November 1, 2023 - Updates, priorities of the week
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Back to GC Web Priorities Meetings - Réunions des Priorités Web du GC
Meeting information
1. Updates
2. Roundtable
Notes and action items
- Jessie Adcock will be replaced by Paul Wagner as CEO of CDS and Jessie will be returning to TBS to support the Office of the Chief Information Officer of Canada
- Web Executive meeting tomorrow, results of Q2 being discussed as well as DTO/CDS transition
- Page feedback tool: Principal Publisher will likely release next week
- Doesn’t affect departments currently using alpha tool, will still be operational
- Veteran’s content going live tomorrow
- Make sure your content is up to date, please remember to proactively check for broken links
- Strategic Immigration review went live yesterday:
- New immigration levels are being tabled this afternoon in Parliament - if there are questions coming to other departments general inquiry lines send them to IRCC
- New content on adding special measures and reacting to world issues right now (Sudan, Afghanistan, Ukraine, Morocco, Lebanon, Israel/West Bank/Gaza, etc.)
Health Canada
- Healthy Canadians podcast launched today. First topic is Radon – Check it out!
- Final email sent to officially sunset Get Updates on COVID (GUC-19) requesting CDS delete EN and FR notifications templates (Notify)
- HC shared some upcoming events and training opps in the Slack #events-training channel
When the Fall Economic Summit blackout is announced, we will ask for a mini AEM blackout from 3:30 to 4:30pm on FES day, same as last year. Date is not known at this time.
Questions and Answers
Share this button
- You can can edit the ‘Share this page’ button as needed
- Should we have this button at all?
- DTO has investigated and it’s not used very often, not mandatory part of the template
- It’s on the to do list to look at this component, but lower priority
- On mobile, most users have a baked in share function, makes button less useful
- Departments can remove it if they wish
Any update on Twitter X logo?
- Update will come from TBS, but no update at this time
Any update on GC web forms?
- Forms will have protected B status, on forward agenda, but no specific updates at this time
DTO presentation - Sign in button
- Applied to different pages, and many CRA pages.
- Usage has been increasing
- Up to 82 accounts now
- Want to build on this progress, people are looking for these sign in buttons, creates demand to have sign in on many different pages
- Let's expand the sign in buttons
- CRA has a page listing all accounts and when users should access them
- Part of the mandatory pattern, is a section at the bottom of the page to direct users to the right account
- Trying to change users view of the GCKey account, to inform users that’s it’s a way to verify, not an account
- This work is ongoing with working group
Comment from floor:
What are barriers to implementing a sign-in button?
- Technical problems to identify user
- Answer: There should be a register button and a sign in button
- Registration information should be a on a different page