* [[DTO Communique / Communique du BTN|The DTO Newsletter went out]]. To subscribe to newsletter, [https://blog.canada.ca/pages/signup.html sign up here]
* Theme leads should connect with their partners by sending out emails or holding calls with their group. [[Theme Management Committee Covid-Mar 30 2020 - Comité de gestion des thèmes Covid-30 mars 2020|Draft email template in March 30th notes]].
* [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/11_wV-BO1HLusI_4Kw2zGTV9gd-fOQPfCkcOFudBnknM/edit Please check the content Inventory]
* [[TMC COVID contacts - Contacts COVID CGT|Find contact information for the COVID comms coordination team]]
* Make sure your alerts are up to date.
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