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<span class="plainlinks">[[Rapport annuel de 2014-2015 sur l'application de la règle du « un pour un »|Français]]</span>
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'''<big>Archived information</big>'''
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The [ Cabinet Directive on Regulation] replaces the [[Cabinet Directive on Regulatory Management]], dated April 1, 2012.</blockquote>
The [ Cabinet Directive on Regulation] replaces the [[Cabinet Directive on Regulatory Management]], dated April 1, 2012.</blockquote>
==Our Commitment to Canadians ==
== Our Commitment to Canadians==
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*'''Require timeliness, policy coherence, and minimal duplication''' throughout the regulatory process by consulting, coordinating, and cooperating across the federal government, with other governments and jurisdictions in Canada and abroad, and with businesses and Canadians.
*'''Require timeliness, policy coherence, and minimal duplication''' throughout the regulatory process by consulting, coordinating, and cooperating across the federal government, with other governments and jurisdictions in Canada and abroad, and with businesses and Canadians.
== Introduction ==
3. Regulation is a key policy instrument used by government to enable economic activity and to protect the health, safety, security, and environment of Canadians.
3. Regulation is a key policy instrument used by government to enable economic activity and to protect the health, safety, security, and environment of Canadians.
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9. The Directive applies to all stages of the regulatory life cycle (i.e., planning, development, implementation, evaluation, and review), including regulatory management.
9. The Directive applies to all stages of the regulatory life cycle (i.e., planning, development, implementation, evaluation, and review), including regulatory management.
==Effective Date==
== Effective Date ==
This Directive takes effect on the day the One-for-One legislation comes into force. The Directive updates and replaces the Cabinet Directive on Regulatory Management (dated October 2012).
This Directive takes effect on the day the One-for-One legislation comes into force. The Directive updates and replaces the Cabinet Directive on Regulatory Management (dated October 2012).
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*Potential impact of the regulation on health and safety, security, the environment, and the social and economic well-being of Canadians;
*Potential impact of the regulation on health and safety, security, the environment, and the social and economic well-being of Canadians;
*Cost or savings to government, business, or Canadians, and the potential impact on the Canadian economy and its international competitiveness;
*Cost or savings to government, business, or Canadians, and the potential impact on the Canadian economy and its international competitiveness;
* Potential impact on other federal departments or agencies, on other governments in Canada, and on Canada's foreign affairs;
*Potential impact on other federal departments or agencies, on other governments in Canada, and on Canada's foreign affairs;
*Degree of interest, contention, and support among affected parties and among Canadians; and
* Degree of interest, contention, and support among affected parties and among Canadians; and
*Overall expected impact: Recognizing that regulatory impact analysis can be resource intensive, the Directive emphasizes the principle of proportionality—analysis should be focused where it is most needed. Therefore, at the earliest stages of regulatory design, departments and agencies must assess the regulatory proposal, in consultation with the Regulatory Affairs Sector of the Treasury Board Secretariat, to determine its overall expected impact (i.e., low, medium or high) and the particular analytical and other requirements to be met.
*Overall expected impact: Recognizing that regulatory impact analysis can be resource intensive, the Directive emphasizes the principle of proportionality—analysis should be focused where it is most needed. Therefore, at the earliest stages of regulatory design, departments and agencies must assess the regulatory proposal, in consultation with the Regulatory Affairs Sector of the Treasury Board Secretariat, to determine its overall expected impact (i.e., low, medium or high) and the particular analytical and other requirements to be met.
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23. When there is a risk of serious or irreversible harm, the government recognizes that the absence of full scientific certainty shall not be used as a reason for postponing decisions to protect the health and safety of Canadians, the environment, or the conservation of natural resources. For guidance on the application of precaution, departments and agencies should consult A Framework for the Application of Precaution in Science based Decision Making about Risk.
