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====Stage internationaux====
* Bow Valley College
*[ Bow Valley College]
* Canadian Crossroads International
*[ Canadian Crossroads International]
* Canadian Executive Service Organization
*[ Canadian Executive Service Organization]
* Carrefour de solidarité international Sherbrooke
*[ Carrefour de solidarité international Sherbrooke]
* Centre de solidarité internationale du Saguenay-Lac-St-Jean
*[ Centre de solidarité internationale du Saguenay-Lac-St-Jean]
* Centre d’étude et de coopération internationale
*[ Centre d’étude et de coopération internationale]
* Comité de Solidarité Trois-Rivières
*[ Comité de Solidarité Trois-Rivières]
* Cuso International
*[ Cuso International]
* Douglas College
*[ Douglas College]
* Éducation internationale, cooperative for educational development and exchange services
*[ Éducation internationale, cooperative for educational development and exchange services]
* Engineers without Borders
*[ Engineers without Borders]
* Interagency Coalition on AIDS and Development
*[ Interagency Coalition on AIDS and Development]
* International Bureau for Children’s Rights
*[ International Bureau for Children’s Rights]
* Jeunesse Canada Monde (Canada World Youth)
*[ Jeunesse Canada Monde (Canada World Youth)]
* La Société Mer et Monde
*[ La Société Mer et Monde]
* Lawyers without Borders Canada
*[ Lawyers without Borders Canada]
* Memorial University
*[ Memorial University]
* Oxfam-Quebec
*[ Oxfam-Quebec]
* Simon Fraser University
*[ Simon Fraser University]
*[ SUCO]
* Terre sans-frontiers
*[ Terre sans-frontiers]
* United Nations Association in Canada
*[ United Nations Association in Canada]
* Uniterra
*[ Uniterra]
* University of Toronto
*[ University of Toronto]
* University of Victoria, Centre for Asia-Pacific Initiatives
*[ University of Victoria, Centre for Asia-Pacific Initiatives]
* Veterinarians without Borders
*[ Veterinarians without Borders]
* Victoria International Development Education Association
*[ Victoria International Development Education Association]
*[ WUSC]
* Youth Challenge International
*[ Youth Challenge International]
====Environnement et action pour le climat====
==== Environment and climate action[modifier | modifier le wikicode] ====
*[ Canadian Feed the Children]
*[ Canadian Foodgrains Bank]
* Canadian Feed the Children
*[ Global Communities]
* Canadian Foodgrains Bank
*[ Dalhousie University, International Research and Development]
* Global Communities
*[ Development and Peace]
* Dalhousie University, International Research and Development
*[ École Polytechnique de Montréal]
* Development and Peace
*[ Farm Radio International]
* École Polytechnique de Montréal
*[ Hope International Development Agency (HIDA)]
* Farm Radio International
*[ IDRC, Canadian International Food Security Research Fund]
* Hope International Development Agency (HIDA)
*[ International Institute for Sustainable Development]
* IDRC, Canadian International Food Security Research Fund
*[ McGill University]
* International Institute for Sustainable Development
*[ Rainbow of Hope for Children Society]
* McGill University
*[ Resource Efficient Agricultural Production]
* Rainbow of Hope for Children Society
*[ SHARE Agricultural Foundation]
* Resource Efficient Agricultural Production
*[ Union des producteurs agricoles Développement international]
* SHARE Agricultural Foundation
*[ Laval University Finance Department]
* Union des producteurs agricoles Développement international
*[ SeedChange (formerly USC Canada)]
* Laval University Finance Department
====Responsabilisation sociale====
* SeedChange (formerly USC Canada)
*[ Aga Khan Foundation Canada]
*[ Community Foundations of Canada]
==== Social empowerment[modifier | modifier le wikicode] ====
*[ Plan International Canada]
*[ Primates World Relief and Development]
* Aga Khan Foundation Canada
