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Segment/service diagram sections.
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==== Motivation Diagram ====
==== Segment Diagrams ====
Details forthcoming...
==== Service Diagrams ====
Details forthcoming...
==== Motivation Diagrams ====
Motivation analysis - many things that can be done....
Motivation analysis - many things that can be done....
* Create a motivation diagram detailing ITSG 22  [Jacques?]
* Create a motivation diagram detailing ITSG 22  [Jacques?]
* Create a motivation diagram detailing ITSG 33  [Jacques?]
* Create a motivation diagram detailing ITSG 33  [Jacques?]
* ITSP 22.  There's a model (reference model) in the tool now.  How to link to motivation?  [SKA/Jacques]
* ITSP 22.  There's a model (reference model) in the tool now.  How to link to motivation?  [SKA/Jacques]
* SSC 3.0
==== Link Capabilities to Motivation ====
Tasks forthcoming....
==== SSC IT Standards ====
==== SSC IT Standards ====

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