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July 26, 2023 - Updates, priorities of the week

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Back to GC Web Priorities Meetings - Réunions des Priorités Web du GC

Meeting information


1. Updates

2. Roundtable

Notes and action items

Digital Transformation Office (DTO) Updates

Multi-factor authentication with GCKey

  • Version 3 is the version being rolled out on Monday
  • Met with Shared Services to see what they’ve done
  • Instructions are included, but we’re going to add some text in the GCKey help page so people know that it’s real
  • Drafted an alert for any institutions with an account that will be affected, just to let users know
    • You can adjust our suggested alert text if needed
    • You should add the alert at the point in the user journey where it makes sense as opposed to adding to pages at too high a level
  • Reach out to DTO or Shared Services if you have any questions

Action: DTO will ask Service Canada to add this alert to the GCKey page too.

Debrief from FPT

Kate McDonald is taking over chairing along with a colleague from Alberta.

If you have questions or suggestions about FPT email Kate:


Principal Publisher

  • Received information on new biographies and photos from the PM website team
  • Publishers are working to update all bios, targeting close of business today to complete that
  • 23 ministers need their bios updated, and 7 ministers to be removed
  • Template from PM site is a bit different because we add links to their ridings, etc. so there is some extra work to do
  • Also have to update the news application with metadata tags.

For Institutional landing pages:

  • Keep an eye on the pages that PP is updating and you can link to them when they’re live
  • There’s an index on that will be updated as well so that’s how you know when your minister’s profile has been updated
  • If you’re pressured to link to something right away, you could link over to the PM site, but that should only be a temporary solution
    • We want to be sure that the set up is consistent for ILPs, but that’s a possible solution for the next 24 hours


  • may be changing names - meeting later today to see what the impacts are since just registered