Use the following infographics to raise awareness about obligations and best practices to protect interpreters and facilitate interpretation during virtual and hybrid meetings:
English version

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The header reads as follows: Going virtual or hybrid? Support interpretation safety and quality! Follow these requirements and best practices to protect interpreters and facilitate interpretation.
The document is then divided into six columns, where the following text can be read, accompanied by representative icons:
- Mandatory - Sound quality - Speak through the Internet audio (not a phone line) using a wired (not Bluetooth) tabletop microphone or headset with boom microphone.
- Hardware - Participate using a computer, not a smartphone or tablet.
- Internet connection - Use a fast, wired (not wireless) connection, and limit the number of other people and applications using your bandwidth.
- Avoidance of distractions - Appear in front of a plain background, and mute all of your devices’ audio notifications.
- Meeting discipline - Speak only on your turn, and stay muted when not speaking.
- Clarity of speech - Speak slowly, and if you have a written speech, provide a copy in advance to the interpreters.
At the bottom of the page is the Public Services and Procurement Canada logo, the Canada wordmark and the remark "Created by the Translation Bureau.”
Bilingual version
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The header reads as follows: Protect interpreters and facilitate interpretation. | Protégez les interprètes et facilitez l’interprétation.
The header also mentions: Created by the Translation Bureau | Créé par le Bureau de la traduction
The document is then divided into six columns, where the following text can be read, accompanied by representative icons:
- Mandatory - Sound quality - Speak through the Internet audio (not a phone line) using a wired (not Bluetooth) tabletop microphone or headset with boom microphone. | Obligatoire – Qualité du son – Parlez via la connexion Internet (plutôt qu’un téléphone) au moyen d’un casque avec micro sur tige ou d’un micro de table filaire (évitez le Bluetooth).
- Hardware - Participate using a computer, not a smartphone or tablet. | Matériel – Utilisez un ordinateur pour participer, et non un téléphone intelligent ou une tablette.
- Internet connection - Use a fast, wired (not wireless) connection, and limit the number of other people and applications using your bandwidth. | Connexion Internet – Utilisez une connexion Internet rapide par câble (évitez le sans-fil) et limitez le nombre d’autres personnes et applications utilisant votre bande passante.
- Avoidance of distractions - Appear in front of a plain background, and mute all of your devices’ audio notifications. | Élimination des distractions – Présentez-vous à l’écran devant un arrière-plan neutre et mettez en sourdine les notifications audio de tous vos appareils.
- Meeting discipline - Speak only on your turn, and stay muted when not speaking. | Respect de la discipline – Parlez seulement lorsque c’est à votre tour d’avoir la parole, et restez en sourdine lorsque vous n’avez pas la parole.
- Clarity of speech - Speak slowly, and if you have a written speech, provide a copy in advance to the interpreters. | Clarté des propos – Parlez lentement et fournissez d’avance aux interprètes tout discours écrit.
At the bottom of the page is the Public Services and Procurement Canada logo and the Canada wordmark.
Spanish version
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El documento está dividido en seis columnas, donde se lee el texto siguiente, acompañado de iconos representativos del texto.
- Obligatorio - Calidad Del Sonido - Hable A Través Del Audio De Internet (No De Una Línea Telefónica) Utilizando Un Micrófono De Sobremesa Con Cable (No Bluetooth) O Unos Auriculares Con Micrófono De Brazo.
- Equipo Informático - Participe Utilizando Una Computadora, No Un Teléfono Inteligente Ni Una Tableta.
- Conexión A Internet - Utilice Una Conexión Rápida Por Cable (No Inalámbrica) Y Limite El Número De Personas Y Aplicaciones Que Utilizan Su Ancho De Banda.
- Evitar Las Distracciones - Preséntese Sobre Un Fondo Liso Y Silencie Todas Las Notificaciones Acústicas De Sus Dispositivos.
- Disciplina En Las Reuniones - Hable Sólo Cuandosea Su Turno Y Permanezca En Silencio Cuando No Esté Hablando.
- Claridad De Expresión - Hable Despacio Y, Si Tiene Un Discurso Escrito, Facilite Una Copia Por Adelantado A Los Intérpretes.
En la parte inferior de la página, se ve el logo de Servicios públicos y Aprovisionamiento Canadá, la palabra-simbolo Canada, y la mención « creado por la Oficina de traducciones ».