23. When there is a risk of serious or irreversible harm, the government recognizes that the absence of full scientific certainty shall not be used as a reason for postponing decisions to protect the health and safety of Canadians, the environment, or the conservation of natural resources. For guidance on the application of precaution, departments and agencies should consult A Framework for the Application of Precaution in Science based Decision Making about Risk.
=== (C) Setting public policy objectives and expected outcomes===
===(C) Setting public policy objectives and expected outcomes===
24. Once policy issues have been assessed and it is determined that government intervention is required, departments and agencies are responsible for setting public policy objectives that outline tangible outcomes for Canadians. Departments and agencies are to:
24. Once policy issues have been assessed and it is determined that government intervention is required, departments and agencies are responsible for setting public policy objectives that outline tangible outcomes for Canadians. Departments and agencies are to:
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*Identify the institutions and parties that should be involved in addressing the public policy issue;
*Identify the institutions and parties that should be involved in addressing the public policy issue;
*Identify the appropriate instrument or mix of instruments, including regulatory and non-regulatory measures, and justify their application before submitting a regulatory proposal;
*Identify the appropriate instrument or mix of instruments, including regulatory and non-regulatory measures, and justify their application before submitting a regulatory proposal;
*Consider potential alternatives to regulation, including voluntary standards, information disclosure, and guidelines, and whether outcome or performance based approaches would be suitable;
* Consider potential alternatives to regulation, including voluntary standards, information disclosure, and guidelines, and whether outcome or performance based approaches would be suitable;
*Engage small businesses in alternative approaches to compliance (including costs);
*Engage small businesses in alternative approaches to compliance (including costs);
*Demonstrate that the regulatory response is designed to address policy objectives;
*Demonstrate that the regulatory response is designed to address policy objectives;
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*Make use of all or parts of relevant national or international standards, guidelines, and recommendations as a basis for technical regulations and for conformity assessment procedures when they fulfill intended policy objectives.
*Make use of all or parts of relevant national or international standards, guidelines, and recommendations as a basis for technical regulations and for conformity assessment procedures when they fulfill intended policy objectives.
===(E) Assessing legal implications and other Cabinet directions===
=== (E) Assessing legal implications and other Cabinet directions===
27. When designing regulations, departments and agencies are responsible, with assistance from the Department of Justice, for assessing the legal implications of the proposal and for ensuring that it is legally sound.
27. When designing regulations, departments and agencies are responsible, with assistance from the Department of Justice, for assessing the legal implications of the proposal and for ensuring that it is legally sound.
28. Departments and agencies are therefore expected to take measures to ensure that regulations are:
28. Departments and agencies are therefore expected to take measures to ensure that regulations are:
* Authorized by enabling legislation or other law;
*Authorized by enabling legislation or other law;
*Consistent with the Constitution Act, 1867, with the Constitution Act, 1982 (including the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and with particular note of any obligations relating to Aboriginal and treaty rights arising out of section 35), and with the Canadian Bill of Rights, 1960; and
*Consistent with the Constitution Act, 1867, with the Constitution Act, 1982 (including the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and with particular note of any obligations relating to Aboriginal and treaty rights arising out of section 35), and with the Canadian Bill of Rights, 1960; and
*Well drafted and able to operate effectively with other related laws, particularly legislation of general application from Cabinet (including the Treasury Board), such as the following:
*Well drafted and able to operate effectively with other related laws, particularly legislation of general application from Cabinet (including the Treasury Board), such as the following:
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*A Framework for the Application of Precaution in Science-based Decision Making about Risk;
*A Framework for the Application of Precaution in Science-based Decision Making about Risk;
*A Framework for Science and Technology Advice: Principles and Guidelines for the Effective Use of Science and Technology Advice in Government Decision Making; and
*A Framework for Science and Technology Advice: Principles and Guidelines for the Effective Use of Science and Technology Advice in Government Decision Making; and
*Policy on Service Standards for External Fees.
* Policy on Service Standards for External Fees.
