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<H2 style="color:#343742"><span style="font-size:26px"><strong><span style="font-family:Franklin Gothic, Demi Cond, sans-serif">
What is an innovation lab?
<p>Innovation labs are based on the idea that the competencies and mindsets needed for systematic innovation are not the same as those required for stable, daily operations and service delivery at the front line. Innovation labs seek to provide approaches, skills, models and tools beyond what most trained civil servants usually possess. This may call for the creation of dedicated ‘safe’ spaces and opportunities for collaboration on new processes, programs or policies across units, departments and sectors to assist the exploration phase of innovation. Labs typically involve key stakeholders, including end users such as citizens and businesses, in a process of co-creation. For governments this means crafting new solutions with people and not just for them.With innovation labs, the hope is that the establishment of dedicated, cross-cutting organizational structures can strike a blow at vested interests, power plays, and organizational infighting. Labs do so by being permanent structures with a mission to temporarily unfreeze organizational embedded practices.
<div class="banner">[[File:Banner-test.svg||class=banner]]</div>
<div class="banner">[[File:Banner-test.svg||class=banner]]</div>
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| style="border: white 2px solid; padding-right: 2.5px; padding-left: 2.5px; padding-bottom: 10px; padding-top: 10px; background-color: #BCBDCE; text-align: center" width="16.67%" |<span style="color: white; font-size: 125%;"><small>'''[[French]]'''</small> </span>
| style="border: white 2px solid; padding-right: 2.5px; padding-left: 2.5px; padding-bottom: 10px; padding-top: 10px; background-color: #BCBDCE; text-align: center" width="16.67%" |<span style="color: white; font-size: 125%;"><small>'''[[French]]'''</small> </span>
<H2 style="color:#343742"><span style="font-size:26px"><strong><span style="font-family:Franklin Gothic, Demi Cond, sans-serif">
Our Community
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc non mollis augue. Quisque pretium et quam ultrices placerat. Vivamus nec cursus diam, id suscipit augue. Mauris a pretium nisi, at eleifend augue. Fusce tellus turpis, pharetra eget urna in, consequat mattis leo. Sed ut dolor eget metus tristique lobortis. Sed laoreet ante fermentum tincidunt pellentesque. Nunc libero sem, venenatis non sollicitudin sed, ultrices non neque. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Cras sit amet dictum erat, non tincidunt magna.<p><p>
Nulla facilisi. Praesent non arcu dignissim, mattis nisl at, posuere sem. Proin luctus eros a molestie consectetur. Maecenas a viverra neque. Nunc faucibus libero odio, quis lobortis nunc ornare ut. Vestibulum vitae porta tellus. Nam vel rhoncus mauris. Proin sed ex neque.<p>
[[File:Button-visit-community.svg| link= | alt= Click on the picture to access our GCcollab group|left|frameless|250px]]
[[File:Button-visit-community.svg| link= | alt= Click on the picture to access our GCcollab group|left|frameless|250px]]
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<H2 style="color:#343742"><span style="font-size:26px"><strong><span style="font-family:Franklin Gothic, Demi Cond, sans-serif">
What is an innovation lab?
<p>Innovation labs are based on the idea that the competencies and mindsets needed for systematic innovation are not the same as those required for stable, daily operations and service delivery at the front line. Innovation labs seek to provide approaches, skills, models and tools beyond what most trained civil servants usually possess. This may call for the creation of dedicated ‘safe’ spaces and opportunities for collaboration on new processes, programs or policies across units, departments and sectors to assist the exploration phase of innovation. Labs typically involve key stakeholders, including end users such as citizens and businesses, in a process of co-creation. For governments this means crafting new solutions with people and not just for them.With innovation labs, the hope is that the establishment of dedicated, cross-cutting organizational structures can strike a blow at vested interests, power plays, and organizational infighting. Labs do so by being permanent structures with a mission to temporarily unfreeze organizational embedded practices.
<H2 style="color:#343742"><span style="font-size:26px"><strong><span style="font-family:Franklin Gothic, Demi Cond, sans-serif">
<H2 style="color:#343742"><span style="font-size:26px"><strong><span style="font-family:Franklin Gothic, Demi Cond, sans-serif">
GC Innovator Living Library
GC Innovator Living Library


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