*[ Queen Elizabeth Scholars]
* Community Foundations of Canada
*[ Rotary]
* Plan International Canada
*[ Tula Foundation]
* Primates World Relief and Development
* Queen Elizabeth Scholars
*[ African Institute for Mathematical Science] (AIMS)
* Rotary
*[ AIMS Canada]
* Tula Foundation
*[ Canadian Bureau for International Education]
*[ Cégep de Saint-Jérôme]
==== Education[modifier | modifier le wikicode] ====
*[ COADY International Institute]
*[ CODE]
* African Institute for Mathematical Science (AIMS)
*[ Colleges and Institutes Canada]
* AIMS Canada
*[ CRC Sogema]
* Canadian Bureau for International Education
*[ MasterCard Foundation]
* Cégep de Saint-Jérôme
*[ Paul Gérin-Lajoie Foundation]
* COADY International Institute
*[ Queen’s University]
*[ Right to Play International]
* Colleges and Institutes Canada
*[ Ryerson University]
* CRC Sogema
*[ Saskatchewan Polytechnic]
* MasterCard Foundation
*[ SOS Children's Villages Canada]
* Paul Gérin-Lajoie Foundation
*[ University of Moncton]
* Queen’s University
*[ University of Quebec at Trois-Rivières]
* Right to Play International
*[ Universities Canada]
* Ryerson University
*[ University of Alberta]
* Saskatchewan Polytechnic
*[ University of British Columbia]
* SOS Children's Villages Canada
*[ University of Prince Edward Island]
* University of Moncton
*[ Vancouver Island University]
* University of Quebec at Trois-Rivières
*[ War Child Canada]
* Universities Canada
*[ Wellspring Foundation for Education]
* University of Alberta
*[ World Hope International]
* University of British Columbia
*[ York University]
* University of Prince Edward Island
==== Gouvernance====
* Vancouver Island University
*[ Canadian Audit & Accountability Foundation]
* War Child Canada
*[ Canadian Bar Association]
* Wellspring Foundation for Education
*[ Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives]
* World Hope International
*[ Canadian Labour Congress]
* York University
*[ Department of Justice]
*[ Equitas]
==== Governance[modifier | modifier le wikicode] ====
*[ Federation of Canadian Municipalities]
*[ Institute of Public Administration of Canada]
* Canadian Audit & Accountability Foundation
*[ Inter-Parliamentary Union]
* Canadian Bar Association
*[ International Centre for the Prevention of Crime]
* Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives
*[ International Institute for Child Rights and Development]
* Canadian Labour Congress
*[ International Justice Mission]
* Department of Justice
*[ Journalists for Human Rights]
* Equitas
*[ Justice Education Society of British Columbia]
* Federation of Canadian Municipalities
* Institute of Public Administration of Canada
*[ North-South Institute]
* Inter-Parliamentary Union
*[ Office of the Commissioner for Federal Judicial Affairs Canada]
* International Centre for the Prevention of Crime
*[ OXFAM Canada]
* International Institute for Child Rights and Development
*[ Save the Children Canada]
* International Justice Mission
*[ Statistics Canada]
* Journalists for Human Rights
*[ Transparency International]
* Justice Education Society of British Columbia
*[ U4 Anti-Corruption Resource Centre]
*[ UNICEF Canada]
* North-South Institute
====Croissance économique durable====
* Office of the Commissioner for Federal Judicial Affairs Canada
*[ C2D Services Inc.]
* OXFAM Canada
*[ Canadian Co-operative Association]
* Save the Children Canada
*[ CARE Canada]
* Statistics Canada
*[ Change for Children Association]
* Transparency International
*[ Canadian International Resources and Development Institute]
* U4 Anti-Corruption Resource Centre
*[ Développement international Desjardins (DID)]
* UNICEF Canada
*[ Digital Opportunity Trust]
*[ Education International]
==== Sustainable economic growth[modifier | modifier le wikicode] ====
*[ FINCA Canada]
*[ Global Compact Network Canada]
* C2D Services Inc.