===(F) Compliance with international obligations===
=== (F) Compliance with international obligations===
30. Departments and agencies are to respect Canada's international obligations in areas such as human rights, health, safety, security, international trade, and the environment. They are also to implement provisions related to these obligations at all stages of regulatory activity, including consultation and notification, as applicable.
30. Departments and agencies are to respect Canada's international obligations in areas such as human rights, health, safety, security, international trade, and the environment. They are also to implement provisions related to these obligations at all stages of regulatory activity, including consultation and notification, as applicable.
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*The Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, which coordinates the implementation of Canada's international trade obligations, including the implementation of the World Trade Organization (WTO) Agreement and the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA);
*The Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, which coordinates the implementation of Canada's international trade obligations, including the implementation of the World Trade Organization (WTO) Agreement and the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA);
*The Department of Justice, with its specialized sections, and its departmental legal services units that advise departments and agencies on legal matters, including the consistency of regulatory proposals with Canada's international obligations; and
*The Department of Justice, with its specialized sections, and its departmental legal services units that advise departments and agencies on legal matters, including the consistency of regulatory proposals with Canada's international obligations; and
* The Trade Law Bureau of the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade and the Department of Justice, which provides advice on Canada's international trade obligations.
*The Trade Law Bureau of the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade and the Department of Justice, which provides advice on Canada's international trade obligations.
32. For more information on requirements related to Canada's international trade obligations for the design and implementation of technical regulations, conformity assessment procedures, and sanitary and phytosanitary measures, see the appendix to this document.
32. For more information on requirements related to Canada's international trade obligations for the design and implementation of technical regulations, conformity assessment procedures, and sanitary and phytosanitary measures, see the appendix to this document.
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36. Detailed requirements for complying with this Directive with respect to analyzing the benefits and costs of regulation, including certain analytical parameters and reporting standards, are set out in guidance from the Regulatory Affairs Sector of the Treasury Board Secretariat. This guidance includes the Triage Statement, the Regulatory Impact Analysis Statement Template and the Canadian Cost-Benefit Analysis Guide for Regulatory Proposals.
36. Detailed requirements for complying with this Directive with respect to analyzing the benefits and costs of regulation, including certain analytical parameters and reporting standards, are set out in guidance from the Regulatory Affairs Sector of the Treasury Board Secretariat. This guidance includes the Triage Statement, the Regulatory Impact Analysis Statement Template and the Canadian Cost-Benefit Analysis Guide for Regulatory Proposals.
=== (H) Recommending an option ===
===(H) Recommending an option===
37. When developing the option that maximizes net benefits, departments and agencies are to:
37. When developing the option that maximizes net benefits, departments and agencies are to:
# Limit the cumulative administrative burden and impose the least possible cost on Canadians and businesses that is necessary to achieve the intended policy objectives;
#Limit the cumulative administrative burden and impose the least possible cost on Canadians and businesses that is necessary to achieve the intended policy objectives;
#Demonstrate that the recommended option minimizes the regulatory burden on small businesses without compromising risk protection;
#Demonstrate that the recommended option minimizes the regulatory burden on small businesses without compromising risk protection;
#Provide a justification for the recommended option where other less burdensome options for small businesses exist;
#Provide a justification for the recommended option where other less burdensome options for small businesses exist;
#Ensure that regulatory restrictions on competition are fair, limited, and proportionate to what is necessary to achieve the intended policy objectives;
#Ensure that regulatory restrictions on competition are fair, limited, and proportionate to what is necessary to achieve the intended policy objectives;
#Prevent or mitigate adverse impacts and enhance the positive impacts of regulation on the health, safety, security, and environment of Canadians, as well as on trade, investment, and competitiveness;
# Prevent or mitigate adverse impacts and enhance the positive impacts of regulation on the health, safety, security, and environment of Canadians, as well as on trade, investment, and competitiveness;
#Identify the scope and nature of residual adverse environmental effects after mitigation and enhancement strategies have been considered; and
#Identify the scope and nature of residual adverse environmental effects after mitigation and enhancement strategies have been considered; and
#Identify necessary follow-up measures to track environmental effects over time.
