July 12, 2023 - Updates, priorities of the week

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Back to GC Web Priorities Meetings - Réunions des Priorités Web du GC

Meeting information


1. Updates

2. Roundtable

Notes and action items


Public Safety: For wildfires we are monitoring page performance and feedback as well as partner updates as required.


Is there any documentation on when or when not to use PDFs for publishing? Can other departments that are interested in this have an offline conversation? This is a real issue for us right now. It is very time-consuming and we get a lot of pushback. We want TBS endorsement.

The PDFs are all written as print products so they don't leverage existing online content. Guidance would be very useful.

Clients have a paper-based mindset but also want more control over the design.

Concern always voiced about low bandwidth communities not wanting to access things online and needing to download the PDF.

What if all the people who care about this got together, outlined the problems, shared some data/facts/stats, made the case, and then flipped it to DTO to be a blog post that could be shared? (e.g. can we come up with a case/be the solution we want to see)

Andrea Eidinger: I am happy to organize a working group. My email is andrea.eidinger@bac-lac.gc.ca. Let me know if you want to be part of it

Working group for accessibility of scientific documents

Karine Meunier at ECCC is leading this working group. A group has met a few times to discuss accessibility of documents and what to do when we don’t have time to code large scientific documents in HTML. The group started with scientific documents but are also discussing any other type of document as well. If you want to discuss this please reach out to Karine to get added to the group: Karine.Meunier@ec.gc.ca. The group will present it to GCWP in the fall.

Design system

Would like to discuss how to get issues addressed. We are trying to figure out how to unlock the design system a little further. We are working on a contribution model that we will present to the community once we have documented it.