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In all GC events at the local, regional and national level.  
In all GC events at the local, regional and national level.  
The Panel Pledge is a commitment taken by public sector employees to affirm their commitment to diversity, inclusivity, Anti-Racism and anti-discrimination. Upholders of the Panel Pledge will ensure by their participation that they only support events whose panelists and moderators are representative of the true diversity of Canada. The Panel Pledge aims to promote the representation of systemically marginalized and underrepresented groups in response to the [ Clerk’s Call to Action on Anti-Racism, Equity, and Inclusion] and in support of the areas of focus of [ Beyond 2020] and the [ 2020/2021 Deputy Minister Commitments on Diversity and Inclusion]
The Panel Pledge is a commitment taken by public sector employees to affirm their commitment to Reconciliation, diversity, inclusivity, Anti-Racism and anti-discrimination. Upholders of the Panel Pledge will ensure by their participation that they only support events whose panelists and moderators are representative of the true diversity of Canada. The Panel Pledge aims to promote the representation of systemically marginalized and underrepresented groups in response to the [ Clerk’s Call to Action on Anti-Racism, Equity, and Inclusion] and in support of the areas of focus of [ Beyond 2020] and the [ 2020/2021 Deputy Minister Commitments on Diversity and Inclusion]
== l’Engagement GC relatif aux panels ==
== '''l’Engagement GC relatif aux panels''' ==
L'engagement du panel du gouvernement du Canada (GC) vise à augmenter la représentation et l'inclusion des :
L'engagement du panel du gouvernement du Canada (GC) vise à augmenter la représentation et l'inclusion des:
* '''Employés autochtones'''
* '''Employés autochtones'''
* '''Employés noirs'''
* '''Employés noirs'''
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Taking the '''#GCPanelPledge''' represented a commitment to advancing the profile of women across the GoC - both in and out of the STEM space. For more information please see: [[Panel Pledge/About the pledge|]]
Taking the '''#GCPanelPledge''' represented a commitment to advancing the profile of women across the GoC - both in and out of the STEM space. For more information please see: [[Panel Pledge/About the pledge|]]
== '''Histoire''' ==
Le Panel_Pledge a été adapté du travail effectué par trois organisations australiennes, dans le but d'accroître la parité hommes-femmes dans les panels.  Lancé à Services partagés Canada en 2019, le Panel_Pledge initial du GC exigeait que les personnes s'engagent à ne pas prendre la parole dans des panels réservés aux hommes. Ceux qui ont pris l'engagement sur les panels se sont également engagés à plaider pour la représentation des femmes dans les panels en posant les questions suivantes:
# Y a-t-il des femmes, ou un nombre égal d'hommes et de femmes, qui participent au panel ?
# Que fait l'organisateur de l'événement pour assurer la diversité des genres lors de son événement ?
# Les organisateurs s'engagent-ils à faire appel à des ressources supplémentaires pour atteindre l'équilibre entre les sexes dans leur panel et lors de leur événement ?
En prenant l'engagement '''#GCPanelPledge''', les participants se sont engagés à faire progresser le profil des femmes dans l'ensemble du GdC, que ce soit dans le domaine des STIM ou en dehors. Pour plus d'informations, veuillez consulter: <nowiki></nowiki>
='''Amending the Pledge to Promote Inclusivity, Diversity and Anti-Racism'''=
='''Amending the Pledge to Promote Inclusivity, Diversity and Anti-Racism'''=
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* Offering names of people from underrepresented groups both from withing your network and outside of it.  
* Offering names of people from underrepresented groups both from withing your network and outside of it.  
* Promoting employment equity, diversity, inclusivity, equality and Anti-Racism in their own organizations.
* Promoting employment equity, diversity, inclusivity, equality and Anti-Racism in their own organizations.
== '''Modifier l'engagement pour promouvoir l'inclusivité, la diversité et l'antiracisme''' ==
En prenant le Panel Pledge, on s'engage à promouvoir l'inclusion des groupes sous-représentés, tels que les employés autochtones, les employés noirs et les employés racisés, les employés 2SLGBTQQIA+, les personnes handicapées, les femmes et les minorités religieuses dans tous les événements du GC, tout en combattant toutes les formes de discrimination et en amplifiant les voix des personnes systématiquement marginalisées dans le monde.
[[File:Panel Pledge Logo French.jpg|thumb|229x229px]]
En prenant l'engagement '''#GCPanelPledge,''' on s'engage à:
* Demander la confirmation des autres panélistes et modérateurs et se réserver le droit de refuser de participer à des événements où les employés indigènes, les employés noirs et les employés racisés, les employés 2SLGBTQIA+, les personnes handicapées, les minorités religieuses et les femmes sont exclus.
* S'assurer que sur un panel de trois personnes, deux panélistes sont issus de groupes sous-représentés. Sur un panel de quatre personnes, trois panélistes doivent être issus de groupes sous-représentés, etc.
* Refuser de participer à des panels homogènes. S'ils choisissent de participer, ils s'engagent à noter le manque d'équilibre dans le panel et à mettre en avant l'engagement du panel auprès des organisateurs de l'événement, ainsi que pendant l'événement.
* Demander aux organisateurs d'événements quelles sont les mesures spécifiques qu'ils prennent pour garantir la diversité lors de leurs événements.
* Proposer des noms de personnes issues de groupes sous-représentés, qu'elles fassent partie de votre réseau ou non.
* Promouvoir l'équité en matière d'emploi, la diversité, l'inclusivité, l'égalité et l'antiracisme dans leur propre organisation.
='''Important Considerations:'''=
='''Important Considerations:'''=
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* ensuring that the location is physically accessible and comfortable for all (for example, it is scent-free and has no inappropriate imagery)
* ensuring that the location is physically accessible and comfortable for all (for example, it is scent-free and has no inappropriate imagery)
* subsidizing the cost to ensure that no cultural, economic or other barriers to participation exist
* subsidizing the cost to ensure that no cultural, economic or other barriers to participation exist
== '''Considérations importantes :''' ==
'''Panélistes:''' Chaque événement est différent, et il peut être nécessaire de prendre en compte la composition de l'événement et les personnes qui y participent. Les rôles à prendre en compte peuvent être les panélistes, les modérateurs, les autres participants et les organisateurs de l'événement. Tous ces rôles doivent être considérés comme ayant la même importance lorsqu'on envisage de participer à un panel et de respecter l'engagement du panel.  
'''Privilège:''' La société accorde des privilèges aux individus qui sont blancs, valides et cisgenres. Même au sein des communautés marginalisées par le système, les personnes les plus proches de la norme sont celles qui reçoivent généralement des plateformes pour les événements. Par exemple, les personnes racialisées blanches de passage reçoivent parfois des tribunes plutôt que d'autres personnes racialisées. De même, les personnes handicapées ayant un handicap invisible se voient parfois attribuer des tribunes au détriment des personnes handicapées ayant un handicap visible. Il faut s'efforcer d'offrir des tribunes aux personnes qui, historiquement, ont le moins de chances de se voir offrir des occasions de s'exprimer, c'est-à-dire les personnes qui sont les plus éloignées de la norme susmentionnée.
'''Tokenisme:''' Les panélistes ne veulent pas être considérés comme des jetons ou des coches. Les organisateurs d'événements doivent s'assurer qu'il y a une réelle diversité dans leurs événements. Plusieurs panélistes doivent être issus de groupes diversifiés afin de garantir une réelle représentation et que leur événement ne compte pas seulement un participant symbolique issu d'un groupe sous-représenté.
'''Inclusivité:''' Les organisateurs d'événements doivent s'assurer qu'ils accordent le même temps d'antenne à tous les panélistes et que les membres des groupes sous-représentés se sentent les bienvenus et sont autorisés à contribuer de manière égale à la conversation.
'''Colorisme:''' Les organisateurs d'événements doivent être conscients qu'au sein des communautés marginalisées, ceux qui sont plus proches de la blancheur se voient souvent offrir des plateformes à l'exclusion des autres.
