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January 23, 2023 - Updates, priorities of the week

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Back to GC Web Priorities Meetings - Réunions des Priorités Web du GC

Meeting information


1. Updates

2. Roundtable

Updates - Digital Transformation Office (DTO)

  • Principal Publisher has sent communications to any department that needs to look at footer customization
  • Housing content should be ready to go live by next week, can add more content if departments have more they would like covered
  • Theme leadership questionnaire is going out this week, so we can get a sense of where things are at with theme leadership


  • Black History Month: Heritage doesn’t yet have any information for Black History Month but will keep the community updated
  • Slack: Reminder that the GC Web Slack channel is a great resource to chat with other web managers/practitioners. If you need help getting setup in there, reach out to [[1]]
  • Twitter Cards: Discussion about images attached to metadata in web content so they appear when sharing pages on social media/Twitter cards
    • If you are using these it may be better to send images for approval with social media content, as opposed to in approvals for web content so that it doesn’t hold up the approval process
    • DTO does not have guidance on the use of these images currently but it is in the backlog of things to address
  • Web change intake forms: Looking for examples of web change intake forms that inform clients about things like the style guide and web content guidelines
    • Will start a thread in Slack in case other departments have samples to share