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== Data Catalog Architecture ==
== Data Catalog Architecture ==
CatalogArchitecture.png|DFO-MPO Data Catalog Conceptual Architecture
File:CatalogArchitecture.png|A work in progress DFO-MPO Data Catalog Conceptual Architecture
== List of Stakeholders ==
== List of Stakeholders ==
{| class="wikitable sortable mw-collapsible"
|Contact Person
|Project / Program
|Meeting date
|Relation to TADAP
|Other Comments
|Conservation and Protection
|Lise Melanson
|Department Violation System (DVS)
|Augut 24th, 2018
|These projects have to be  supported by TADAP
|We are contacting  André  Bélanger to get more info about data sources
|Pauline Lalonde
|September 25th, 2018
|This project has to be supported by TADAP
|Canada Coast Guard
|Shawn Legault and Nicholas O’Hara
|September 11th, 2018
|CCG has its own opertional network. However, we need to at  least catalouge their data
|Jean-François Coutu
|September 24th, 2018
|CCG has its own opertional network. However, we need to at  least catalouge their data
|Chris Burnie-Gardiner and Patrick Marion
|September 13th, 2018
|CCG has its own opertional network. However, we need to at  least catalouge their data
|The goal of this meeting was to explore how AI can be applied  in Search and rescue. However, we may at least want to catalouge their SISAR  database
|Bert Paulin
|Reporting for CCG programs
|To be determined
|Further discussion required
|Canadian Hydrographic Services
|Terry Fanning and Matthew McGowan
|Main work is to move science, ocean, and species data to the  Government of Canada Open Portal
|August 27th, 2018
|This program needs to be supported by TADAP
|George is contacting David Bradley, new manager of science data  sub-committee, to arrange for future meetings
|Claude Guay
|Metadata management and data management for whole science  sector
|To be determined
|SRS, Science Branch
|Theraesa Coyle and Johannie Duhaime
|Aquaculture Monitoring Program
|August 27th and September 4th, 2018
|This program needs to be supported by TADAP
|Fishery & Assessment Data  Section, Science Branch
|Bruce A. Patten and Di Wan
|Scientific survey documentation for fish population  assessment, fish harvest tracking and reporting
|August 31st, 2018
|Stakeholders are very interested in collobration. Their  programs need to be supported by TADAP
|Aquaculture Management  Directorate, Aquatic Ecosystems Sector
|Tyree Lush and Arsenault Shane
|Canadian Shellfish Sanitation Program (CSSP) mapping system
|September 7th, 2018
|This program needs to be supported by TADAP
|Fisheries & Licence Policy  / Fisheries and Harbour Management
|Mark Ledwell
|To be determined.
|Further discussion required
|Ecosystems and Fisheries  Management: System Integration
|Aaron Gillis and Andrew Frost
|To be determined
|This program has to be supported by TADAP
|Information Management and  Policy Strategies
|Lyn Warner
|Open Data Portal
|To be determined
|Has to be supported by TADAP
|Ocean Data and Information  Section
|Tobias Spears
|To be determined
|To be determined
== Data Catalog Team ==
== Data Catalog Team ==

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