'''Accessibilité:''' Les organisateurs d'événements doivent s'assurer que leurs événements sont accessibles. Le matériel fourni doit être conforme aux directives d'accessibilité, tout comme les platines de présentation. Les présentations doivent être rédigées en langage clair et en gros caractères. Voir les Lignes directrices sur l'accessibilité des produits et activités de communication -
'''Âge / Types de corps:''' Les organisateurs d'événements devraient envisager d'offrir des tribunes aux personnes plus âgées ou aux personnes ayant une morphologie différente, car elles ont toujours été exclues des engagements de prise de parole.
'''Considérations relatives à la planification d'événements:''' Pensez à respecter les facteurs culturels lors de la planification des événements en
* s'assurant qu'ils n'entrent pas en conflit avec des fêtes religieuses et culturelles
* respectant les restrictions alimentaires (par exemple, halal, kasher, végétarien)
* en s'assurant que le lieu est physiquement accessible et confortable pour tous (par exemple, qu'il ne dégage pas d'odeur et ne comporte pas d'images inappropriées)
* subventionner le coût pour s'assurer qu'il n'existe pas d'obstacles culturels, économiques ou autres à la participation.
= '''Response Template to Event Invitations''' =
= '''Response Template to Event Invitations''' =
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Before I confirm my attendance and participation, could I please request information of the other panelists? I hope to see a diverse and inclusive representation. Should you require some assistance achieving this, I would be happy to support you as best as I can.  
Before I confirm my attendance and participation, could I please request information of the other panelists? I hope to see a diverse and inclusive representation. Should you require some assistance achieving this, I would be happy to support you as best as I can.  
== '''Modèle de réponse aux invitations à des événements''' ==
Merci de m'avoir invité à prendre la parole ou à participer à votre événement. J'ai pris l'engagement de participer à un panel GC et je m'engage à ne participer qu'à des panels inclusifs et représentatifs, en particulier pour un éventail de personnes de sexe, de milieux, de groupes d'âge, de cultures et de capacités différents, notamment :
* '''les employés autochtones'''
* '''Employés noirs'''
* '''Employés racisés'''
* '''Employés handicapés'''
* '''2SLGBTQIA+ employés'''
* '''Minorités religieuses'''
* '''Femmes'''
Avant de confirmer ma présence et ma participation, puis-je demander des informations sur les autres panélistes ? J'espère que la représentation sera diversifiée et inclusive. Si vous avez besoin d'aide pour y parvenir, je serai heureux de vous soutenir du mieux que je peux.
= '''Response Template for Confirmation of a Panel Lacking Diversity''' =
= '''Response Template for Confirmation of a Panel Lacking Diversity''' =
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I am eager to participate and thank you for the invitation. However, the lack of diversity compromises my commitment to the [[GC Panel Pledge - l’Engagement GC relatif aux panels#Important Considerations:|GC Panel Pledge]] so I am unwilling to confirm my participation at this stage. I would be happy to reconsider this decision should you be able to secure a more balanced panel.  
I am eager to participate and thank you for the invitation. However, the lack of diversity compromises my commitment to the [[GC Panel Pledge - l’Engagement GC relatif aux panels#Important Considerations:|GC Panel Pledge]] so I am unwilling to confirm my participation at this stage. I would be happy to reconsider this decision should you be able to secure a more balanced panel.  
== '''Modèle de réponse pour la confirmation d'un panel manquant de diversité''' ==
Merci de nous fournir les détails des panélistes qui participeront à votre prochain événement.
Je suis impatient de participer et je vous remercie de l'invitation. Toutefois, le manque de diversité compromet mon engagement envers l'engagement du [[GC Panel Pledge - l’Engagement GC relatif aux panels#Important Considerations:|GC Panel]] et je ne suis pas disposé à confirmer ma participation à ce stade. Je serais heureux de reconsidérer cette décision si vous parveniez à obtenir un panel plus équilibré.
= '''Checklist for Event Organizers''' =
= '''Checklist for Event Organizers''' =
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# Promote the use of gender-sensitive language and preferred pronouns.
# Promote the use of gender-sensitive language and preferred pronouns.
# Ensure the event date does not conflict with religious and cultural holidays.
# Ensure the event date does not conflict with religious and cultural holidays.
== '''Liste de contrôle pour les organisateurs d'événements''' ==
Vous trouverez ci-dessous quelques points à prendre en considération par les organisateurs d'événements afin de garantir que leurs événements soient représentatifs, diversifiés et équitables :
# S'assurer que sur un panel de trois personnes, deux panélistes sont issus de groupes sous-représentés. Sur un panel de quatre personnes, trois panélistes devraient être issus de groupes sous-représentés, etc.
# S'efforcer d'atteindre un équilibre entre les sexes tout en incluant la communauté 2SLGBTQIA+.
# Connectez-vous aux réseaux de diversité pour vous assurer de trouver des panélistes issus de communautés systématiquement marginalisées.
# Essayez de réunir des panélistes de divers horizons, en tenant compte des groupes sous-représentés, des personnes de divers milieux socio-économiques, de divers groupes d'âge, de diverses capacités et de divers lieux géographiques.
# Veillez à utiliser l'interprétation linguistique, le sous-titrage et d'autres mesures d'accessibilité pour faciliter l'accès aux personnes handicapées.
# Promouvoir l'utilisation d'un langage sensible au genre et de pronoms préférés.
# Veillez à ce que la date de l'événement n'entre pas en conflit avec des fêtes religieuses et culturelles.
= '''Frequently Asked Questions:''' =
= '''Frequently Asked Questions:''' =
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For example, a Visible Minority Network should also look to feature colleagues who do not have a clear proximity to whiteness or are not necessarily able-bodied or are part of the 2SLGBTQI+ community as well.
For example, a Visible Minority Network should also look to feature colleagues who do not have a clear proximity to whiteness or are not necessarily able-bodied or are part of the 2SLGBTQI+ community as well.
='''Speakers List and EDI Network Database'''=
== '''Questions fréquemment posées :''' ==
'''''Cela signifie-t-il que vous ne pouvez pas avoir d'hommes blancs dans vos panels?'''''
Non. Cela signifie simplement que l'écrasante majorité des panélistes doit être issue de groupes sous-représentés, à l'image de leur représentation dans la population générale.
'''''Cela signifie-t-il que tous les groupes sous-représentés doivent être représentés dans tous les panels ?'''''
Non. Parfois, les panels ne sont composés que de deux personnes. Il est impossible de représenter tous les groupes marginalisés dans tous les panels. L'objectif est de s'efforcer de faire en sorte que diverses perspectives soient reflétées dans les événements virtuels et en personne qui mettent en vedette des fonctionnaires.
'''''Cela s'applique-t-il à l'équité en matière d'emploi ou aux groupes privés d'équité ?'''''
Oui et non. Certains réseaux ont été créés pour soutenir les groupes marginalisés par le système. On ne s'attend pas à ce qu'ils organisent des panels qui excluraient des membres de leurs groupes respectifs.
Cela dit, les institutions ont toujours été centrées sur les Blancs, les personnes valides et les cisgenres, et ce centrage se retrouve même au sein des groupes visés par l'équité et ceux qui en sont privés. Par conséquent, il est recommandé aux organisateurs d'événements de chercher à organiser des événements au sein d'un groupe qui présentent une représentation diverse et intersectionnelle de ce groupe.
Par exemple, un réseau de minorités visibles devrait également chercher à mettre en vedette des collègues qui n'ont pas une proximité évidente avec la blancheur ou qui ne sont pas nécessairement valides ou qui font également partie de la communauté 2SLGBTQI+.
