureau d’ombudsman pour la santé mentale, les employés peuvent accéder à des conseils confidentiels et impartiaux en consultant l’intranet de votre ministère. Consultez votre site Web interne pour communiquer avec votre ombud.
  • Les services d’ombudsman varient d’un ministère à l’autre, mais consistent généralement à jouer un rôle de groupe de rétroaction, à guider ou à encadrer les employés afin qu’ils puissent soulever et résoudre des problèmes; et/ou à les aider à préparer à une conversation difficile.
Centre d’expertise pour la santé mentale en milieu de travail
Système de gestion informelle des conflits
  • Communiquez avec votre bureau du SGIC pour découvrir comment il peut aider les employés à prévenir, gérer et résoudre un problème sur le lieu de travail qui peut compromettre la santé et la sécurité psychologiques au travail.

École de la fonction publique du Canada

Centre canadien d'hygiène et de sécurité au travail
Stratégies en milieu de travail sur la santé mentale

Contactez votre gestionnaire ou votre conseiller en ressources humaines pour en savoir plus sur les soutiens spécifiques à votre organisation.

Santé mentale et bien-être de l'Équipe de la Défense

Santé mentale et bien-être de l'Équipe de la Défense - Canada.ca

Les Forces armées canadiennes (FAC) et les fonctionnaires du ministère de la Défense nationale (MDN) ont accès à diverses ressources ainsi qu'à de l'information pour les aider à préserver et à améliorer leur santé mentale et leur bien-être personnel dans l'ensemble.

Nom du service Coordonnées Public cible Notes

Programme d'aide aux membres des Forces canadiennes

1-800-268-7708 (ATS : 1-800-567-5803) Membres des FAC 24/7

Programme d'aide aux employés

Français: 1-866-398-9505 (ATS: 1-866-433-3305)Anglais: 1-800-663-1142 (ATS: 1-888-384-1152) Fonctionnaires du MDN 24/7

Jeunesse, J'écoute

Pour les enfants de familles des FAC, envoyez le mot-clic JEUNESFAC au 686868 Pour les enfants d'un bout à l'autre du Canada, envoyez le mot-clic PARLER au 686868 Les enfants, les jeunes et les jeunes adultes 24/7

9-8-8: Ligne d'aide en cas de crise de suicide

Si vous ou une personne que vous connaissez songez au suicide, communiquez par téléphone ou par message texte au 9-8-8 Tout le monde 24/7

Services 9-1-1 | CRTC

Si vous ou une personne que vous connaissez êtes en danger immédiat, composez le 9-1-1 ou rendez-vous au service l'urgence le plus près. Tout le monde 24/7

Resources for CAF Members

There are a range of services available to help you and your family members get the care and support you need. You're not alone, help is available.

Service Name Contact Information Description

Canadian Forces Member Assistance Program (CFMAP)

You have two ways to access CFMAP to set up


  1. By Phone, call the Crisis and Referral Centre available 24/7, at 1-800-268-7708 or 1-800-567-5803 (for people with hearing impairments).
  2. By Chat at www.canada.ca/eap-chat (password: canada), available Monday to Friday, from 0800-1930 (Eastern time), excluding statutory holidays.

The Chat Service is only for making an appointment for professional counselling, not for immediate counselling. If you need immediate support, please call.

Provides free and confidential, short-term professional counselling and crisis services to

members of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF), veterans, and their families.

Military Mental Health. You're not alone

Visit the following links to learn more: The Canadian Armed Forces offers exceptional medical and mental health care, support for families, and return to work programs.

The Family Information Line (FIL)

To speak with a FIL counsellor, call 1-800-866-4546 (toll-free in North America) or 1-613-995-5234 (collect calls accepted). Speak to friendly, experienced professionals who are well-versed on CAF communities and services. FIL counsellors are available to handle calls in confidence 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

The HOPE Program

Contact HOPE by email (HOPE-ESPOIR@forces.gc.ca) or by calling 1-800-883-6094. Provides CAF members and their families who have recently lost a loved one with peer support. Members and families are eligible for this service if they have lost a loved on who served in the Canadian Armed Forces, either active or retired, Regular or Reserve Force.

Military Family Resource Centres (MFRCs)

Visit the website to learn more:

Military Family Resource Centres | MFRC | CFMWS

CAF members and their families have access to dedicated, frontline service providers, responsible for connecting military families to a wide range of programs and services.

