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| style="border-right: white 1px ; padding-right: 0px; padding-left: 0px; padding-bottom: 10px; padding-top: 10px; text-align: center; font-family: (blue); font-size: 12pt" width="11%" |'''<span style="color: white">[[Federal Public Service Organizational Ombuds Community/Our Activities|Our Activities]]</span> '''
| style="border-right: white 1px ; padding-right: 0px; padding-left: 0px; padding-bottom: 10px; padding-top: 10px; text-align: center; font-family: (blue); font-size: 12pt" width="11%" |'''<span style="color: white">[[Federal Public Service Organizational Ombuds Community/Our Activities|Our Activities]]</span> '''
==List of organisational ombuds==
==List of organisational ombuds by departement or agency==
==='''Department and Agencies'''===
==='''Department and Agencies'''===
{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
|Département ou organisme
!Department or Agency
|Department or Agency
!Ombuds name  
|Nom de l’Ombuds / Ombuds name
!Ombuds email
|Courriel de l’Ombuds / Ombuds email
!Generic  contact information
|Coordonnées génériques / Generic  contact information
|Affaires mondiales Canada
|Global Affairs  Canada
|Global Affairs  Canada
|Ayesha Rekhi
|Ayesha Rekhi
Line 29: Line 27:  
|Agence de la  santé publique du Canada
|Public  Health Agency of Canada
|Public  Health Agency of Canada
|Sylvie Richard
|Sylvie Richard
Line 36: Line 33:  
|Agriculture et Agroalimentaire  Canada
|Agriculture and  Agri-Food Canada
|Agriculture and  Agri-Food Canada
|Elianne Hall
|Elianne Hall
Line 43: Line 39:  
|Bureau du vérificateur général  du Canada
|Office  of the Auditor General of Canada
|Office  of the Auditor General of Canada
|Janet Campbell
|Janet Campbell
Line 50: Line 45:  
|Centre d'analyse  des opérations et déclarations financières du Canada
|Financial  Transaction and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada
|Financial  Transaction and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada
|Mijanoux Beauchamp
|Mijanoux Beauchamp
Line 57: Line 51:  
|Commission de  l’immigration et statut de réfugié du Canada
|Immigration  and Refugee Board of Canada
|Immigration  and Refugee Board of Canada
|Raymond Kunze
|Raymond Kunze
Line 64: Line 57:  
|Commission de la  function publique du Canada
|Public  Service Commission
|Public  Service Commission
|Maria Tsourounakis
|Maria Tsourounakis
Line 71: Line 63:  
|Conseil de  recherches en sciences humaines
|Social  Sciences and Humanities Research Council
|Social  Sciences and Humanities Research Council
|Nadine Larcher-Auger
|Nadine Larcher-Auger
Line 78: Line 69:  
|Conseil de  recherches en sciences naturelles et en génie du Canada
| Natural  Sciences & Engineering Research Council
| Natural  Sciences & Engineering Research Council
|Nadine Larcher-Auger
|Nadine Larcher-Auger
Line 85: Line 75:  
|Conseil National  de Recherches Canada
|National  Research Council of Canada
|National  Research Council of Canada
|Karine Gauvreau
|Karine Gauvreau
Line 92: Line 81:  
|Défense  nationale
|National  Defense
|National  Defense
|Gregory Lick
|Gregory Lick
Line 99: Line 87:  
|École de la  fonction publique du Canada
|Canada  School of Public Service
|Canada  School of Public Service
|Vincent Houle
|Vincent Houle
Line 106: Line 93:  
|Emploi et  Développement social Canada
|Employment  and Social Development Canada
|Employment  and Social Development Canada
|Elizabeth-Ann  Smith
|Elizabeth-Ann  Smith
Line 113: Line 99:  
|Environnement et  Changement climatique Canada
|Environment  and Climate Change Canada
|Environment  and Climate Change Canada
|Corinne Boudreault
|Corinne Boudreault
Line 120: Line 105:  
|Garde côtière  canadienne
|Canadian  Coastguard
|Canadian  Coastguard
|Chantal Schryer
|Chantal Schryer
Line 127: Line 111:  
|Innovation,  Sciences et Développement économique Canada
|Innovation,  Science and Economic Development Canada
|Innovation,  Science and Economic Development Canada
|Abraham Temu
|Abraham Temu
Line 134: Line 117:  
| Justice Canada
|Justice  Canada
|Justice  Canada
|Sonya-Kim St-Julien
|Sonya-Kim St-Julien
Line 141: Line 123:  
|Parcs Canada
|Parks  Canada
|Parks  Canada
|Marie-Joséee Frenette
|Marie-Joséee Frenette
Line 148: Line 129:  
|Patrimoine  canadien
|Canadian  Heritage
|Canadian  Heritage
|Eliane Habib
|Eliane Habib
Line 155: Line 135:  
|Pêches et Océans  Canada
|Fisheries  and Oceans Canada
|Fisheries  and Oceans Canada
|Chantal Schryer
|Chantal Schryer
Line 162: Line 141:  
|Relations  Couronne-Autochtones et Affaires du Nord Canada
|Crown-Indigenous  Relations and Northern Affairs Canada
|Crown-Indigenous  Relations and Northern Affairs Canada
|Jeremy Ames
|Jeremy Ames
Line 169: Line 147:  
|Santé Canada
|Health  Canada
|Health  Canada
|Sylvie Richard
