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| style=" ridge; padding-right: 0px; padding-left: 0px; text-align: center; font-family: (Arial); font-size: 13pt" width="10%" |'''<pre style="color: #924DF0">About the Pledge</pre>'''
| style="border-right: white 1px ridge; padding-right: 0px; padding-left: 0px; text-align: center; font-family: (Arial); font-size: 13pt" width="10%" |'''[[Panel Pledge/About the pledge|<span style="color: #f4f3f8">'''About the Pledge'''</span>]]'''
| style=" ridge; padding-right: 0px; padding-left: 0px; text-align: center; font-family: (Arial); font-size: 13pt" width="10%" |'''[[Panel Pledge/Take the Pledge|<span style="color: #924DF0">'''Take the Pledge'''</span>]]'''
| style="border-right: white 1px ridge; padding-right: 0px; padding-left: 0px; text-align: center; font-family: (Arial); font-size: 13pt" width="10%" |'''[[Panel Pledge/Take the Pledge|<span style="color: #f4f3f8">'''Take the Pledge'''</span>]]'''
| style=" ridge; padding-right: 0px; padding-left: 0px; text-align: center; font-family: (Arial); font-size: 13pt" width="11%" |'''[[Panel Pledge/Tools and FAQ|<span style="color: #924DF0">'''Tools and FAQ'''</span>]]
| style=" ridge; padding-right: 0px; padding-left: 0px; text-align: center; font-family: (Arial); font-size: 13pt" width="10%" |'''[[Panel Pledge/Tools and FAQ|<span style="color: #f4f3f8">'''Tools and FAQ'''</span>]]'''
<big><center>''' What is the Panel Pledge? </center>'''</big>
The Panel Pledge is a personal commitment to take a stand for gender equality at conferences and events. Inspiration for this pledge comes from three Australian organizations: the Chief Executive Women, the Male Champions of Change and the Women’s Leadership Institute Australia. Different versions of the #panelpledge exist around the world, but they all share the aim of improving the representation of women on panels and at public forums. 
<big><center>''' Why should I take the Panel Pledge?</center>'''</big>
In taking the Panel Pledge (or any of its iterations), pledges demonstrate committed action to combatting gender discrimination and amplifying the voices of women globally.<br>
In taking the #PanelPledge you commit to:
The Panel Pledge is an initiative established to demand gender diversity on panels known by many names globally, and pledge takers include individuals as well as various companies and organizations.  Not only does it help hold individuals accountable to addressing their unconscious biases, it also improves accessibility to various forums for women globally.<br>
The Panel Pledge at Shared Services Canada was started by Executive Vice-President and Champion for Women, Sarah Paquet, and launched in 2019.  In 2020, it’s more important than ever.  Gender parity at events and on panels still has a long way to go, but by taking the Panel Pledge and holding yourself and others accountable, we can make this a reality.<br>
The initiative requires pledges to commit to not speaking on male-only panels. Those who take the panel pledge also commit to advocating for women’s representation on panels by asking the following questions:<br>
# Are there women, or equal numbers of men and women, participating in the panel?<br>
# What is the event organizer doing to ensure gender diversity at their event?<br>
# Will the organizers commit to reaching out to additional resources to attain gender balance on their panel and at their event?<br>
Taking the #GCPanelPledge represents a commitment to advancing the profile of women across the Government of Canada- both in and out of the STEM space.<br> 
'''1. Asking the question <br>'''
When you are asked to be a panelist, you will request confirmation of the other panelists/speakers/participants. Reserve the right not to participate on panels where women are excluded.
'''2. Refusing to participate on men-only panels<br>'''
As a man, this is the best way to help achieve gender equality at conferences and events. If you do choose to participate, you commit to noting the lack of balance on the panel and highlighting the panel pledge.
As a woman, you can refuse to moderate or participate in events with  all-male panels. If you do choose to participate, you commit to noting the lack of balance on the panel and highlighting the panel pledge.
'''3. Promoting gender equality in your own organization<br>'''
Ensure events organized by your own organization strive for gender equality. Have the organization take the corporate pledge.
{| class="FCK__ShowTableBorders" style="border: 0px currentColor; background-color: #a9206f; border-image: none;" width="100%" align="center"
| style="border-right: white 1px ridge; padding-right: 0px; padding-left: 0px; text-align: center; font-family: (Arial); font-size: 13pt" width="10%" |'''[[Panel Pledge/About the pledge|<span style="color: #f4f3f8">'''À propos de l’Engagement '''</span>]]'''
| style="border-right: white 1px ridge; padding-right: 0px; padding-left: 0px; text-align: center; font-family: (Arial); font-size: 13pt" width="10%" |'''[[Panel Pledge/Take the Pledge|<span style="color: #f4f3f8">'''Prendre l’Engagement'''</span>]]'''
| style=" ridge; padding-right: 0px; padding-left: 0px; text-align: center; font-family: (Arial); font-size: 13pt" width="10%" |'''[[Panel Pledge/Tools and FAQ|<span style="color: #f4f3f8">'''Outils et FAQ'''</span>]]'''
En prenant l'engagement du Panel (ou l'une de ses itérations), les engagements démontrent une action engagée pour combattre la discrimination sexuelle et amplifier la voix des femmes dans le monde.
L’Engagement Panel est une initiative créée pour exiger la diversité des sexes dans des panels connus sous de nombreux noms dans le monde, et les preneurs de promesses comprennent des individus ainsi que diverses entreprises et organisations. Non seulement cela aide à responsabiliser les individus face à leurs préjugés inconscients, mais cela améliore également l'accessibilité à divers forums pour les femmes dans le monde.
L'engagement du panel à Services partagés Canada est soutenu par la vice-présidente exécutive et championne pour les femmes, Sarah Paquet, et lancé en 2019. En 2020, c'est plus important que jamais. La parité entre les sexes lors d'événements et dans les panels a encore un long chemin à parcourir, mais en prenant l'engagement du panel et en nous tenant vous-même et les autres responsables, nous pouvons en faire une réalité.
L'initiative exige des engagements pour s'engager à ne pas parler dans des panels exclusivement masculins. Ceux qui prennent l'engagement du panel s'engagent également à plaider pour la représentation des femmes dans les panels en posant les questions suivantes:<br>
# Y a-t-il des femmes, ou un nombre égal d'hommes et de femmes, participant au panel?<br>
# Que fait l'organisateur de l'événement pour garantir la diversité des genres lors de son événement?<br>
# Les organisateurs s'engageront-ils à rechercher des ressources supplémentaires pour atteindre l'équilibre entre les sexes dans leur panel et lors de leur événement?<br>
Prendre le #GCPanelPledge représente un engagement à faire progresser le profil des femmes dans tout le gouvernement du Canada, tant dans l'espace STEM qu'en dehors.<br>
'''4. Challenging excuses<br>'''
It is very unlikely there are no qualified or available women who could participate. Be prepared to offer the names of women who event organizers could approach.
[[fr:Engagement Panel]]

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