# Identify necessary follow-up measures to track environmental effects over time.
===(I) Coordination===
=== (I) Coordination===
38. Departments and agencies are responsible for working together to develop and implement regulations to maximize effectiveness and minimize the cumulative and unintended impacts on Canadians and the economy. To do so, departments and agencies are to:
38. Departments and agencies are responsible for working together to develop and implement regulations to maximize effectiveness and minimize the cumulative and unintended impacts on Canadians and the economy. To do so, departments and agencies are to:
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*Identify similar or related regulatory requirements—either existing or proposed—in the area being regulated;
*Identify similar or related regulatory requirements—either existing or proposed—in the area being regulated;
*Assess these requirements to minimize cumulative impacts and develop complementary and cooperative approaches whenever possible; and
*Assess these requirements to minimize cumulative impacts and develop complementary and cooperative approaches whenever possible; and
* Coordinate the implementation and management of regulation to minimize complexity and duplication.
*Coordinate the implementation and management of regulation to minimize complexity and duplication.
=== (J) Cooperation===
===(J) Cooperation===
==== With provincial and territorial governments====
====With provincial and territorial governments====
39. Departments and agencies are responsible for cooperating with provincial and territorial governments in the development and implementation of regulations. Departments and agencies are to:
39. Departments and agencies are responsible for cooperating with provincial and territorial governments in the development and implementation of regulations. Departments and agencies are to:
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*Establish national standards or common conformity assessment procedures to support and facilitate internal trade whenever possible.
*Establish national standards or common conformity assessment procedures to support and facilitate internal trade whenever possible.
====With jurisdictions in other countries or with the international community====
====With jurisdictions in other countries or with the international community ====
40. Departments and agencies are to take advantage of opportunities for cooperation, either bilaterally or through multilateral fora, by:
40. Departments and agencies are to take advantage of opportunities for cooperation, either bilaterally or through multilateral fora, by:
*Reviewing and influencing international best practices, sharing knowledge, adopting or contributing to the development and updating of international standards and conformity assessment procedures, and developing and pursuing compatible approaches with international counterparts;
*Reviewing and influencing international best practices, sharing knowledge, adopting or contributing to the development and updating of international standards and conformity assessment procedures, and developing and pursuing compatible approaches with international counterparts;
*Limiting the number of specific Canadian regulatory requirements or approaches to instances when they are warranted by specific Canadian circumstances and when they result over time in the greatest overall benefit to Canadians;
* Limiting the number of specific Canadian regulatory requirements or approaches to instances when they are warranted by specific Canadian circumstances and when they result over time in the greatest overall benefit to Canadians;
*Identifying the rationale for their approach, particularly when specific Canadian requirements are proposed; and
*Identifying the rationale for their approach, particularly when specific Canadian requirements are proposed; and
*Minimizing regulatory differences with key trading partners (e.g., the United States) including through regulatory alignment, mutual recognition, and the development of compatible approaches.
*Minimizing regulatory differences with key trading partners (e.g., the United States) including through regulatory alignment, mutual recognition, and the development of compatible approaches.
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===(K) Planning for implementation, compliance, and enforcement===
===(K) Planning for implementation, compliance, and enforcement===
====Implementation ====
==== Implementation====
41. Departments and agencies are responsible for putting in place the processes to implement regulatory programs and to manage related human and financial resources effectively, including:
41. Departments and agencies are responsible for putting in place the processes to implement regulatory programs and to manage related human and financial resources effectively, including:
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*Providing reasonable time frames between the publication of new requirements and their coming into force, to allow sufficient time for businesses and Canadians to make the necessary adjustments.
