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|width=10%| <b>8.0</b>|| width=20% |<b>Compliance Management</b>|| width=70% |The ability to ensure compliance to established agreements, regulations, review the financial or performance management and monitor, check and evaluate various aspects of a developed solution before, during or after Implementation. (Note: This is where it is determined if the Rules and Regulations and Program Intent are followed.)
|width=10%| <b>8.0</b>|| width=20% |<b>Compliance Management</b>|| width=70% |The ability to ensure compliance to established agreements, regulations, review the financial or performance management and monitor, check and evaluate various aspects of a developed solution before, during or after Implementation. (Note: This is where it is determined if the Rules and Regulations and Program Intent are followed.)
|5.1||Compliance and Investigation Management||The ability to administer, monitor and enforce stakeholders’ adherence to relevant laws, regulations, treaties, agreements, policies, standards, licensing or access and usage requirements that have been established by an authoritative body.
|8.0|| Government Resources Management||The ability to manage the physical assets of the organization including Acquisition, Finances, Human Resources, Materiel and Real Property and Technology. (It is important to note the difference between Enterprise level planning of an activity such as Finance (establishing budgets…), which are focused on setting direction while internal operational management of those same activities (such as day to day spending, reporting on budget usage, etc.) are done under this section. )
|5.1.1|| Compliance Risk Assessment||The ability to quantify and act on the potential risk of non-compliance of a subject of interest.
|8.1|| Acquisition Management||The ability to manage acquisition, administration and retirement of economic resources provided by suppliers and vendors.
|5.1.2|| Compliance Assessment Management||The ability to evaluate, monitor and identify that the stakeholders of the organization are acting according to expectations to ensure continued eligibility for the service they are receiving.
|8.1.1||Bargaining||The ability to negotiate prices and get the best quality outcomes from available resources or products.
|5.1.3|| Investigations Management||The ability to investigate and ensure a client of a program or service is not attempting to defraud the organization.
|8.1.2|| Sourcing and  Procurement ||The ability to identify, to assess and to develop sourcing and procurement needs and options, and to maintain and manage those sourcing and procurement arrangements.
|8.1.3|| Vendor ||The ability to find, to build, to maintain and to leverage supplier relationships to optimise business outcomes.
|8.2|| Financial Management||The ability to ensure the prudent use and stewardship of allocated financial resources in an effective, efficient and economic manner. Activities include planning, budgeting, accounting, costing, reporting, control and oversight, analysis, decision support and advice, and financial systems.
|8.2.1|| Financial Planning and Budgeting|| The ability to forecast financial requirements to support achieving objectives.
|8.2.2|| Accounting ||The ability to establish processes, procedures and authorities for the government or department or organization in order to track the movement of funds.
|8.2.3|| Costing and Funding ||The ability to manage and effectively distribute allocated funds.
|8.2.4||Financial Analysis and Evaluation ||The ability to analyze financial data as well as to generate and evaluate financial reports.
|8.3|| Human Resource Management||The ability to support prudent use and effective management of Human Resources within an organization, institution or legal entity.
|8.3.1||HR Core||
| || Personnel Information Management||Capture and manage employee setup and management of employee data.
||| Personnel Actions||Capture and manage disciplinary action, termination etc.,
||| Position Management||Manage the relationship between positions, the organizational structure and budget control/funding for positions etc.,
||| Classification||Manage position relativity and classification decisions
||| HR Planning & Strategy|| Identify current and future human resources needs for the organization to achieve its goals
|8.3.2||  Program/Risk  Management ||
||| Employment Equity||Capture, screen, assess, remediate an/or escalate complaints
||| Health & Wellness||Track participation and completion of related programs
||| Safety Management||Manage policies, objectives, plans, procedures and responsibilities
||| Recognition||Track and recognize employees including milestones/anniversaries
||| Illness & Injury Management||Track illnesses and/or injuries
|8.3.3 ||Employee &  Labour Relations||
||| Agreement Support||Support the negotiation processes by providing guidance and research to manage the relationship between the organization and its  unions.
||| Compliance Mgmt. & Guidance Mgmt. || Measure and track compliance to collective agreements and provide guidance on how to interpret policy, collective agreements, etc.
||| Grievance Management||Capture formal complaints and related outcomes
| || Discipline Management||Identify and track disciplinary actions assigned to the employee
|8.3.4|| Compensation  Management||
||| Compensation Planning||Determine budget, review salary, perform market analysis, administer salary
||| Benefits Management||Enroll, administer and process benefits including include health, disability and life insurance
||| Pension Management||Enroll and administer pension
|8.3.5|| Payroll||Payroll provides gross-to-net processing for employees
||| Payroll Structure & Periods||**** NEED Definition ****
||| Earnings & Deductions|| **** NEED Definition ****
||| Leave Mgt. ||**** NEED Definition ****
| ||Retroactive Pay||**** NEED Definition ****
||| Workers Comp Payments||**** NEED Definition ****
||| Record of Employment (ROE) ||**** NEED Definition ****
||| Process Payroll|| **** NEED Definition ****
||| Year End Processing ||**** NEED Definition ****
|8.3.6 || Talent Mgmt. ||
||| Qualifications Management||Capture and track employee skills, competencies, certifications etc.,
||| Learning Management||Capture and track employee training, course enrollment, course creation and delivery
||| Succession Management Plan for attrition for top-level talent||
||| Performance Management||Set goals and objectives, conduct performance reviews, self/manager appraisals, track metrics against organizational goals and  mission statement, and individual development plan
||| Official Languages||Capture and track employee training, course enrollment, certification etc.