='''Speakers List and EDI Network Database / Liste des conférenciers et base de données du réseau de l'EDI'''=
To help build diverse panels, event organizers can connect with one of the many regional, departmental or interdepartmental [[GC Diversity Networks - Réseaux de la-diversité-du GC|GC Diversity Networks - Réseaux de la-diversité-du GC - wiki (]]  
To help build diverse panels, event organizers can connect with one of the many regional, departmental or interdepartmental [[GC Diversity Networks - Réseaux de la-diversité-du GC|GC Diversity Networks - Réseaux de la-diversité-du GC - wiki (]]  
Event organizers can also connect with one of the many GC Speakers in the below list:  
Event organizers can also connect with one of the many GC Speakers in the below list:  
Pour aider à constituer des panels diversifiés, les organisateurs d'événements peuvent se connecter à l'un des nombreux [[GC Diversity Networks - Réseaux de la-diversité-du GC|Réseaux de la-diversité-du GC]] - wiki ( régionaux, ministériels ou interministériels.
Les organisateurs d'événements peuvent également communiquer avec l'un des nombreux conférenciers du GC figurant dans la liste ci-dessous:
{| class="wikitable sortable mw-collapsible"
{| class="wikitable sortable mw-collapsible"
!'''Name / Nom'''
!'''Name / Nom'''
!'''Pronoun / pronom'''
!'''Pronoun / pronom'''
'''(Not Mandatory)'''
! '''Email / courriel'''
!'''Position / Dept'''
!'''Position / Dept'''
!'''Member of an Equity or Equity Seeking Group(s) / membre d'un groupe d'équité ou de recherche d'équité'''
!'''Member of an Equity or Equity Seeking Group(s) / membre d'un groupe d'équité ou de recherche d'équité'''
!Official Language /Langue officielle
!'''Official Language'''
!'''Areas of Interest / Expertise / domaines d'intérêt / d'expertise'''
!'''Areas of Interest / Expertise / domaines d'intérêt / d'expertise'''
|'''Aalya Dhanani'''
|Transport Canada
|<nowiki>Racialized persons | Groupes racialisés, Woman | Femme</nowiki>
|<nowiki>Anti-Racism | Lutte contre le racisme, Career Planning | Planification de carrière, FlexGC, GBA+ | ACS+, Grassroots | Organisations Communautaire, How to Apply In The GC| Comment postuler au sein du GC, Interview Prep | Préparation aux entretiens, Leadership, Mental Health | Santé mentale, Mentoring | Mentorat, Networking| Réseautage, Self-Awareness | conscience de soi, Unconscious Bias | Biais inconscients</nowiki>
|'''Adam Robitaille'''
|Appraisal Analyst – Appraisal and Valuation Services Western  Region
|Real Property issues, 2SLGBTQIA+
|'''Adele Fraser'''
|Collections Contact Officer ARNI
|Disability and Woman
|Collections, SME of T1CASE, Animal  advocate, United Way SCR,
|'''Adwoa Gyasi-Nimako'''
|'''Adwoa Gyasi-Nimako'''
Line 140: Line 260:  
|Recruitment, Retention, Advancement, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Networking.
|Recruitment, Retention, Advancement, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Networking.
|'''Alexe Frédéric Migneault'''
| iel
they, them
|DGORAL, Direction des laboratoires
AS-01 (intérim)
CR-04 (attache)
|Traduction, interprétation, révision (japonais, français,  anglais)
Écriture inclusive et rédaction
Soutien administratif
Planification et organisation d’événements
Formation du personnel
|'''Alannah Heath'''
|Taxpayer  services agent – SP04
Canada  Revenue Agency
| English
|Administration,  Human Resources
|'''Aïssatou Keita'''
|'''Aïssatou Keita'''
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|Networking, community outreach, Collaboration, GoC, Policies, Diversity and Inclusion, Career/Personal Development
|Networking, community outreach, Collaboration, GoC, Policies, Diversity and Inclusion, Career/Personal Development
|'''Alicia Seifert'''
|Coordinating Member, Immigration & Refugee Board
|Racialized Person
| English
|Career Progression, Unconscious Bias, Anti-Racism, Leadership, Emotional Intelligence, Managing in PS, talent development, leading teams, performance management, intersectionality, difficult conversations, motivation & empowerment, coaching & mentoring
|'''Alison Marchbank'''
|HR Advisor, Canada Energy Regulator (Calgary, AB)
|Woman, Indigenous
|English (CBC for French)
|Self-Discovery with my Métis ancestry, Facilitation / teaching, Compensation, Student Staffing
|'''Alison Szawiola'''
|Government of Canada Free Agent
|Racialized/ Religous Minority/Woman
| Mental Health, Well-being, Facilitation, Mindfulness, Stakeholder Enagement and Community Building, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
|'''Althea Francis'''
|Senior Counsel – Public Prosecution Service of Canada (PPSC)
|Black  & Woman
|EDI broadly speaking, Bias & Prosecution, Race and Gender Issues
Overrepresentation of Black / Indigenous in the Criminal  justice system
|'''Amanda Bernardo'''
|Manager, Organizational Change Management
| English/French
|Future of work; leading hybrid teams; change management; mental health; facilitation; building a personal brand as a public servant; stakeholder engagement
L'avenir du travail ; diriger des équipes hybrides ; la gestion du changement ; la santé mentale ; la facilitation ; la création d'une marque personnelle en tant que fonctionnaire ; l'engagement des parties prenantes
|'''Amandeep Kahlon'''
|Senior Policy Analyst/Health Canada
|Visible  minorities
|Science Policy
|'''Amélie Frenette'''
| elle/iel/she/they
| Présidente nationale d'Avant-Garde: Réseau des jeunes professionnels de SPAC / National Chair of Vanguard: PSPC's Young Professionals' Network
| 2SLGBTQIA+ ; assignée femme à la naissance/assigned female at birth ; non-binaire / non-binary ; neurodivergent (TDAH/ADHD; santé mentale / mental health) ; handicaps/ disabilities
| Bilingue (FR/EN)
| Diversité et inclusion / diversity and inclusion; santé mentale / mental health ; Langues officielles / Official Languages ; Carrière / career ; Réseautage / Networking
|'''Amy McMahon'''
|Team Leader & Senior Strategic Communications Advisor
Dept: Statistics Canada
|mixed race woman with disabilities
|English and BBB French       
|historical processes of racialization in Canada, visible minority concept, diversity and inclusion, underrepresentation of mixed race persons and experiences.
|'''Anastasia Gerzhevich'''
|Student, AAFC
|Visible Minority, Woman, 2SLGBTQQIA+
|Anti-racism, anti-colonialism, disability advocacy, criminology/sociology (overrepresentation of racialized people in criminal injustice system), womanism, climate policy, dismantling toxic work culture, hybrid workplace and work/life balance, mental health and well-being, student employment and retention, communication
|'''André P. Jean'''
|Chef  de cabinet – Directeur general du changement et co-président national de  l’OCFED
|Acteur  de changement en EDI,
|'''Anissa MacLeod'''
|She/her         Elle
|Manager:Service Canada
|'''Anna Candido'''
|'''Anna Candido'''
Line 159: Line 409:  
|Communication, writing, plain language, anti-racism, equity diversity and inclusion
|Communication, writing, plain language, anti-racism, equity diversity and inclusion
|'''Annick Lamoureux'''
|Chef d’équipe intérimaire, ARC-CRA
|Femme et personne ayant un handicap
|Français et  Anglais
|Sujet des  personnes ayant un handicap et santé et sécurité aux travail.
|'''Annie Therriault'''
|Director, Shared Human Ressources, Pay Administration Branch,  PSPC
|Person  with Disability (neurodivergent) and member of the 2SLGBTQIA+  community
| French /  Bilingual
|Leadership,  Learning and Development, Performance Management, Human Ressources Management
|'''Anu Shukla-Jones'''
|'''Anu Shukla-Jones'''
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|Engagement and consultation, Policy Development and Implementation, Peer Support/Advocacy, Career Advancement, Leading teams, Sharing (information, resources and experiences), Mental health and wellness
|Engagement and consultation, Policy Development and Implementation, Peer Support/Advocacy, Career Advancement, Leading teams, Sharing (information, resources and experiences), Mental health and wellness
|'''Aqsa Haroon'''
|Financial Officer, AAFC
|Visible Minority, Religious Minority (Muslim), Woman, Invisible disability
| Diversity, equity, and inclusion in staffing, Islamophobia, cognitive biases
|'''Ben Hamdane'''
|Agent aux services des contribuables – BSF Montréal
|Les femmes
|Communication, sport, statistiques
|'''Benjamin Kalenga Musampa'''
|Agent des services  aux contribuables (SP04)
|'''Beverley Miranda'''
|  Elle/Her/She
|Shared Services Canada
|  Woman of  Colour
|  English
|Managing your Career in the GoC
Setting oneself up for Success
Confidence Building
|'''Bill Spruin'''
|Work: Program Advisor, Indigenous Services Canada / Side of desk: TBS Speaker on Diversity and Inclusion
| PwD
|Inclusive Diversity and Inclusion – our voices are muted when we speak individually and magnified when we speak together.