*[ Habitat for Humanity Canada]
* Canadian Co-operative Association
*[ Humber College]
* CARE Canada
*[ iDE Canada]
* Change for Children Association
*[ L'AMIE]
* Canadian International Resources and Development Institute
*[ Lundin Foundation]
* Développement international Desjardins (DID)
*[ Mennonite Economic Development Associates]
* Digital Opportunity Trust
*[ Rooftops Canada Abri International]
* Education International
* FINCA Canada
*[ Trade Facilitation Office Canada]
* Global Compact Network Canada
*[ World Renew]
* Habitat for Humanity Canada
====Santé génésique, maternelle, néonatale et infantile (SGMNI)====
* Humber College
*[ Afrique Future]
* iDE Canada
*[ Amref Health Africa in Canada]
*[ Canadian Partnership for Women and Children's Health (CanWaCH)]
* Lundin Foundation
*[ Canadian Red Cross]
* Mennonite Economic Development Associates
*[ CAUSE Canada]
* Rooftops Canada Abri International
*[ Christian Children's Fund of Canada]
*[ College of the Rockies]
* Trade Facilitation Office Canada
*[ Cowater International]
* World Renew
*[ Doctors of the World]
*[ Horizons of Friendship]
==== Reproductive, maternal and newborn child health[modifier | modifier le wikicode] ====
*[ International Planned Parenthood Federation]
*[ Jane Goodall Institute]
* Afrique Future
*[ Presbyterian World Service and Development]
* Amref Health Africa in Canada
*[ Salasan Consulting Inc.]
* Canadian Partnership for Women and Children's Health (CanWaCH)
*[ Seva Canada]
* Canadian Red Cross
*[ SickKids Centre for Global Child Health]
* CAUSE Canada
*[,advocacy%2C%20collaboration%2C%20and%20education. Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists Canada]
* Christian Children's Fund of Canada
*[ Université de Montréal, International Health Unit]
* College of the Rockies
*[ University of Calgary]
* Cowater International
*[ University of Saskatchewan]
* Doctors of the World
*[ Western University]
* Horizons of Friendship
====Nutrition et santé====
* International Planned Parenthood Federation
*[ Action Against Hunger]
* Jane Goodall Institute
*[ Adventist Development and Relief Agency]
* Presbyterian World Service and Development
*[ Centre for Affordable Water and Sanitation Technology]
* Salasan Consulting Inc.
*[ Effect:hope (Leprosy Mission Canada)]
* Seva Canada
*[ Emmanuel Relief and Rehabilitation International of Canada]
* SickKids Centre for Global Child Health
*[ Ghana Rural Integrated Development] <u>[]</u>
* Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists Canada
*[ Global Aid Network]
* Université de Montréal, International Health Unit
*[ Grand Challenges Canada]
* University of Calgary
*[ HealthBridge Foundation of Canada]
* University of Saskatchewan
*[ Inter Pares]
* Western University
*[ Mennonite Central Committee Canada]
==== Nutrition and health[modifier | modifier le wikicode] ====
*[ WaterAid Canada]
*[ World Neighbours Canada]
* Action Against Hunger
*[ World Vision Canada]
* Adventist Development and Relief Agency
*[ Falls Brook Centre]
* Centre for Affordable Water and Sanitation Technology
*[ Save a Family Plan]
* Effect:hope (Leprosy Mission Canada)
* Emmanuel Relief and Rehabilitation International of Canada
*[ Alinea International]
* Ghana Rural Integrated Development [1]
*[ Canada Africa Community Health Alliance]
* Global Aid Network
*[ Canadian Network for International Surgery]
* Grand Challenges Canada
*[ Canadian Physicians for Aid and Relief]
* HealthBridge Foundation of Canada
*[ Jesuits of Canada]
* Inter Pares
*[ Operation Eyesight Universal]
* Mennonite Central Committee Canada
* WaterAid Canada
* World Neighbours Canada
* World Vision Canada
* Falls Brook Centre
* Save a Family Plan
==== Other[modifier | modifier le wikicode] ====
* Alinea International
* Canada Africa Community Health Alliance
* Canadian Network for International Surgery
* Canadian Physicians for Aid and Relief
* Jesuits of Canada
* Operation Eyesight Universal

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