*Providing reasonable time frames between the publication of new requirements and their coming into force, to allow sufficient time for businesses and Canadians to make the necessary adjustments.
====Compliance and enforcement====
====Compliance and enforcement ====
42. Departments and agencies are responsible for promoting regulatory effectiveness by developing and implementing compliance and enforcement strategies. These strategies are to:
42. Departments and agencies are responsible for promoting regulatory effectiveness by developing and implementing compliance and enforcement strategies. These strategies are to:
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* Select and develop performance measures for regulatory programs consistent with and in support of the Treasury Board Management, Resources and Results Structures Policy (MRRS) and the Directive on the Evaluation Function and Policy on Evaluation;
* Select and develop performance measures for regulatory programs consistent with and in support of the Treasury Board Management, Resources and Results Structures Policy (MRRS) and the Directive on the Evaluation Function and Policy on Evaluation;
*Use performance measurement data on an ongoing basis to adjust regulatory design, choice of performance instruments, and compliance plans as needed; and
*Use performance measurement data on an ongoing basis to adjust regulatory design, choice of performance instruments, and compliance plans as needed; and
* Take measures to ensure that monitoring and reporting activities are effective while imposing the least possible burden on Government, business, and Canadians.
*Take measures to ensure that monitoring and reporting activities are effective while imposing the least possible burden on Government, business, and Canadians.
====Evaluating regulatory programs====
==== Evaluating regulatory programs====
45. Departments and agencies are to evaluate their regulatory programs according to the requirements established by Treasury Board to demonstrate results for Canadians.
45. Departments and agencies are to evaluate their regulatory programs according to the requirements established by Treasury Board to demonstrate results for Canadians.
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*Engage small businesses in alternative approaches to compliance, including costs, when selecting the appropriate mix of government instruments;
*Engage small businesses in alternative approaches to compliance, including costs, when selecting the appropriate mix of government instruments;
*When assessing options to maximize net benefits, identify and assess the potential positive and negative impacts on small businesses;
* When assessing options to maximize net benefits, identify and assess the potential positive and negative impacts on small businesses;
*Demonstrate that the recommended option minimizes the regulatory burden on small businesses without compromising risk protection; and
* Demonstrate that the recommended option minimizes the regulatory burden on small businesses without compromising risk protection; and
*Provide a justification for the recommended option when other less burdensome options exist for small businesses.
* Provide a justification for the recommended option when other less burdensome options exist for small businesses.
===(O) Forward regulatory planning===
===(O) Forward regulatory planning ===
52. Departments and agencies are responsible for providing advance public notice of regulatory proposals coming forward. This will contribute to a predictable regulatory environment for business, Canadians, and key trading partners. Each year, departments and agencies are to publish on their websites forward regulatory plans that, at a minimum, do the following:
52. Departments and agencies are responsible for providing advance public notice of regulatory proposals coming forward. This will contribute to a predictable regulatory environment for business, Canadians, and key trading partners. Each year, departments and agencies are to publish on their websites forward regulatory plans that, at a minimum, do the following:
*Identify and describe expected regulatory changes;
*Identify and describe expected regulatory changes;
*Provide information on planned consultations; and
*Provide information on planned consultations; and
* Provide departmental contacts for further information.
*Provide departmental contacts for further information.
===(P) Service performance===
=== (P) Service performance===
53. Departments and agencies are responsible for maintaining high levels of professionalism in their interactions with affected Canadians, including businesses, and for providing them with clear and timely decisions.
53. Departments and agencies are responsible for maintaining high levels of professionalism in their interactions with affected Canadians, including businesses, and for providing them with clear and timely decisions.
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55. Departments and agencies will also clarify information requirements and the process to be followed, including the process for complaints about poor service.
55. Departments and agencies will also clarify information requirements and the process to be followed, including the process for complaints about poor service.
=== (Q) Reporting===
===(Q) Reporting===
56. The Treasury Board Secretariat will periodically prepare public reports on progress on the government's regulatory priorities.