The staffing culture of exclusion. Accommodations – it is more than just PwD if we are to enable inclusion.
|'''Binana Madikama'''
|orateur au  sein du GC
|'''Catherine (Cath) Duchastel de Montrouge'''
| They and she/iel et elle
|HR Advisor/ PSPC Ontario
|Queer. Non-binary, and multiply-disabled
|French but I am bilingual
| Disability  inclusion from an intersectional lens, accessibility/inaccessibility as  infrastructural and institutional processes, anti-oppression,  anti-colonialism. feminisms.
|'''Chrislain Eric Kenfack'''
|Conflict Resolution Practitioner
Office of Conflict Resolution
| Bilingual
| - Conflict resolution
- Anti-racism training
- Multiculturalism
- International climate diplomacy
|'''Christopher K. Scipio'''
|'''Christopher K. Scipio'''
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|GBA+, anti-racism & anti-oppression, talent management, leadership, conflict resolution, self-advocacy, policy innovation.   
|GBA+, anti-racism & anti-oppression, talent management, leadership, conflict resolution, self-advocacy, policy innovation.   
|'''Chrissie Young'''
|Learning  Advisor, Enterprise Change and Learning Academy Branch (ECLA),  Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC)
National Co-Chair of Pride@IRCC, IRCC’s Pride network
|English (Bilingual)
|Networking, Community outreach, Engagement and  consultation, Collaboration, Diversity and Inclusion, Employment Equity,  Career/Personal Development, Training and Facilitation
|'''Claudia Levac'''
|Visible minority and Woman
|Leadership, helping young and new public servants (I myself was bridged as a student and am now an EX minus 1), moving to digital, women helping women, women helping anyone
|'''Julie Claveau'''
|Earth Observation Program Officer, Canadian Space Agency
| Woman
|Diversity & Inclusion, Networking, Community outreach, Career/Personal Development, Leadership, Physics/Astronomy, Space, Earth Observation, Conference Presentations/Panels, National and International Collaboration
|'''Connor Smithersmapp'''
|Acct. Mgt.
|Equity,  Anti-Racism, Employment Equity Policy and Audits
|'''Cyrille Ndingue'''
Service a la  clientèle
|'''Darlene Mulcahey'''
|Senior Program Officer
|Women, Persons with disabilities and 2SLGBTQIA+
|Mental health, mental illness (depression, anxiety and PTSD), peer support, substance use disorder, 2SLGBTQIA+, coming out, disability, ageism, menopause, intersectionality, caregiving, leadership, mentorship and parenting a child with chronic health issues
|'''Daouda Chabi Do'''
|Chef d’équipe par intérim, Audit /Agence  du Revenu du canada
|Noir d’Afrique
|Animation  et organisation de réunion
Formation  du personnel
Recrutement  de personnel  
|'''Dawn Pennyfeather'''
|A/Business Expertise Consultant - ESDC
|Black, Woman
|Inclusion, diversity, equity and accessibility (IDEA) topics
Digital Media
|'''Deborah Avanthay'''
|Program Services Officer - ISB (Integrity Services Branch) ESDC
|Women's Network, IEC (Indigenous Employee's Circle)
|Lived experiences: Workplace racism, bullying, harassment, violence/Métis and marginalized employees Advocate/Policy & Governance changes according to the Indigenous 94 Calls to Action/Updates to the Employment Equity Act/Métis representation at the EX levels and Senate/CFS Reformation and business model updates
|'''Diyyinah Jamora'''
|'''Diyyinah Jamora'''
|She / Her
|She / Her
|Social Media Analyst / ISC/CIRNAC
|Social Media Analyst / ISC/CIRNAC
|Social Media, Networking
|Social Media, Networking
|'''Edwin Paul Franklin'''
|Advisor – Policy and Programs
|YES (Visible minority)
|Diversity ''– taste the Difference'' Inclusion ''–timing is the Key, let me tell  you why?''Racism  - ''my lived experiences in  Canada.'' Psychological Safety ''– Tomorrow never  comes, how about today?'' Human Resources – ''Immigration and  Immigrants, Shortage or Surplus?'' Design Thinking – ''intentional improvement  (KISS your LIPS @ Work)'' Behavioral Economics – ''We live in our mind,  do we, don’t we?'' Leadership – ''to influence you need to  inspire, I’ll follow you.'' 
è Change Management – ''why Change, if I don’t need to?''
|'''Emily Walsh'''
|She/Her, Elle/La
|Communications Advisor, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship  Canada
|Racialized/Black  person
Person  with a disability
|<nowiki>Anti-Racism, diversity, equity and inclusion | Lutte  contre le racisme, diversité, équité et inclusion. </nowiki>
Mental health and wellness | Santé mentale et bien-être.
Decolonization | Décolonization
Unconscious Bias | Biais inconscients
Allyship | Alliée
|'''Felicie Hassika'''
|'''Felicie Hassika'''
Line 191: Line 674:  
|SME in AREDI topics Networking, Employee Engagement, Community Building, Leading Teams, Collaboration, AREDI workshops delivery, BEN network executive member
|SME in AREDI topics Networking, Employee Engagement, Community Building, Leading Teams, Collaboration, AREDI workshops delivery, BEN network executive member
|'''Gana Moke'''
|He/ Him
|Resource/ complex case Officer – Revenue Collections
|Black Employees
Disabled Employees
|French and  English
|Accessibility  and invisible disabilities advocate. Expertise in accessible e-mail via  outlook to aid people with disabilities whilst increasing performance for  people of all abilities through clear communication and self-awareness.  Interested in equality, work, life balance and the pursuit of happiness.
|'''Gloria Membu'''
|Elle / she / hers
|PM1 Agente de prestation de paiments ( DSVP), Poste intérim actuel : AS2  Agente Servie Projets   ( CRR)
| Je suis membre du réseau des femmes et membres des minorités visibles
| Français
|Communication interpersonnelle,  devellopement personnel, santé mentale , évolution et devellopement de méthodes ou outils de travail, ressources humaines , service à la clientèle, animation dynamique d’évenements communautaires, psychologie, santé et sécurité au travail, Formation et passasion de connaissance, inclusion de tous, soutien aux nouveaux employés du fédéral , traduction ( lingala – francais  et francais –lingala
|'''Hajer Triki'''
|Agente au service des contribuable à CARQ
|<nowiki>- Les employés en situation d’handicap</nowiki>
- Minorités religieuses
- Les femmes
| Français
|Comptabilité,  administration, vérification, formation,
|'''Hanna Stewart'''
|Policy Analyst with Afghanistan Settlement Branch, IRCC
|Co-chair  of IRCC’s Women’s Network
|Passionate about women’s issues, leading discussions with a network on diversity, equity, inclusion, women’s rights, women’s leadership, and mental health.