Military Medical Centres

Visit the website to learn more:

Canadian Armed Forces medical and dental centres - Canada.ca

Locate a medical and dental centre anywhere in Canada

Sexual Misconduct Support and Resource Centre

You have two ways of contacting the SMSRC:
  1. By Phone, call the Toll-free 24/7 line, Crisis and Referral Centre available 24/7, at 1-844-750-1648
  2. By Email at DND.SMSRC-CSRIS.MDN@forces.gc.ca, available Monday to Friday, from 0700-1700 (Eastern time), excluding statutory holidays.
Support services for currently serving and former Canadian Armed Forces members, National Defence public service employees, Cadets and Junior Canadian Rangers affected by sexual misconduct and their families, aged 16 and older. Guidance and support for leaders and management on addressing sexual misconduct.

Integrated Conflict and Complaint Management

Visit the website to retrieve the contact information for the Complaint Management Services centres nearest you: Integrated Complaint and Conflict Management (ICCM) - Canada.ca Service that helps CAF members submit, track, and resolve complaints.

Chaplain Services

In an urgent situation, please contact the chaplains’ office at your closest CAF formation,

base or wing. For additional information, or to contact a chaplain in a non-urgent manner during regular business hours, contact us:

  • by telephone at 1-866-502-2203
Spiritual guidance and support is available.

Resources for DND Public Service Employees

Whether you are looking to improve your well-being, increase your awareness, or access any of the many services and programs that are available to you, support is available when and how you need it.

Service Name Contact Information Description

Employee Assistance Program

By Phone: Available 24/7

English: 1-800-663-1142, or 1-888-384-1152 (for people with hearing impairments).

French: 1-866-398-9505, or 1-866-433-3305 (for people with hearing impairments).

The EAP is a professional, confidential, and proactive service to support you and your family members with a wide range of personal, family and work-related concerns. These services are designed to enable a proactive approach to supporting your well-being.

The Office of Disability Management

Visit the website to learn more:

Office of Disability Management (mil.ca)

Note: accessible only on the National Defence network. ODM created to be an impartial,

collaborative and inclusive group that supports employees and supervisors/managers dealing with disability-related matter due to illness, impairment and injury.

The Workplace Harassment and Violence Prevention Centre of Expertise

Visit the website for the steps on how to report an incident:

Workplace harassment and violence prevention program - Canada.ca

WHVP provides guidance to Defence Team personnel, develops training, and focuses on prevention initiatives.

Sexual Misconduct Support and Resource Centre

You have two ways of contacting the SMSRC:
  1. By Phone, call the Toll-free 24/7 line, Crisis and Referral Centre available 24/7, at 1-844-750-1648
  2. By Email at DND.SMSRC-CSRIS.MDN@forces.gc.ca, available Monday to Friday, from 0700-1700 (Eastern time), excluding statutory holidays.
Support services for currently serving and former Canadian Armed Forces members, National Defence public service employees, Cadets and Junior Canadian Rangers affected by sexual misconduct and their families, aged 16 and older. Guidance and support for leaders and management on addressing sexual misconduct.

Organizational Well-Being SharePoint site

Visit the SharePoint:

Organizational Well-Being - Bien-être organisationnel - Home (sharepoint.com)

Note: accessible only on D365 Helpful information about the mental health and well-being services available to DND public service employees.

Indigenous Mental Health Resources - Mental Health & Cultural Supports

First Nations and Inuit Hope for Wellness Help Line and On-line Counselling Service

The Hope for Wellness Help Line offers immediate mental health counselling and crisis intervention for ALL Indigenous people across Canada. On request, phone counselling is also available in: Cree, Ojibway, and Inuktitut.

Toll-Free: 1-855-242-3310

Hope for Wellness Chat Line: https://www.hopeforwellness.ca/

National Indian Residential School Crisis Line

Indigenous Services Canada offers a national Indian Residential School Crisis Line to support former Residential School students. The crisis line provides emotional and crisis referral services 24 hours per day.

Toll-Free: 1-866-925-4419

KUU-US Crisis Services

The KUU-US Crisis line is available 24/7 to provide support to Indigenous people in BC.

For more information visit: https://www.kuu-uscrisisline.com/

Toll Free: 1-800-KUU-US17 (1-800-588-8717)

Adult/Elder: 1-250-723-4050

Child/Youth: 1-250-723-2040

Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls Support Line

An independent, national, toll-free support call line is available to provide support for anyone who requires assistance.

Contact the free 24 hour support line at: Toll-Free: 1-844-413-6649

Canada Suicide Prevention Services

If you’re are thinking about suicide, are worried about a friend or loved one, or are having trouble with the loss of a loved one from suicide, the Canadian Suicide Prevention Services provides 24/7 phone support or text support from 4pm to 12am ET by texting 45645

Toll-Free: 1-833-4546-4566