Important: The GCConnex decommission will not affect GCCollab or GCWiki. Thank you and happy collaborating!


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* Select Configuration "Base Configuration" (the default - in future this may change).
* Select Configuration "Base Configuration" (the default - in future this may change).
== Starting a New Model ==
== Starting a New Model:  SSC Catalog Service ==
* Click on the “ArchiMate” folder at the bottom left of the screen.
* Select “LayeredViewpoint:ArchiMate”.
** This is where most of the current models and examples exist.
** We’ve not explored (and probably will not explore in the near future) the other viewpoints listed.
** The exception is the “CapabilityMapViewpoint:Archimate” template – which, as you would expect, contains the SSC Capability Models.
* Check out the examples:
** Catalog Service: Mobile Device
** Technical Service:  Data Center Facilities Management
* Don’t forget to follow the metamodel:
** Guidance: Content Metamodel
** Guidance: Content Guidelines
* Create a new “LayeredViewpoint: ArchiMate”
* Give it the name:   “Catalog Service: YOURFULLSERVICENAMEHERE”

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