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851 bytes added ,  13:16, 21 November 2019
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<pre><csw:GetRecords service='CSW' version='2.0.2' maxRecords='10' startPosition='1' resultType='results' outputFormat='application/xml' outputSchema='' xmlns='' xmlns:csw='' xmlns:ogc='' xmlns:ows='' xmlns:dc='' xmlns:dct='' xmlns:gml='' xmlns:xsi='' xsi:schemaLocation=''> <csw:Query typeNames='csw:Record'> <csw:ElementSetName typeNames='csw:Record'>summary</csw:ElementSetName> </csw:Query> </csw:GetRecords></pre>
<pre><csw:GetRecords service='CSW' version='2.0.2' maxRecords='10' startPosition='1' resultType='results'  
&#x09;outputFormat='application/xml' outputSchema=''  
&#x09;xmlns='' xmlns:csw=''  
&#x09;xmlns:ogc='' xmlns:ows=''  
&#x09;xmlns:dc='' xmlns:dct=''  
&#x09;xmlns:gml='' xmlns:xsi=''  
&#x09;<csw:Query typeNames='csw:Record'>  
&#x09;&#x09;<csw:ElementSetName typeNames='csw:Record'>summary</csw:ElementSetName>  
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <GetRecordsResponse xmlns=""><SearchStatus timestamp="2018-08-28T01:59:38-04:00"/><SearchResults numberOfRecordsMatched="1949485" numberOfRecordsReturned="10" nextRecord="11">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>  
<csw:SummaryRecord xmlns:csw="" xmlns:ows="" xmlns:dct="" xmlns:dc=""><dc:identifier>1511078</dc:identifier><dc:title>Radarsat-1 Raw Scenes</dc:title><dc:type>dataset</dc:type><dc:subject>Satellites, Imaging,Radar, Digital Collection, Mapping, Spatial Data, Remote Sensing</dc:subject><dc:subject>F1</dc:subject><dc:format>GeoTIFF</dc:format><dct:abstract>The Radarsat-1 satellite has a synthetic aperture radar(SAR) imaging instrument. The images are used internationally to manage and monitor the Earth's resources and to monitor global climate change, as well as in many other commercial and scientific applications. RADARSAT-1 is ideally suited to supporting these tasks because of its wide range of beams, SAR technology, frequent revisit period, high-quality products and fast, efficient delivery. Each of Radarsat-1's seven beam modes offer a different image resolution. The modes include Fine, which covers an area of 50 km × 50 km (31 mi × 31 mi) (2,500 km2 (970 sq mi)) with a resolution of 10 metres (33 ft); Standard, which
<GetRecordsResponse xmlns="">
covers an area of 100 km × 100 km (62 mi × 62 mi) (10,000 km2 (3,900 sq mi)) and has a resolution of 30 metres (98 ft); and ScanSAR wide, which covers a 500 km × 500 km (310 mi × 310 mi) (250,000 km2 (97,000 sq mi)) area with a resolution of 100 metres (330 ft). Radarsat-1 also has the unique ability to direct its beam at different angles.</dct:abstract><ows:BoundingBox><ows:LowerCorner>32.664853 -3.055419</ows:LowerCorner><ows:UpperCorner>33.172058 -2.442097</ows:UpperCorner></ows:BoundingBox></csw:SummaryRecord>
&#x09;<SearchStatus timestamp="2018-08-28T01:59:38-04:00"/>
&#x09;<SearchResults numberOfRecordsMatched="1949485" numberOfRecordsReturned="10"  
&#x09;&#x09;<csw:SummaryRecord xmlns:csw=""  
&#x09;&#x09;&#x09;<dc:title>Radarsat-1 Raw Scenes</dc:title>
&#x09;&#x09;&#x09;<dc:subject>Satellites, Imaging,Radar, Digital Collection, Mapping,  
&#x09;&#x09;&#x09;&#x09;Spatial Data, Remote Sensing
&#x09;&#x09;&#x09;<dct:abstract>The Radarsat-1 satellite has a synthetic aperture  
&#x09;&#x09;&#x09;&#x09;radar(SAR) imaging instrument. The images are used internationally  
&#x09;&#x09;&#x09;&#x09;to manage and monitor the Earth's resources and to monitor global  
&#x09;&#x09;&#x09;&#x09;climate change, as well as in many other commercial and scientific  
&#x09;&#x09;&#x09;&#x09;applications. RADARSAT-1 is ideally suited to supporting these  
&#x09;&#x09;&#x09;&#x09;tasks because of its wide range of beams, SAR technology, frequent  
&#x09;&#x09;&#x09;&#x09;revisit period, high-quality products and fast, efficient delivery.  
&#x09;&#x09;&#x09;&#x09;Each of Radarsat-1's seven beam modes offer a different image  
&#x09;&#x09;&#x09;&#x09;resolution. The modes include Fine, which covers an area of 50 km  
&#x09;&#x09;&#x09;&#x09;× 50 km (31 mi × 31 mi) (2,500 km2 (970 sq mi)) with a  
&#x09;&#x09;&#x09;&#x09;resolution of 10 metres (33 ft); Standard, which covers an area of  
&#x09;&#x09;&#x09;&#x09;100 km × 100 km (62 mi × 62 mi) (10,000 km2 (3,900 sq mi)) and  
&#x09;&#x09;&#x09;&#x09;has a resolution of 30 metres (98 ft); and ScanSAR wide, which  
&#x09;&#x09;&#x09;&#x09;covers a 500 km × 500 km (310 mi × 310 mi) (250,000 km2  
&#x09;&#x09;&#x09;&#x09;(97,000 sq mi)) area with a resolution of 100 metres (330 ft).  
&#x09;&#x09;&#x09;&#x09;Radarsat-1 also has the unique ability to direct its beam at  
&#x09;&#x09;&#x09;&#x09;different angles.
&#x09;&#x09;&#x09;&#x09;<ows:LowerCorner>32.664853 -3.055419</ows:LowerCorner>
&#x09;&#x09;&#x09;&#x09;<ows:UpperCorner>33.172058 -2.442097</ows:UpperCorner>

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