* Your leave entitlements for 2024-2025 and your carry-over leave balances for 2023-2024 should appear in your leave balances table. ([https://dev-mygchr-mesrhgc.test.securise-secure.gc.ca/UPK/UPK/ENG/index.html?Guid=106d65ba-63d2-4ae0-9e3f-49d2c4c3210b Procedure on how to view your leave balances])
* Leave for personal and family-related, will always show a balance of 0 until a request for leave has been made for that leave type. The 0 balance will be replaced with a negative amount based on the accumulated hours requested/taken. ([https://dev-mygchr-mesrhgc.test.securise-secure.gc.ca/UPK/UPK/ENG/index.html?Guid=106d65ba-63d2-4ae0-9e3f-49d2c4c3210b Procedure on how to view your leave balances])
:'''Note:''' Leave, such as personal and family-related, will always show a balance of 0 until a request for leave has been made for that leave type. The 0 balance will be replaced with a negative amount based on the accumulated hours requested/taken.