|'''Holly Ellingwood'''
| he/him/ il
|Lead Departmental Strategist/ Office of IDEA (Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, Accessibility/Anti-Racism/Natural Resources Canada
|2SLGBTQIA+, person with disaiblity
|Fluent English/ working ability in French
|'''Holly LaForme'''
|Public Health Agency of Canada, Emergency Management Branch, Policy Analyst
|Biracial: Indigenous (First Nations)/Caucasian
|On-reserve lived experience, Mental Health
, Reconciliation work, Youth Perspective for Knowledge and Idea Sharing
|'''Holly Marie Eggleston BA'''
|Program Support Officer ISC Atlantic  (secondment from Correctional Services of Canada until April 2024)
|Treaty 8 Status member of Fort Nelson First Nation
|Residential school survivor Grandfather was first Chief in Canada to negotiate mineral right agreements, constitutional issues, two eyed seeing, artist and elder
|'''Hortense Ncubana'''
|MG-03, CRA
|Minorité visible
Femme noire
Dév Durable
|'''Huda Alsarraj'''
| Equity, Diversity and Inclusion / CHRC
|Syrian Muslim
|Psychological Safety, Accessibility, combatting Islamophobia, combatting subtle acts of exclusion (Intervention), Community Engagement, Mobilizing and Values/Ethics
|'''Jacqueline Lamarre'''
|Conflict Management Practitioner
|Conflict management, communication
|'''Jade Bouchard'''
|Agente des services aux contribuables SP-04- CCRQ
Agence de Revenu du Canada
|<nowiki>- Français (langue maternelle)</nowiki>
- Anglais
|<nowiki>- Santé mentale et bien-être</nowiki>
- Droit des femmes
- Communication
- Diversité corporelle
- Estime de soi
|'''Jeremy Plaunt'''
|Centre of Expertise on Accessibility, Statcan
|Person with Disabilities
| English (Bilingual FR)
|Accessibility, hiring, managing, and supporting fellow persons with disabilities, Survey Research, Communications, Lived Experience in building a career as disabilities increase, etc
|'''Joy Moxam'''
|Project Coordinator; ADMO
visible minority
|<nowiki>-        racialized employees</nowiki>
-        2SLGBTQIA+
|'''Julienne Ngo Nyidi'''
|Agente de passeport
À EDSC- Service Canada
|Ressources  humaines, Relations interpersonnelles, Administration, Service à la clientèle, Gestion/coordination d’équipe, Présentation/animation des évènements culturels/  communautaires
|'''Kavita Batra'''
|Women, visible minority
|Managing in a hybrid environment, leadership, change management, project management
|'''Kirk/Kaiya Hamilton'''
|He/Him (Kirk) / She/Her (Kaiya)
|Senior AREI Manager/Advisor
|2SLGBTQI+,  Person living with disability, Women (Gender diverse woman but not female)
|Fluent English  and Working ability on French
|Diversity and  Inclusion, Gender Identity/Expression, Living with disabilities, Leadership,  Change Management
|'''Kris Marcotte'''
|CCRQ – BSF Montreal – SP4 – Service Client
| Français  (bilingue)
| Représentation  et éducation sur les membres du 2SLGBTQIA+ les moins représenté
|'''Iraj Tamadon-Nejad'''
|Junior Compensation Advisor / Public Service Pay Centre, Pay Administration Branch
Visible Minority
|Exec member of the EEDIC – Would love to discuss inclusivity – diversity and anti-discrimination
|'''Isa-Bella Leclair'''
|Deputy Project Manager on Universal Accessibility / PSPC
|Person  with a disability
| Bilingual
| Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Networking,  Community Outreach, Peer Support/Advocacy, Career Advancement, Research,  Collaboration
|'''Isabelle Dallaire'''
| She/her/Elle
|Communications Advisor / Conseillère en communications
|Woman / Femme
Indigenous / Autochtone
|Fluent French / Bilingual
|Indigenous employees, Mental Health, HR Indigenous recruitment, Outreach, Diversity, Inclusion, Communications, Indigenous relations, Youth, Networking, Inspiring storytelling
|'''Josiane Nassif'''
|Sp-04 a ARC
|Les employés en  situation d’handicap
| Français
Les employés en  situation d’handicap, Femmes, Minorités religieuses
|'''Judith Pare'''
|Woman &
Person living with a disability
|French and English
|Learning (Instructional design, facilitation,  coaching), Management,
Change Management, also ''Working and managing people with disability'' I am passionate to raise awareness about the  reality of working with and managing people who are living with disability  and improving their feeling of safety at work as well as to allow them to  have motivation in navigating their professional life.
|'''Julianna Mutch'''
|National Young Professionals Network Chair/ Junior Policy and Foresight Analyst, Canada Revenue Agency
|Leadership, networking, teamwork, collaboration, empowerment, motivation, career development, and community building
|'''Kamel Aquino'''
| Nabil
|Agent des services aux contribuables (SP04) / Centre de contact régional du Québec  / Agence  du Revenu du Canada
|Les employés racialisés
|Présentation / orateur / communication / animation /  les gens
|'''Karen Zishiri'''
| She/Her
|Trust Account Examination Officer (CRA)
|E.D.I. Resources, Racism & Ethnic Discrimination, Sexism; Gender, Discrimination, Immigration & Citizenship Discrimination. Religious Discrimination
|'''Khadeja Elsibai'''     
|she/her, elle/la
|Economic Analyst, Business & Data Analytics Team, Office of the Superintendent of Canada, ISED Canada
|Arab Muslim women
|English, French (CCE proficiency)
|regulatory compliance (modernization of compliance programs, using data for compliance programs, operationalization of regulatory mandates)
career growth & development (with focus on new and young professionals) (e.g. professional branding, mentorship, networking)
|'''Kristina Dobson'''
|She, her/elle, la
|Program Advisor, IRCC
|Women,  Person with Disability (invisible disability)
| Disabilities, invisible  disabilities, accessibility
I am the Chair of the PwD  Network at IRCC.
|'''Krista O’Shaughnessy'''
|Internal  Integrity and Security Officer, Integrity Services Branch
|Disabled Employee
|Security, Charity, Lifting each other up, Career progression, Communications and Marketing
|'''Krystel Ouimet'''
| SP-03
Situation d’handicape
|Intérêt  en psychologie, formation universitaire problème de dépendance.
|'''Francis Lajoie'''
|MG-03 au Centre de contact BSF MTL au Déclaration de Revenue et  de Prestations
|Français & Anglais
|SP / MG / tout  autres domaine pour lequel je pourrais être considéré
|'''Latoya Barham'''
|'''Latoya Barham'''
Line 199: Line 980:  
|Networking, Idea sharing, collaboration, CoP, Leading Teams  
|Networking, Idea sharing, collaboration, CoP, Leading Teams  
|'''Latricia Beeston'''
|Senior Advisor/ESDC
|Diversity & Inclusion Program Development, Mental Health First Aid Certified, Facilitation (JLP), Leadership, Collaboration
|'''Lori Shreve'''
| Senior Advisor with the Regional Management Services Workforce for the Strategic Services Branch of Service Canada
|POC-Asian Canadian, LGBTQIA+,  Person with Disability, Woman
|Leadership Development, Talent Development, Networking, Mentorship, Collaboration, Engagement, Project Management, Diversity and Equity, Design Thinking, Change Management
|'''Lowa Lumbala'''
| Senior Program Advisor / ESDC
| Black, African (Sub-Saharan)
Disability (Dyslexia)
| French (Bilingual E/C/C)
|<nowiki>Strategic Career Planning | Staffing policies| Recruitment | Retention | Employee development | Unconscious Bias | EDI | Innovation | Stakeholder Engagement </nowiki>
|'''Magalie  Corinne Cayemitte'''
|<nowiki>Agent  des services aux particuliers | Individual Services Agent</nowiki>
SP-04  @ CRA
| Black  Canadian Woman
|Spreading kindness , mental health ,  positive thinking, healthy lifestyle, empowerment wellness , understanding  micro aggressions  , confidence building, Career development
|'''Mahdi Boualem'''
| Public Service Commission – HR Advisor
|Visible and Religious Minority – Handicap (Mental Health)
| Mental Health – well-Being – Bipolar Disorder
|'''Makenzy Ricketts'''
|'''Makenzy Ricketts'''
Line 207: Line 1,033:  
|Networking, Employee Engagement, Community Building, Leading Teams, Collaboration, GC Communities of Practice
|Networking, Employee Engagement, Community Building, Leading Teams, Collaboration, GC Communities of Practice
|'''Manmeet Anand'''
|South Asian
|Networking, Community Engagement, , Leading  Teams, Collaboration, Recruitment/Retention, Support  and Mental  wellbeing; public speaking, idea sharing, collaboration
|'''Matthew Hou'''
|Senior Advisor - Anti Racism in Science
|2SLGBTQ+, Veteran, Korean-Canadian, invisible disability, class mobility
|Dispelling the myths, stigma, leading a discussion, executive presentation, coaching, employee recognition, community building
|'''Marie-France Brassard'''
|Français(et anglais)
|Communications, Traduction, affaires  mondiales et/ou immigration.
