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March 6, 2023 - Updates, priorities of the week

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Back to GC Web Priorities Meetings - Réunions des Priorités Web du GC

Meeting information


1. Updates

2. Roundtable

DTO updates

  • Next blog post is on how we’re updating the top tasks list for using the Task Success Survey (TSS)
  • New Footer implementation is ongoing
    • AEM update happening tomorrow
    • Footer appearing today for NRCan, Global Affairs, Library and Archives, and Communications Security Establishment’s 3 sites

Action: Once you’ve gone live with your footer, please let us know:

Round table

  • Principle Publisher is continuing to work on correcting links in news products that are pointing to the authoring or preview environments instead of the live site. Messages were sent to departments on Monday to seek approval to correct the invalid hyperlinks. Departments need to provide approval as PP won’t proceed with the fixes without express approval.
    • Action: If you have issues needing broader community coordination/discussion please let us know and we can add them to the Wednesday or Thursday GCWP agenda planning meetings
  • Fraud prevention month - you can use the Slack channel to work together in that community
  • Women and Gender Equality Canada launches:
  • Reminder to Sign up for Adobe Target by March 10
  • Discussion topic for early April: How are people using the contextual footer (which links are displaying) and how are those links are performing