56. The Treasury Board Secretariat will periodically prepare public reports on progress on the government's regulatory priorities.
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==Roles and Responsibilities==
==Roles and Responsibilities==
=== Federal Departments and Agencies===
===Federal Departments and Agencies===
58. Federal departments and agencies are to:
58. Federal departments and agencies are to:
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59. When drafting enabling legislation, departments and agencies are to ensure that subordinate legislative instruments, including regulations, are subject to the requirements of the Statutory Instruments Act. Regulations and other such instruments should not be exempted from these requirements except in exceptional circumstances, when approved by Cabinet. (Requirements governing legislative instruments are set out in the Cabinet Directive on Law-making.)
59. When drafting enabling legislation, departments and agencies are to ensure that subordinate legislative instruments, including regulations, are subject to the requirements of the Statutory Instruments Act. Regulations and other such instruments should not be exempted from these requirements except in exceptional circumstances, when approved by Cabinet. (Requirements governing legislative instruments are set out in the Cabinet Directive on Law-making.)
===Treasury Board Secretariat===
===Treasury Board Secretariat ===
60. The Regulatory Affairs Sector of the Treasury Board Secretariat is responsible for ensuring that the analysis (on policy and regulatory proposals made or approved by the Governor in Council or Treasury Board) that is provided by departments, agencies, and entities to which this Directive applies is consistent with the commitments and directions set out in this Directive and that the analysis effectively supports Ministerial decision making.
60. The Regulatory Affairs Sector of the Treasury Board Secretariat is responsible for ensuring that the analysis (on policy and regulatory proposals made or approved by the Governor in Council or Treasury Board) that is provided by departments, agencies, and entities to which this Directive applies is consistent with the commitments and directions set out in this Directive and that the analysis effectively supports Ministerial decision making.
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*Review regulatory proposals, challenge departments and agencies on the quality of regulatory analyses, and advise them when the directions set out in the Directive have not been met;
*Review regulatory proposals, challenge departments and agencies on the quality of regulatory analyses, and advise them when the directions set out in the Directive have not been met;
*Promote regulatory reform and be a source of expertise on regulatory analysis, management, and governance;
*Promote regulatory reform and be a source of expertise on regulatory analysis, management, and governance;
* Assess the effectiveness of the Directive and its implementation.
*Assess the effectiveness of the Directive and its implementation.
62. The Regulatory Affairs Sector will work with other sectors in the Treasury Board Secretariat to:
62. The Regulatory Affairs Sector will work with other sectors in the Treasury Board Secretariat to:
*Confirm that regulatory proposals appropriately address resource management; and
*Confirm that regulatory proposals appropriately address resource management; and
*Formulate advice and guidance to departments and agencies on other government management policies relevant to their regulatory activities.
* Formulate advice and guidance to departments and agencies on other government management policies relevant to their regulatory activities.
=== Department of Justice===
===Department of Justice===
63. The Department of Justice provides legal advice to departments and agencies on the legality of proposals for enabling and subordinate legislation, and the legal requirements of the regulatory process.
63. The Department of Justice provides legal advice to departments and agencies on the legality of proposals for enabling and subordinate legislation, and the legal requirements of the regulatory process.
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*Are consistent with the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the Canadian Bill of Rights, 1960;
*Are consistent with the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the Canadian Bill of Rights, 1960;
*Are not an unusual or unexpected use of the enabling authority; and
*Are not an unusual or unexpected use of the enabling authority; and
*Are drafted in accordance with established standards.
* Are drafted in accordance with established standards.
65. The Department of Justice also provides departments and agencies with legal tools and advice on the appropriate use of government instruments, regulatory techniques, international standards, and compliance and enforcement techniques.
65. The Department of Justice also provides departments and agencies with legal tools and advice on the appropriate use of government instruments, regulatory techniques, international standards, and compliance and enforcement techniques.
