<small><small>IMPORTANT: Regular and frequent updates to the content are to be expected. This is why we recommend we recommend bookmarking this page rather than saving the document. Do the same for all the documents and templates; only save them once you are ready to use and adapt them. This will ensure you have the most up to date information! The box as well as all the documents in it have version control numbers, dates and description of changes to help you know if you are still working with the most current versions. | <small><small>IMPORTANT: Regular and frequent updates to the content are to be expected. This is why we recommend we recommend bookmarking this page rather than saving the document. Do the same for all the documents and templates; only save them once you are ready to use and adapt them. This will ensure you have the most up to date information! The box as well as all the documents in it have version control numbers, dates and description of changes to help you know if you are still working with the most current versions. |