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Son dernier ouvrage : La communication de crise à l’ère du numérique : Stratégies, processus et pratiques (PUQ)  
Son dernier ouvrage : La communication de crise à l’ère du numérique : Stratégies, processus et pratiques (PUQ)  
'''Mary Francoli''' is Associate Professor of Communication and Media Studies. She is also an Associate Dean and Director of the Arthur Kroeger College of Public Affairs. She holds a doctorate in Political Science from Western University. 
Dr. Francoli’s research looks at the relationship between digital media and issues related to politics and governance. While this is a large and diverse field, most of her research has focused on the way that digital media has impacted three broad areas: (1) citizen engagement and mobilization, (2) governance, and (3) access to information and data. 
Dr. Francoli is a leading researcher in the field of open government. She has authored two major reports for the Open Government Partnership assessing the Government of Canada’s progress in the area of open government. She has provided expert testimony to the Standing Parliamentary Committee on Government Operations on the issue of open data and has been invited to speak about open government and open data at a number of conferences and venues, including the annual meeting of the federal and provincial Information Commissioners. She was a long standing member of the Open Government Partnership’s International Expert Panel and currently sits on the National Security Transparency Advisory Group for Public Safety Canada.
'''Mary Francoli''' est professeure associée de communication d’études des médias. Elle est également doyenne associée et directrice de l’Arthur Kroeger College of Public Affairs. Elle est titulaire d’un doctorat en sciences politiques de l’Université Western. 
Les recherches de Mme Francoli étudient la relation entre les médias numériques et les enjeux liés à la politique et la gouvernance. Bien qu’il s’agisse d’un domaine vaste et diversifié, la majorité de ses recherches ont porté sur l’incidence des médias numériques sur trois secteurs généraux : 1) l’engagement et la mobilisation des citoyens, 2) la gouvernance et 3), l’accès à l’information et aux données.
Mme Francoli est chercheuse principale dans le domaine du gouvernement ouvert. Elle est l’auteure de deux rapports importants pour le Partenariat pour un gouvernement ouvert évaluant les progrès réalisés par le gouvernement du Canada dans le domaine du gouvernement ouvert. Elle a fourni un témoignage d’expert devant le Comité permanent des opérations gouvernementales sur la question des données ouvertes et a été invitée à s’adresser sur le gouvernement ouvert et les données ouvertes à un bon nombre de conférences et de lieux, notamment à l’assemblée annuelle des commissaires à l’information fédéraux et provinciaux. Elle est membre de longue date du groupe d’experts internationaux du Partenariat pour un gouvernement ouvert, et siège actuellement au Groupe consultatif sur la transparence de la sécurité nationale pour Sécurité publique Canada.
'''Rachel Pulfer''' is the Executive Director of Journalists for Human Rights. She has twelve years' experience co-creating, piloting, implementing, scaling and evaluating human rights and media development programs in Africa and the Middle East as well as working on Indigenous rights in Canada. Under her leadership, JHR expanded to four continents and won several regional and national awards, including the Bill Hutton Award for Excellence in Journalism from RTDNA Canada, Ontario Heritage and Innovation awards for the Indigenous Reporters Program, and a Governor-General's Award for Services to the People of Ghana. She appears on CTV News as a commentator on media, international development and press freedom issues and regularly contributes op-eds and feature articles to the Toronto Star and Globe and Mail. Prior to running JHR, Rachel was the 2009-2010 Webster-McConnell William Southam Journalism Fellow at Massey College, University of Toronto. Prior to that, she was the US correspondent for Canadian Business magazine. She is a contributing editor to Corporate Knights magazine, a Fellow of the Brookfield Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship and a member of the Banff Forum.  
'''Rachel Pulfer''' is the Executive Director of Journalists for Human Rights. She has twelve years' experience co-creating, piloting, implementing, scaling and evaluating human rights and media development programs in Africa and the Middle East as well as working on Indigenous rights in Canada. Under her leadership, JHR expanded to four continents and won several regional and national awards, including the Bill Hutton Award for Excellence in Journalism from RTDNA Canada, Ontario Heritage and Innovation awards for the Indigenous Reporters Program, and a Governor-General's Award for Services to the People of Ghana. She appears on CTV News as a commentator on media, international development and press freedom issues and regularly contributes op-eds and feature articles to the Toronto Star and Globe and Mail. Prior to running JHR, Rachel was the 2009-2010 Webster-McConnell William Southam Journalism Fellow at Massey College, University of Toronto. Prior to that, she was the US correspondent for Canadian Business magazine. She is a contributing editor to Corporate Knights magazine, a Fellow of the Brookfield Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship and a member of the Banff Forum.  

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