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*(Revisions and consolidation) The Privy Council Office, after consultation with the Deputy Minister of Justice, can ask regulation-making authorities to revise or consolidate regulations.
*(Revisions and consolidation) The Privy Council Office, after consultation with the Deputy Minister of Justice, can ask regulation-making authorities to revise or consolidate regulations.
===The Department of Public Works and Government Services ===
=== The Department of Public Works and Government Services===
69. The Canada Gazette Directorate of the Department of Public Works and Government Services is responsible for publishing the Canada Gazette. The Canada Gazette is the official newspaper of the Government of Canada for formal public notices, official appointments, proposed regulations, regulations, and public Acts of Parliament. It is published under the authority of the Statutory Instruments Act and the Statutory Instruments Regulations.
69. The Canada Gazette Directorate of the Department of Public Works and Government Services is responsible for publishing the Canada Gazette. The Canada Gazette is the official newspaper of the Government of Canada for formal public notices, official appointments, proposed regulations, regulations, and public Acts of Parliament. It is published under the authority of the Statutory Instruments Act and the Statutory Instruments Regulations.
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72. This Directive is supported by guidelines, forms and other tools for government officials with regard to the regulatory process and associated requirements. The most recent versions are available on the [ Treasury Board Secretariat's Regulatory Affairs] website.
72. This Directive is supported by guidelines, forms and other tools for government officials with regard to the regulatory process and associated requirements. The most recent versions are available on the [ Treasury Board Secretariat's Regulatory Affairs] website.
== Enquiries and Further Information==
==Enquiries and Further Information==
73. For more information, please contact [ Treasury Board Secretariat Public Enquiries], or visit the [ Secretariat's Regulatory Affairs] website.
73. For more information, please contact [ Treasury Board Secretariat Public Enquiries], or visit the [ Secretariat's Regulatory Affairs] website.
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*Specify, where possible, technical regulatory requirements in terms of performance rather than design or descriptive characteristics;
*Specify, where possible, technical regulatory requirements in terms of performance rather than design or descriptive characteristics;
* Consider accepting as equivalent the technical regulations and conformity assessment procedures of other countries, even if different, provided they achieve the intended regulatory objective and offer an equivalent level of assurance of conformity with domestic technical regulations and standards;
*Consider accepting as equivalent the technical regulations and conformity assessment procedures of other countries, even if different, provided they achieve the intended regulatory objective and offer an equivalent level of assurance of conformity with domestic technical regulations and standards;
* Ensure that technical regulations and conformity assessment procedures treat products from one jurisdiction no less favourably than like products from other jurisdictions;
*Ensure that technical regulations and conformity assessment procedures treat products from one jurisdiction no less favourably than like products from other jurisdictions;
*Ensure that sanitary and phytosanitary measures are based on scientific principles and evidence, that they do not arbitrarily or unjustifiably discriminate against other jurisdictions where identical or similar conditions prevail, and that they are based on international standards, guidelines, or recommendations where they exist;
*Ensure that sanitary and phytosanitary measures are based on scientific principles and evidence, that they do not arbitrarily or unjustifiably discriminate against other jurisdictions where identical or similar conditions prevail, and that they are based on international standards, guidelines, or recommendations where they exist;
*Accept the sanitary and phytosanitary measures of other countries as equivalent, even if different, provided they achieve Canada's appropriate level of sanitary or phytosanitary protection;
*Accept the sanitary and phytosanitary measures of other countries as equivalent, even if different, provided they achieve Canada's appropriate level of sanitary or phytosanitary protection;
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*Publish proposals for new or changed technical regulations, conformity assessment procedures, and sanitary and phytosanitary measures that may affect international trade for a comment period of at least 75 days and take into account the comments received.
*Publish proposals for new or changed technical regulations, conformity assessment procedures, and sanitary and phytosanitary measures that may affect international trade for a comment period of at least 75 days and take into account the comments received.
== Notes ==
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