'''Current Canada.ca content mapping and inventory'''
* the alpha design system is here, in a specific GitHub branch of the repo, accessible through Netlify: [https://design-system-systeme-conception.netlify.com/ '''https://design-system-systeme-conception.netlify.com/''']
* David has developed a mapping of current content to help everyone understand who is working on what across the GC: [https://mm.tt/1442881138?t=NxWNRaQDvl]
* the (very) draft content is accessible in both languages
* TBS is working to create an overall inventory for the GC.
* you can start looking at it - we will ask for more specific feedback soon
** ISED suggested that an inventory by Theme would be helpful.
* we are working on streamlining how to add components to the library, through a data model and a template
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