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== Mentorship Opportunities  ==
== Mentorship ==
'''Speed Mentorship'''
Speed Mentoring is a series of short, focused conversations about specific questions. These conversations involve a one-on-one interaction between a mentee and mentor. The mentee rotates to several mentors during an allotted amount of time to obtain the information they are looking for.
'''Micro Mentorship'''
Micro-mentoring is an innovative approach to mentoring that allows opportunities for employees to seek guidance from other employees, from within or outside of their division or department, for a specific, well-defined need over a short period of time, typically one or two 1-hour long meetings.
'''Job Shadowing'''
Job shadowing is a type of on-the-job training that allows an interested employee to follow and closely observe another employee performing the role. Virtually, employees will have the opportunity to experience a day in the life of another employee, attending virtual meeting and supporting daily tasks and projects. In addition, the individual being shadowed gets valuable experience outlining their work, which will support their own career development.
'''D&I Mentorship Program'''
Register for D&I Mentorship and be matched with a  mentor to learn the ropes, to adjust to work challenges and to prepare for career advancement. In turn, mentors develop a greater sense of competence, self-confidence, identity, and enhanced effectiveness in a professional role by being a role model, by encouraging and by counselling.
== Administrative Services (AS) ==
== Administrative Services (AS) ==


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