|8.3.7 || Recruitment||
|||Request to Fill||Request a new position, fill a vacant position or reallocate/promote a current employee
||| Recruiting||Develop employee job ads, interview, screen and select high-quality and productive employees
||| Applicant Tracking||Track and process an applicant
||| Hiring||Manage offers, documents and strategic hiring
||| On-boarding / Offboarding||Setup an employee, assign assets, complete employee checklist. / Return assets, complete required paperwork and exit survey.
|8.3.8|| Work Force  Management ||
||| Workforce Planning/Forecasting||Align the needs of the organization with those of its workforce to meet its legislative, regulatory, service/production requirements and  organizational objectives.
|||  Workforce Scheduling||Develop schedules that align to staffing needs to budget, available skills and demand
||| Leave Management||Manage employee absences including sick days, maternity, short term leave, long term disability etc.,
||| Time & Attendance|Capture and monitor employee time and attendance, labour tracking, and data collection
|8.3.9|| HR Service  Delivery||
||| HR Reporting & Analytics Report on employee/employment statistics including status of actions to be completed||
||| HR Knowledgebase||Collect and publish policies or benefits
||| Case Management||Administer intake, perform needs assessment, service planning and evaluation
||| Employee / Manager Self Service Manage personnel related data elements. / View assigned personnel data and/or add/change data. ||
||| Policy & Procedure Guidance||Provide HR services and guidance to employees and/or managers on how to interpret HR policy
|8.4|| Materiel, Real Property and Asset Management||The ability to manage facilities, material, Real Property and assets in a sustainable and financially responsible manner that supports the cost-effective and efficient delivery of programs. This includes the ability to manage and maintain the operation of the enterprise’s buildings, grounds and other physical facilities as well as other major infrastructure items such as buildings or dams.
|8.4.1|| Facilities Management||The ability to manage buildings and find accommodation for the employees of the organization, through the acquisition or leasing of office space. These activities are often conducted by a centralized body, it also includes all forms of building and precinct management along with assessing and maintaining building safety (air quality, asbestos, …)
|8.4.2|| Real Property and Asset Management||The ability to effectively and efficiently manage all Real Property and other types of moveable assets, excluding money or records but including material(s), acquired by the organization. Movable assets are tangible and include a broad range of goods.  For example:  Equipment (office, information technology, telecommunications, scientific), larger goods (air conditioners or diesel generators).
|8.4.3|| Fleet Management||The ability to acquire (either by purchase, lease, or charter), use, maintain, repair, transfer, and dispose of vehicles or transport related assets. Vehicles are any means of conveyance owned or used by the organization to transport people or items, including road, all-terrain, construction, off-road, air and water vehicles. Other fleet assets include aircrafts, boats, buses, etc.
|8.4.4|| Seized Goods Management||The ability to manage, retain, dispose of seized goods upon the arrest of a person for the crimes of production or possession of such goods.
|8.4.5|| Animal Husbandry Management||The ability to oversee the management of animals under the care of the organization or institution, such as dogs and horses for policing activities and farm animals such as those managed at the Central Experimental Farm.
|8.5|| Technology Management||The ability to administer, architect, plan and operate technology services and solutions for the departments and agencies within the organisation. For some institutions, this capability is sometimes provided by centralized organization. The level, type of activities and services also vary from organization to organization.
|8.5.1|| Infrastructure Management||The ability to manage the workload and operation of physical or virtual IT assets while minimising the likelihood and consequences of disruption to normal service operations, including the recovery of business services and applications following disastrous events or disruptions.
|8.5.2|| IT Architecture Management||The ability to design and architect the IT components (hardware, software, cloud, networking or other IT facet) in an efficient and effective manner that will best support the organization. IT architecture refers to software applications, application programming, technologies and technology architecture, IT security architecture and network topologies and much more.
|8.5.3|| IT Solution Management||The ability to design, to develop, to validate, to deploy or to secure IT solutions (hardware and/or software solutions), including the maintenance and life-cycle management of such solutions.
|8.6|| Work Management||The ability to manage, assess, devise and subdivide work.
|8.6.1|| Workflow Management||The ability to distribute, assign, coordinate, sequence and monitor the work items involved with service delivery.  This includes the ability to detect key business events/triggers that may occur at any time and organize the proper response as well as to track/trace a piece work from identification to completion.
|8.6.2|| Workload Management||The ability to forecast, assess and prioritize the work items involved with service delivery.  This includes assessing the complexity of the work and to identify/select work based on a set of criteria (assume criteria includes relationships between work).


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