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The LLMC Discussion Guide hones in on a non-performative approach, going beyond superficial gestures to tackle the root causes of systemic bias and inequality. LLMC members delved into the meaning of moving beyond the checkbox, acknowledging the necessity to transcend awareness training and embrace an authentic form of allyship. This involves continuous self-education, active promotion of DEI through actions, addressing hidden biases, providing genuine assistance, and embracing the intricate challenges of DEI work.
Le guide de discussion du DEAPCM se concentre sur une approche non performative, allant au-delà des gestes superficiels pour s'attaquer aux causes profondes des préjugés et des inégalités systémiques. Les membres du DEAPCM se sont penchés sur la signification d'aller au-delà de la simple case à cocher, reconnaissant la nécessité de transcender la formation de sensibilisation et d'adopter une forme authentique d'alliance. Cela implique une auto-éducation continue, une promotion active de la DEI par le biais d'actions, la lutte contre les préjugés cachés, la fourniture d'une véritable assistance et la relève des défis complexes du travail de la DEI.
Leading the Office Hours meeting during the two-week coverage of DEI, Section Head Samantha Moonsammy explained that we all have privileges and obstacles: “We are not all starting from the same place, and this is a fact. We have inherited structures that historically and currently benefit certain groups over others.” Reflecting on the guide's thematic focus on equality and inclusivity within the workplace, Samantha invited LLMC members to ponder their individual actions in cultivating DEI principles within their respective organisations.
Leading the Office Hours meeting during the two-week coverage of DEI, Section Head Samantha Moonsammy explained that we all have privileges and obstacles: “We are not all starting from the same place, and this is a fact. We have inherited structures that historically and currently benefit certain groups over others.” Reflecting on the guide's thematic focus on equality and inclusivity within the workplace, Samantha invited LLMC members to ponder their individual actions in cultivating DEI principles within their respective organisations.


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