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=Notes and action item=
=Notes and action item=
*CRA presentation postponed to May 1
*Budget is launching April 16, 4pm
**One hour AEM newsroom pause 3:30-4:30pm
**Blackout is for AEM newsroom items only
**Stay tuned, more details next week
**If you are looking for specific answers, talk with your internal comms colleagues, they are your first point of contact
*April promo updates coming up in April
**One about measles coming soon from Health Canada
*If you have questions about WET, they have office hours on Tuesdays, more details here:,-Heures-de-service-de-la-BOEW
* Thanks to the community for sharing your May promos with us
The méli-mélo feature in WET is unstable and some participants mentioned that they would like it to be more stable. There were many issues with pages “breaking”.
Others said it was meant to be experimental, but the argument was made that the experimental period was taking too long.
The fact that a lot of web design elements are not funded was discussed, and many agreed that this was a problem that hampered forwarding the work.
'''Stephane Bachard - New reporting requirements - Supply Chains Act reporting requirements'''
'''DTO replied:'''
* This is a policy led initiative
* It’s a reaction to the Act we have to follow
* Departments have some flexibility where to post
* Formats are flexible
* Have to follow Official Languages Act
* Public Safety has to make their reports available in a central location
* Can be .pdf or web only, as long as it’s accessible
* Public Safety is working to post their report early as an example for other departments to follow
* Timeline: the questionnaire and .pdf version are due May 31, but as far as publishing on website, there are not definite deadlines
* For more information: [[/|]]
This is how WET is managed today, but changes are coming. Eventually we will be discussing the GC Design system rather than WET. We are hoping that changes will be more efficient in the new system that is coming.
Q: Are you going to come back when Public Safety Publishes its reports?
Alpha project is available and you can experiment with it now. We anticipate it will be in alpha mode for several months. We will be coming out with more information for the community about the changeover from WET to GC Design system in the coming weeks.
A: Yes, I can come back.  
'''Question section (Ask me anything)'''
Q: Do we need to alert other teams in our department about these reports?
How does the information get disseminated to the developers through the community? For example our team was going to switch to Drupal, and they had no idea that the GC Design System was coming.
A: Other teams should be aware of this.  
'''DTO Answer:'''
Mary Beth Baker PCO, Stephane LeBlanc - VAC - BROKEN LINKS
Our hope is that the Web teams at departments are conduits to educate their colleagues. So this meeting is one of the main communication tools.
* At VAC, we moved from Cold Fusion to Drupal
* Resulted in almost 7,000 broken links by day 2
* To fix the problem was a joint effort with IT and the Web team
* This brought up the issue - what is the “industry standard” for amount of broken links
* Some say 5%
* We put in a customized page to alert users that we were making some changes, with navigation help, but internally this page wasn’t popular
'''Follow up to all participants:'''
Q: There’s an alert at the top of the page, is that how you told people to contact you? And maintenance implies a short time period.
If anyone has guidance documents for synching up comms and tech staff, please forward it along to: []
A: Yes, that’s what we used. At the beginning we got some contact, but it has greatly gone down over time.
Comments from chat - managing broken links:  
About the topic template, all of our content needs to be updated to new templates. Is it a good time to update, should I wait?
* We used to have Link Tiger for broken links, a very small investment for a solid tool. But now with Drupal we have a built-in broken link report.
* The best part of SiteImprove is that you can send out automatic reports for both broken links and accessibility issues, this push style reporting is super useful as a reminder
We talked to Principal Publisher about timelines for making the Beta pattern into the default pattern. This should all be stabilized by the end of this fiscal year. So you can go ahead and use the Beta versions that are available right now.  
* At GAC, we monitor broken link CLICKS, not the actual broken links. If the broken links are not getting clicked, it's not really a problem. We try to address links that are clicked more than 10 times a week over many weeks. At 10 clicks/week we end up having to review / fix just a handful of links each week which is manageable by our busy teams
Also note that broken links can also be caused when redirects are left in place longer than they should be...redirects should only be used temporarily, until user traffic is going straight to the new URL. If Principal Publisher implemented your redirects in MWS, please let us know when you want them removed. [[/|]]
Next Monday we’re discussing accessible POWER Bi dashboards on the web. Sign up at this link if you’re interested:
It’s clear that we need more follow up on this issue, to find out exactly what happened, how much of an effect it has had on pages, on how to rectify the problems. We’ll be working on this in the coming days.
Based on the discussion, I’m assuming that a lot of the groups are under AEM. My team uses Drupal. We can’t easily update our H1, will there be a fix in Drupal for this? We are getting pressure from our senior management.
The WXT team has a ticket on this issue. We can share the ticket with you to give you more details about it so you can share it with others in your department.
The Canadian General Standards want to do consultations. Is there a move to a general system for consultations? Or should we just build our own system?
No, at this time, there’s no move for a standardized system. There has been work on this in the past but it hasn’t led anywhere. Suggest you reach out on Slack, because many departments have done this kind of work.
Is there a plan to pivot from the current “non funded” web framework to a well funded digital focus that supports building better digital services.
In summary, that's the plan with the GC Design System. You can check out the alpha version:
We can suggest that you connect with the CDS platform team to help with the development of the new system.
*New CCR estimates tool is now live:
*We migrated to AEM this week, here are the new URLs:
*New defense policy released on Monday:
*Also new content for [ Air Force Centennial]
*PSPC is continuing our migration to We'll be undertaking an optimization project for Pay content this spring.
*The Gen AI Chatbot Collaborative Working group kickoff meeting is being planned for next week to review the draft guidance - in case anyone here is unaware of the Chatbot channel on GC Comms Slack and wants to add someone to the group or just follow along.


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