Études en langues(français, anglais,  espagnol) Intérêt et expérience en relations d’aide
|'''Marie-Jeanne  Nahas'''
| Senior  HR Advisor, Employee Support Office
| Person with a  disability
| French but  bilingual
|'''Marsha Thompson'''
|'''Marsha Thompson'''
|Transformation Management Branch / ESDC
|Transformation Management Branch / ESDC
|Black, women, Person with invisible disability
| Black, women, Person with invisible disability
|Networking, Employee Engagement, Community Building, Leading Teams, Collaboration, micromissions
|Networking, Employee Engagement, Community Building, Leading Teams, Collaboration, micromissions
|'''Mary Colleen Witherspoon'''
|Communications Officer, Indigenous Services Canada
| Woman, person with disabilities, immigrant
| Mental health, invisible disabilities, team building, networking, HR, training and development, women's issues, multiculturalism, experiences as an immigrant, combating bias, continuing education, personality flexing, communication styles, active listening, politics, difficult conversations and how/when to have them
|'''Mathurin Halaoui'''
|He, him
|Senior Economist, CCB-ISED
|Cybersécurité, Présentation,   orateur, animation
|'''Megan Francescutti'''
|Integration Program Officer, Settlement Network, IRCC
|Co-chair  of IRCC’s Women’s Network
|Passionate about women’s issues, leading discussions with a network on diversity, equity, inclusion, women’s rights, women’s leadership, and mental health.
|'''Megan Young'''
|Indigenous Consultation and Engagement Coordinator, Environment and Climate Change Canada
|First Nations
|Indigenous inclusion in conservation and science; Indigenous engagement; Working with Indigenous staff; Mental health
|'''Melanie Sing'''
|Assistant Director, Canada Revenue Agency
| Woman, Asian
|Leadership, networking, mental health, diversity and inclusion, collaboration, recruitment
|'''Melanie Wyke'''
|'''Melanie Wyke'''
|She / Her
|She / Her
|Senior Program Advisor,
| Senior Program Advisor,
Supporting Black Canadian Communities Initiative
Supporting Black Canadian Communities Initiative
|Black, South Asian, mixed / Caribbean
| Black, South Asian, mixed / Caribbean
|Networking, Employee Engagement, Community Building, Leading Teams, Collaboration, Anti-Racism Initiatives, and Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Initiatives
|Networking, Employee Engagement, Community Building, Leading Teams, Collaboration, Anti-Racism Initiatives, and Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Initiatives
|'''Meredith  Richmond'''
|National  Managers’ Community Ontario Lead - CSPS
| Mental health disability, Queering the public service, Privilege and marginalization- when to step down as a settler colonizer white woman, Trauma informed practice, Courageous and vulnerable leadership, Mentoring, Coaching, Learning from failure, Leadership development, Succession planning, Staff development, Team building and creating belonging, Networking and connecting, public speaking, event planning and Stakeholder engagement
|'''Merylee Sevilla'''
|Workforce Planning & Development Officer /
|LGBT, Asian
|Personal experience(s)
Breaking down the stigmas of being a Gaysian (Gay Asian)
Mental health as a visible minority, Coloured, gay and a woman in government, Managing mental health and the stigmas of being a visible minority LGBTQ person
|'''Mikelle Sasakamoose'''
|'''Mikelle Sasakamoose'''
|TC TMX Secretariat, Transport Canada
| TC TMX Secretariat, Transport Canada
|First Nations, Status Indian
|First Nations, Status Indian
|Networking, Employee Engagement, Community Building, Leading Teams, Collaboration, GC Communities of Practice, Recruitment and Retention
|Networking, Employee Engagement, Community Building, Leading Teams, Collaboration, GC Communities of Practice, Recruitment and Retention
|'''Miriam A. Colfax'''
| Acting Senior Project Advisor
| Women  and Racialized (My parents are from El Salvador)
| Mental Health, Equity, System Racism, Women’s  issues
|'''Morgan wall'''
|She/They Elle/Iel
| or
|AS-O1 – Coordinator at the Employee Support Office
|Yes.  Autistic Nonbinary + Queer Disabled  wheelchair user
|Accessibility, Disability  Justice, LGBTQ+ issues, Autistic inclusion
|'''Moss Elmouftaquir'''
|'''Moss Elmouftaquir'''
Line 251: Line 1,196:  
|Networking, Employee Engagement, Community Building, Leading Teams, Collaboration, GC Communities of Practice
|Networking, Employee Engagement, Community Building, Leading Teams, Collaboration, GC Communities of Practice
|'''Nadia Campbell'''
|Advisor/ Black Engagement and Advancement Team, HRSB
| Black, Women
|Unconscious Bias, Difficult Conversation, Equity and Inclusion
|'''Nadia Ferrara'''
|Cultural Humility , reconciliation,  trauma-informed and human-centered approaches, Diversity and inclusion, GBA+
|'''Nalourgo Soro'''
|'''Nathalie Stella'''
|Chef d’équipe, FI-03 – SPAC, à partir du  2 décembre : Chef des opérations comptables, CBSA
|Non-binaire, pansexuel, vue comme femme,  handicap invisible
| Parler des différences, acceptation de sois,  résilience, maladie mentale, handicap invisible
|'''Nicole Bekzadeh'''
|'''Nicole Bekzadeh'''
Line 256: Line 1,233:  
|Business Expertise Senior Consultant / Service Canada
|Business Expertise Senior Consultant / Service Canada
|Black, Woman
| Black, Woman
|Employee Engagement, Leading Teams, Wellness, Career Development, Diversity
|Employee Engagement, Leading Teams, Wellness, Career Development, Diversity
|'''Nora Renard'''
|Communications Security Establishment
Deputy Senior Liaison Officer to  the United States
|Arab/Muslim Woman
|Leadership in the  intelligence/national security community, International partnerships, Empowering others, especially  racialized women, Diversity, equity and  inclusion, Dealing with biases especially  vis-à-vis career progression and development, Working with allies, Candid conversations, Embracing the “angry  [ethnicity] woman” label, Networking vs Personal  Connections, Refugee experience, Cultural hybrid, Muslim experience
|'''Nunsharry Maitre'''
|Agent des services aux particuliers
|Noire (Haïtienne)
|Français  (langue maternelle)
|Comptabilité  recevable,
administations  ,service a la clientel.
