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NTTO test

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RI Scope Deployment Date Milestone Dates Testing Resources Comments Detailed Notes Action Items
Imageeee.png URP-IV (2.3.1) June 18, 2019 1. Integration/UAT: now-June 17, 2019 1. NTTO/PSD Synopsis: URP IV upgrade. Enhancements to IV to accommodate S-band radars. This is the 12.04 version. The 18.04 version will be deployed with IFWUU.  

RI Notes: Testing in progress on RI testing IFW's. Here is a summary of the changes:

• Animation improvements for products with different time increments – specifically for S-band radars (Mantis 20364, 19683)

• Bug fix: CELL VIEW window launched from IV SCIT sometimes loads with no data. This can also result in IV loop lock. (Mantis 20510)

w added text, added again.
24.X Aviation Changes June 20, 2019 Testing completed. Synopsis: wxapps program changes...

RI Notes: Testing completed. We are ready to deploy.

25.X URP 2.13.1 July 23, 2019 Package submission: June 21, 2019

1. Beta: now - June 20

2. Integration: June 24-28

3. UAT: July 2-22

1. URP dev team


3. PSD

Synopsis: Change details included in Section C of RFI:

RI notes: Radar data for temporary X-band radars will not be available in IV until later in summer.

24.5 Upgrade wxapps servers to 18.04 August 20-21, 2019 1. Test wxapps-beta servers: June 19-28, 2019

2. Test wxapps-stage servers: June 28-July 12, 2019

1. PSD: 2 (2d)

2. PSD: 2 (1d)

Synopsis: Upgrade WxApps servers to Ubuntu 18.04.

RI Notes: 18.04 components have been submitted: Components-WxApps.xlsx. There has been some delay in building 18.04 wxapps-beta servers.

24.X Aviation Changes August 15, 2019 TBD TBD Synopsis: Aviation program changes.

RI Notes: NTTO are awaiting RFI submission.

24.X IFW Ubuntu Upgrade (IFWUU) Sep 10-12, 2019 Live UAT on ops IFW: Ongoing until Sep 6, 2019 All forecasters Synopsis: Upgrade of IFW from Ubuntu12.04 to 18.04. Includes renaming of all IFW's according to new national SSC standard and 18.04 release of URP-IV (to accommodate 6 minute S-band data).

RI Notes: PSD is evaluating 18.04 ops IFW's as part of live UAT.

1. RI Planning/Scoping/Components:

- Upgrade 12.04 IFW to KDE 18.04.

- Renaming of all IFW's according to new national SSC standard.

- Maintain local user accounts

- 18.04 release of URP-IV (2.4.0) client to accommodate 6 minute S-band data. 19693.

2. RI Testing: PSD is evaluating 18.04 ops IFW's as part of live UAT. 

3. RI Deployment: Staggered deployment.

4. RI Dependencies: RI25.0 deployment requires that the 18.04 IFW be deployed first.

5. Risks:

a. Live UAT may uncover blocker issues not discovered during previous testing.

b. Ability to get all forecasters IFW's setup before deployment given leave constraints.

1. NTTO to setup deployment meeting.
25.0 NinJo 3.4 (WPR1.5, Tsunami) + Scribe September 24, 2019 Scribe packages: June 19, 2019 (for Beta)

NinJo packages: July 10, 2019 (for Integration)

Beta: June 20-Jul 9, 2019

Integration: Jul 16-Aug 16, 2019

UAT: Aug 26-Sep 9, 2019

1. FSII only

2. 1 (2d)

3. 1 (3h)

Synopsis: NinJo 3.4 MSC config release (including WPR-O Release 1.5 and deployment of Tsunami alerts in MWAS) plus changes to Scribe.

RI Notes:  PSD testing resources required for Integration and UAT.

25.X Edigraf Ubuntu Upgrade September 2019 TBD TBD Synopsis: Upgrade of Edigraf to Ubuntu 18.04

RI Notes: In RI planning phase only. Project information can be found at:

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25.X Aviation Changes October 10, 2019 TBD TBD Synopsis: Aviation program changes.

RI Notes: NTTO are awaiting RFI submission

25.X URP 2.13.2 Oct 29, 2019 Package submission: Sep 27, 2019

1. Beta: now - Sep 27

2. Integration: Oct 1 - 8

3. UAT: Oct 8 - 22

1. URP dev team


3. PSD

a. Removal of all decommissioned C and X-bands

b. Promotion of the remaining S-bands to Primary for SWP

25.X Aviation Changes December 5, 2019 TBD TBD Synopsis: Aviation program changes.

RI Notes: NTTO are awaiting RFI submission

25.X Upgrade NinJo servers to 18.04 November 2019 Synopsis: Upgrade NinJo servers to Ubuntu 18.04.

RI Notes: In planning phase only.

25.X Scribe January, 2020 Beta: TBD.

Integration: TBD.


TBD Synopsis: Intermediate RI for Scribe config changes:

- Realign NAVTEX areas

- Configure Quebec meso-regions in Public Scribe  

RI Notes: Navtex realignment: The Canadian Coast Guard (CCG) has requested modifications to the FQCN3x/9x NAVTEX bulletins.

25.X Aviation Changes January 30, 2020 TBD TBD Synopsis: Aviation program changes.

RI Notes: NTTO are awaiting RFI submission.

25.X URP 2.14 March 31, 2020 Package submission: February 21, 2020

1. Integration: Feb 27-March 13, 2020

2. UAT: March 16-27, 2020

1. FSII only

2. 1 (3h)

Synopsis: ​URP 2.14. Primary changes include:

• Dual pol particle classification & QPE products

• Other algorithm improvements

• 2020 radar configurations 

RI Notes: In planning phase.

Test Cases Ri Related Info Lists Contingency
RI Documents RI Summary
RI Timelines RI Summary


Release Geography


Testing Systems
Supporting Documentation Links
Document Archive Contacts
2. Data collection
Type of Resource Name/Title of Resource Organization Contact/Link Notes
Article Using Artificial Intelligence in government means balancing innovation with the ethical and responsible use of emerging technologies Government of Canada
Event March 6, 2019: Governing AI: Roles for Industry, Research, and Government Institute on Governance (IOG)'s Policy Crunch Series Free event. Part of IOG's Policy Crunch Series.
Expert, video, article, course, etc. Name/Title Organization Contact/Link Anything to add?
2. Data collection
Type of Resource Name/Title of Resource Organization Contact/Link Notes
Article Using Artificial Intelligence in government means balancing innovation with the ethical and responsible use of emerging technologies Government of Canada
Event March 6, 2019: Governing AI: Roles for Industry, Research, and Government Institute on Governance (IOG)'s Policy Crunch Series Free event. Part of IOG's Policy Crunch Series.
Expert, video, article, course, etc. Name/Title Organization Contact/Link Anything to add?