Federal Provincial Territorial COVID-19 web management working group/March 16 2021

Home Meetings Collaboration space Contacts

Federal updates - DTO, PCO, HC

  • Health:
  • AstroZeneca vaccine information updated - now can be used for 65+
  • Currently updating links on how to register for vaccination
  • Adding vaccine locations through Google
  • Travel:
  • Routed previous restrictions in Canada page to travel landing page
  • Changed titles for driving and flying checklist pages
  • Many changes made to the mandatory quarantine/isolation pages
  • Removed subway navigation pattern to help mobile users navigate
  • Continuing working on the changes for the March 21st Order in council

Developments about providing vaccine locations to Google – Chris Bell, ON

  • Working with Google to provide vaccine locations for Ontario
  • Hoping to have it not be manually (as was the case for the Covid case numbers)
  • Would like this to be an API that can be updated directly for Google to pull from
  • Vaccine locations would then be visible when Google searching for registering for the vaccine

Notes and action items