|'''Pascale France Saulnier'''
|Femme Acadienne
Anglais EEE
|Gestion financière, Gestion Opérationnelle, Gestion de  projet, Transformation et Gestion de changements
|'''Paulette Langdon'''
|Case Manager - VAC
Invisible Disability
| Mental Health, Neurodiversity, Wellness, Accommodation & Accessibility, Diversity Inclusion & Equity, Disability Management, Networking, Management, Personal & Career Development, Mentorship Plus, Women's Issues, Advocating for All
|'''Remzi Cej'''
|<nowiki>he/him | il/lui</nowiki>
|Assistant Director, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada
|Gay man, Muslim, former refugee
|Challenging Islamophobia; Anti-Racism, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (AREDI) efforts; multiculturalism; intersectionality; 2SLGBTQIA+ inclusion
|'''Per Sekhon'''
|Learning Designer and Associate Faculty Member at The Canada School of Public Service
|Woman/South Asian
|Resilience, Human Centered Workplace, Engagement and Empowerment (team), Workplace wellness, Neuroscience, Change Leadership, Meaningful Conversations,  Interpersonal Communication
|'''Priya  Kumar'''
| Senior Data Analyst,  Research Methods  & Design
Global Affairs Canada
Religious minority
Woman with Disability (neurodivergent)
|Intersection between technology and human  rights, including online platforms and social media, inclusive design and  data feminism, digital diaspora, online othering/hate, disinformation,  gender-based violence in digital contexts. Career/Personal development (pathways for  researchers, and wider diversity of skills specializations), EDI, data  translation for policy, and culture change.  
|'''Rachel Boutin'''
|Manager,  Accessibility secretariat
|PWD, Female
| French but bilingual
|EDI, inclusion, Accessibility, PWD,  coaching, mentorat
|'''Rolin Junior Boyard'''
|AU-01 Direction des Programmes d’Observation : Division de la vérification
|Employé noir et minorité religieuses
|Formation – Animation – Coaching – Conférences – Organisation d’événements
|'''Raoul Ntwali'''
|he/him, il/lui
|<nowiki>National  Coordinator CRA YPN | Coordinateur national du RJP de l’ARC</nowiki>
|Black East African
|Networking, community outreach, Collaboration, GoC, Policies, Diversity and  Inclusion, Career/Personal Development, Finance
|'''Reshmeena Lalani'''
|'''Reshmeena Lalani'''
Line 267: Line 1,346:  
|Networking, Collaboration and Knowledge sharing to break down silos
|Networking, Collaboration and Knowledge sharing to break down silos
|'''Rochella Watson'''
| A/Team Lead, BDSB EI NE
|Multi-racial: Jamaican, German, Jewish, Iranian. Gender  identity: Cis woman
| Mental wellbeing; public speaking, idea sharing,  collaboration
|'''Rubina Boucher'''
|'''Rubina Boucher'''
Line 275: Line 1,362:  
|Peer support/self-advocacy, Transformative Story Telling, Intersectionality, AOP, Social Work, Community Studies, Disability Management, Evolving the concept of Inclusion in the workplace - moving towards Belonging... “Belonging Together”
|Peer support/self-advocacy, Transformative Story Telling, Intersectionality, AOP, Social Work, Community Studies, Disability Management, Evolving the concept of Inclusion in the workplace - moving towards Belonging... “Belonging Together”
|'''Sahir Dewji'''
| Policy Analyst/ IRCC
|South Asian,  Muslim
|English and French
|Scholar of Religion and Culture, GBA Plus, DEI,  self-advocacy, Networking, Gender and Unconscious bias, Knowledge Sharing,  discrimination and racism
|'''Sagal Abdullahi'''
|'''Sagal Abdullahi'''
Line 283: Line 1,378:  
|Networking, Engagement, Community Building, Collaboration, Leading Teams, Project Management, Change Management
|Networking, Engagement, Community Building, Collaboration, Leading Teams, Project Management, Change Management
|'''Saphia Djouaher'''
|''OAS / CPP ROC / Benefit Delivery Services Branch -'' CROP-SV  / Direction générale des services de versement des prestations
|Racialized  Employees
| French / Français
|Communication, organisation d’évènements
|'''Sarah Coumba'''
| Parole officer/Agente de libération conditionnelle, Correctional Service Canada, member of CEED
|Mixed Black and Caucasian Woman
|Diversity and inclusion, Intersectionality, Networking, Discrimination/racism, Public safety and offenders, Identity, Micro-agressions
|'''Sarah Horrocks'''
|Manager, IM Policy
Member, IRCC Women's Network Core Committee
Girl Guides of Canada volunteer
|Women supporting other women, learning and teaching, information management, volunteering and mentoring.
|'''Sean Karmali'''
|Building diversity and inclusion forums for business lines; facilitating and leading podcast discussions; collaboration; innovation; healthy workplace and respect for diversity;
|'''Shelley Rolland-Poruks'''
|Sr Director Communications
|Communications, internal communications, people management, community/employee engagement
|'''Sheree Honegan'''
| Senior Advisor, Program Delivery Branch, Service Canada
Racialized  Women
Women  Issues
Mental  Health
Leadership/Team  Work  
|'''Simone Smullen'''
|Executive Assistant, PSPC
| woman, person with a disability, religious and ethnic minority (Jewish)
|Bilingual (First language is English)
|Disability, Religious and Ethnic Minority, Jewish identity, Antisemitism, Intersectional identities, unconscious bias (I teach this topic for the CSPS)
|'''Sugeidy Acuna'''
|Manager, Records management & compliance
|Racialized/Visible minorities
|Information/Records Management, Hybrid Workplace, Management, Women empowerment , Collaboration, Networking, Motivation, Change management, Leadership, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion
Career & Personal Development, Mental Health & Well-being, 2SLGBTQIA+, Accessibility, Autistic  inclusion, First  Nations
|'''Susan Miller'''
|Taxpayers Services Agent, CRA
|Latin American (non-white)
|Parliamentary Affairs
Intellectual Property
Human Resources Management
Labour Relations
|'''Suzanne McFarlane'''
| Sr. HR Advisor
| Women,  VM
|Expertise /  facilitation experience: Anti-racism; inclusion and discrimination; mental  health.
|'''Suzy  Freitas'''
|She /Her / Hers
| Femme, Racialized, Disabled
|French,  Billingual CCC
Archival (Information Management) , Accessibility, IT governance, empowering women, courage, resiliency, coping with stress, vulnerability,
|'''Silvia Bascuñan'''
|Conseillère RH, Développement organisationnel, Relations Couronne-Autochtones et Affaires du Nord Canada / Services aux Autochtones Canada
| femme, minorité visible, en situation de handicap
|Français (mais je suis bilingue)
|Connaître et comprendre mes droits et les ressources disponibles en tant que personne en situation de handicap à la fonction publique fédérale, Comment postuler efficacement aux emplois dans la fonction publique fédérale, Trucs et astuces rapides en planification et progression de carrière
|'''Sylvio Leger'''
|FNIHB National BCP Coordinator -ICSD
|Networking, Career development, event planning, engagement, leading teams, public speaking, collaboration, innovation
|'''Tabassum Khan'''
|'''Tabassum Khan'''
Line 290: Line 1,518:  
|South Asian, Muslim
|South Asian, Muslim
|Informal Mentorship, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Networking, Retention, Collaboration, Knowledge Sharing, Multiculturalism, Gender, and Unconscious Bias
|Informal Mentorship, Diversity, Equity, Inclus ion, Networking, Retention, Collaboration, Knowledge Sharing, Multiculturalism, Gender, and Unconscious Bias
|'''Tacita Bastien'''
| Senior Labour  Relations Advisor, IRCC
| Black, Woman,  Racialised
|Anti-Racism, DEI, Organisational Change, Performance
|'''Talia Taras'''
|English, Arabic
|Equity, diversity &  inclusion, policy, hiring mandates, racism, networking and mental health  awareness.