|Sylvie Richard
Line 176: Line 153:  
|Secrétariat du  Conseil du Trésor du Canada
|Treasury  Board of Canada Secretariat
|Treasury  Board of Canada Secretariat
|Lianna Ferran
|Lianna Ferran
Line 183: Line 159:  
|Sécurité  publique Canada
| Public  Safety Canada
| Public  Safety Canada
|Manda Noble-Green
|Manda Noble-Green
Line 190: Line 165:  
|Service  correctionnel Canada
|Correctional  Services Canada
|Correctional  Services Canada
|John Tremble
|John Tremble
Line 197: Line 171:  
|Services aux  Autochtones Canada
|*Indigenous  Services Canada
|*Indigenous  Services Canada
|Nadia Ferrara
|Nadia Ferrara
Line 204: Line 177:  
| Services  partagés Canada
|Shared  Services Canada
|Shared  Services Canada
|Alexandre St-Jean
|Alexandre St-Jean
Line 211: Line 183:  
|Services  publics et approvisionnement Canada
|Public  Services and Procurement Canada
|Public  Services and Procurement Canada
|Mario Baril
|Mario Baril
!'''Small Department and Agencies'''
==='''Petits ministères et organismes / Small Department and Agencies'''===
!Ombuds name  
{| class="wikitable"
!Ombuds email
!Generic  contact information
|Département ou organisme
|Department or Agency
|Nom de l’Ombuds / Ombuds name
|Courriel de l’Ombuds / Ombuds email
|Coordonnées génériques / Generic  contact information
|Agence  canadienne de développement économique du Nord
|Canadian  Northern Economic Development Agency
|Canadian  Northern Economic Development Agency
|Judith Brunet
|Judith Brunet
Line 236: Line 201:  
|Agence  d'évaluation d'impact du Canada
|Impact  Assessment Agency Canada
|Impact  Assessment Agency Canada
|Judith  Brunet
|Judith  Brunet
Line 243: Line 207:  
|Agence  fédérale de développement économique pour le Nord de l’Ontario
|Federal  Economic Development Organization for Northern Ontario
|Federal  Economic Development Organization for Northern Ontario
|Judith  Brunet
|Judith  Brunet
Line 250: Line 213:  
|Agence  spatiale canadienne
|Canadian  Space Agency
|Canadian  Space Agency
|Judith  Brunet
|Judith  Brunet
Line 257: Line 219:  
|Bureau  de l'enquêteur correctionnel
|Office  of the Correctional Investigator
|Office  of the Correctional Investigator
|Judith  Brunet
|Judith  Brunet
Line 263: Line 224:  
| 34
|Bureau  du secrétaire du gouverneur général
|Office  of the Secretary to the Governor General
|Office  of the Secretary to the Governor General
|Judith  Brunet
|Judith  Brunet
Line 271: Line 231:  
|Comité  externe d'examen de la GRC
|RCMP  External Review Committee
|RCMP  External Review Committee
|Judith  Brunet
|Judith  Brunet
Line 278: Line 237:  
| Commissariat  à la protection de la vie privée du Canada
|Office  of the  Privacy Commissioner of Canada
|Office  of the  Privacy Commissioner of Canada
|Judith  Brunet
|Judith  Brunet
Line 285: Line 243:  
|Commissariat  au lobbying du Canada
|Office  of the Commissioner of Lobbying
|Office  of the Commissioner of Lobbying
|Judith  Brunet
|Judith  Brunet
Line 292: Line 249:  
|Commission  canadienne de sûreté nucléaire
|Canadian  Nuclear Safety Commission
|Canadian  Nuclear Safety Commission
|Judith  Brunet
|Judith  Brunet
Line 298: Line 254:  
| 39
|Commission  canadienne des droits de la personne
|Canadian  Human Rights
|Canadian  Human Rights
|Judith  Brunet
|Judith  Brunet
Line 306: Line 261:  
|Développement  économique Canada pour les régions du Québec
|Canada  Economic Development for Quebec Regions
|Canada  Economic Development for Quebec Regions
|Judith  Brunet
|Judith  Brunet
| [[]]
| Femmes  et Égalité des genres Canada
|Women  and Gender Equality Canada
|Women  and Gender Equality Canada
| Judith  Brunet
|Judith  Brunet
|Infrastructure  Canada
|Infrastructure  Canada
|Infrastructure  Canada
|Judith  Brunet
|Judith  Brunet
Line 327: Line 279:  
|Instituts  de recherche en santé du Canada
|Canadian  Institutes of Health Research
|Canadian  Institutes of Health Research
|Judith  Brunet
|Judith  Brunet
Line 334: Line 285:  
|Le  Commissariat à l'information du Canada
|Offices  of the Information Commissioners of Canada
|Offices  of the Information Commissioners of Canada
|Judith  Brunet
|Judith  Brunet
Line 341: Line 291:  
|Régie  de l’énergie du Canada
|Canada  Energy Regulator
|Canada  Energy Regulator
|Judith  Brunet
|Judith  Brunet
Line 348: Line 297:  
|Savoir  Polaire Canada
|Polar  Canada
|Polar  Canada
|Judith  Brunet
|Judith  Brunet
Line 355: Line 303:  
|Service  administratif des tribunaux judiciaires
|Courts  administration Service
|Courts  administration Service
|Judith Brunet
|Judith Brunet
|}[[Communauté des ombuds organisationnels de la fonction publique/Liste des ombuds par ministère ou agence]]
[[Communauté des ombuds organisationnels de la fonction publique/Liste des ombuds par ministère ou agence]]

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