|'''Tanya  Lépine-Darwiche'''
|Manager, Professional Development, Real Property Services,  PSPC
|<nowiki>-Multi-racial Visible Minority (West Asian/  French Canadian)</nowiki>
-Person with an invisible  disability
|Diversity, equity, inclusion, intersectionality, networking, community  outreach, peer support/advocacy,
career advancement, research, collaboration, career  development, story telling, difficult conversations
|'''Tanya Marwitz'''
| Senior HR Advisor,  ESDC
Person with disabilities
|Well-being, mental health,  mental illness, trauma-informed recovery, resilience and self-care,  re-humanizing the workplace. Anti-oppression, feminism,  diversity, inclusion, representation, belonging, intersectionality and  reconciliation. Career development,  recruitment, retention, networking, journey mapping. Virtual work
Human-centred health care
|'''Tara Shapransky'''
|Program Coordinator ESDC / INFC
|Jewish, Woman
|Networking, Career development, event planning, engagement, leading teams, public speaking, collaboration, innovation
|'''Taran S. Wasson'''
|<nowiki>He/Him | il</nowiki>
|<nowiki>Senior Advisor, TBS | SCT</nowiki>
| Sikh / South Asian
Racialized / VM
|English / Français
|<nowiki> - Policy | Engagement | Innovation</nowiki>
- Networking | Leadership
- Inclusion | Diversity | Anti-Racism
Worked in Digital Gov, Open Gov, Canada's Free Agents, Blueprint 2020, YPN, EE and Anti-Racism @ ESDC-Labour Program.
|'''Taryn Husband'''
|He/him; il (accords au masculin)
|Program Consultant Employment and Social Development Canada, Also one of the Co-Chairs of the Public Service Pride  Network Gender Identity and Expression Action Committee
|2SLGBTQIA,  Disabled
|English,  comfortable in French
|Diversity and  inclusion, brave spaces, difficult conversations, gender, transgender,  disability and accessibility
|'''Teresa Morgan'''
|'''Teresa Morgan'''
Line 299: Line 1,609:  
|Networking, Community Engagement, Allyship, Leading Teams, Collaboration, Recruitment/Retention, Support  
|Networking, Community Engagement, Allyship, Leading Teams, Collaboration, Recruitment/Retention, Support  
|'''Tarek  Al-Nosir'''
|il/lui,  he/him
|Agent des services aux contribuables, Demandes de  renseignements sur l’impôt des particuliers, membre du Comité Communications,  Agence du Revenu du Canada
|Pour résumé, je suis un Syrien-Kurde, né en Russie  durant l’Union soviétique et je suis arrivé à Montréal à l’âge de 3 ans. Ma  mère est une Kurde musulmane de la Syrie et mon père est un Syrien  catholique.
|Le français, l’anglais et l’arabe.
|Production vidéo, photographie,  « branding », marketing, cinéma, arts, sciences politiques,  musique, etc.
|'''Thanuja Vinayagamoorthy'''
| Mental Health, Learning/Training,  Program Delivery, Diversity
|'''Tyler Levesque'''
| Senior program officer
|LGBTQ2+, Diversity and Inclusion, Mental Health, continuous improvement, lean
|'''Valentin  Fouelefack'''
| EG-04  Inspecteur spécialiste de la transformation des aliments
|<nowiki>- Supervision, gestion des équipes de travail</nowiki>
- Formateur, Enseignement, Paneliste
- Communication interpersonnelle, développement  personnel
- Sciences règlementaires
- Diversité, inclusion et lutte contre les  discriminations
- Liaison intercommunautaire
|'''Veronique Arsenault'''
|A/Senior Manager,  Enterprise Change Management
|English but fluent in French as well
|·       Change Management
·       Community engagement
·       Importance of volunteering
·       Empathetic leadership
·       Mental Health Advocacy
·       Balancing work life/elected life and personal life (I’m a part time  elected City Councillor in my home city of Miramichi NB)
·       Women in politics
·       Life of a family member of someone deployed with the UN and Canadian  Armed Forces (my dad served 24 years as a security specialist with the UN)
|Administrative Officer, IRCC
|Visible Minority, Woman
|Anti-Racism, Career Planning & Progression, Student Employment in the Government, Interview Prep, Leadership, Mental Health, Networking
|'''Victoria Valeri'''
|Learning Consultant/ Instructional Designer; ESDC; College@ESDC
|Invisible Disability (Neurodivergent); Woman; 2SLGBTQIA+
|Neurodivergence, Invisible Disabilities, ASD, living as a member of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community, Diversity & Inclusion, Late in Life Diagnosis, Career progression, Adult Learning, Training, Accessibility
|'''Waheed Khan'''
| Chair, Visible Minorities Network; President, national Consultation Team, PIPSC; Joint Learning Program Facilitator
|South Asian
| Mental Health; Addressing harassment, discrimination and racism; Respectful Workplaces; Collective Agreements; Diversity & Inclusion; experienced panelist and public speaker
|'''Yawen Wang'''
|iel / ille
|Agent de recouvrement
DGRV – Recouvrement des recettes
|<nowiki>-  Les employés racialisés</nowiki>
-  Les employés 2SLGBTQIA+
-  Les femmes
|Anglais / Français
|Arts (musique, théâtre, danse)
|'''Youssef Benouakour'''
|Agent des services aux contribuables SP-04- CCRQ
|Service aux contribuables
Employees across the GoC, (particularly those from underrepresented groups) who are interested in appearing on panels are encouraged to add their names and supporting information to the above list. To do that one can click "Log in" on the top right of this page and enter their GC wiki account information. Once completed, the employee can simply click on the row where their name would appear under the "Name" column. Should they need assistance they are welcome to send an [[|email]].  
Employees across the GoC, (particularly those from underrepresented groups) who are interested in appearing on panels are encouraged to add their names and supporting information to the above list. To do that one can click "Log in" on the top right of this page and enter their GC wiki account information. Once completed, click "edit" and then simply click on the row where one's name would appear under the "Name" column. For assistance, please send us an [[|email]]. The Speakers List was inspired by the work of GC Anti-Racism Strategist Yumi Kotani.  
The Knowledge Circle of Indigenous Inclusion also has a large list of Indigenous employees who are willing to share their lived experience as Indigenous community members and public servants on topics ranging from Reconciliation, mentorship cultural awareness and much more. To connect with these employees please email Michelle Elliott
In the words of the Clerk of the Privy Council in his [ Call to Action on Anti-Racism, Equity, and Inclusion]…
In the words of the Clerk of the Privy Council in his [ Call to Action on Anti-Racism, Equity, and Inclusion]…
“We must encourage and support the voices that have long been marginalized in our organizations. We must create opportunities where they have long been absent. We must take direct, practical actions to invoke change. This is a true test of leadership, and one we must meet head on. '''Now'''.”
“We must encourage and support the voices that have long been marginalized in our organizations. We must create opportunities where they have long been absent. We must take direct, practical actions to invoke change. This is a true test of leadership, and one we must meet head on. '''Now'''.”
Les employés de l'ensemble du GC (en particulier ceux des groupes sous-représentés) qui souhaitent participer à des panels sont encouragés à ajouter leur nom et des informations complémentaires à la liste ci-dessus. Pour ce faire, il suffit de cliquer sur " Ouvrir une session " dans le coin supérieur droit de cette page et d'entrer les renseignements relatifs à son compte GC wiki. Une fois cette opération terminée, l'employé peut simplement cliquer sur la ligne où son nom apparaît dans la colonne "Nom". S'il a besoin d'aide, il peut envoyer un [[|courriel]].La liste des intervenants a été inspirée par le travail de la stratège antiraciste du GC, Yumi Kotani.
Le Knowledge Circle of Indigenous Inclusion dispose également d'une longue liste d'employés autochtones qui sont prêts à partager leur expérience en tant que membres de la communauté autochtone et fonctionnaires sur des sujets tels que la réconciliation, le mentorat, la sensibilisation culturelle, etc. Pour entrer en contact avec ces employés, veuillez envoyer un courriel à Michelle Elliott
Pour reprendre les mots du greffier du Conseil privé dans son [ Appel à l'action contre le racisme, pour l'équité et l'inclusion...]
"Nous devons encourager et soutenir les voix qui ont longtemps été marginalisées dans nos organisations. Nous devons créer des opportunités là où elles ont longtemps été absentes. Nous devons prendre des mesures directes et pratiques pour provoquer le changement. Il s'agit là d'un véritable test de leadership, que nous devons affronter de front. '''Maintenant'''."

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