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Federal Provincial Territorial COVID-19 web management working group/June 23 2020
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- Introductions - new additions to the group
- Updates on collaboration spaces
- Round table discussion, forward agenda building
- Federal usability research and top task study
- Next steps
Introductions of new members
- Alf Blanchard, PEI
- David Tallan, ON
Update on collaboration spaces
We’ve created a GCwiki presence
- Meeting invitations, agendas, notes and resources will be posted there
We have also created a Slack channel in the workspace: #fpt-covid
- It’s a closed channel where we can discuss topics outside of our regular meetings
Overview of the federal COVID response
Susan Harper - Health Canada
January - first COVID-19 case: Federal web content had a mostly health focus, with some travel info
March: desperate need to increase the number of staff on the file, and a more structured approach to content management on
- Created a digital strategy
- Built partnership between Digital Transformation Office, Privy Council Office, Principal Publisher at Service Canada, Health Canada
- Recognized need for a more flexible design for content
- Tried to strengthen awareness of web writing standards
- Looked at better meta tagging of content
- Moved to current design for - Simplified content by removing descriptive text and opting for more links
Very difficult to keep ahead of content, so focussed more on improvements and evidence-based recommendations for improvements
Federal usability research and top task study
Presentation: Covid-19 Top Task Labels
Presentation: Covid-19 Top Task Identification
- Since March our work has focused on rapid prototyping and usability research.
- We worked with Gerry McGovern and the WHO on an international top task study to help identify trends in COVID-19 related top tasks
- We then worked with Gerry McGovern to run a Canada-specific study to focus primarily on the needs of Canadians
- Similar studies were run by Norway, Ireland and New Zealand
- This helps us identify where there are gaps in our current content, so we can plan for the content we need to develop
- Key differences in the Canadian study were the tasks related to financial support as that wasn’t relevant in the WHO study
- 90% English respondents, 10% French
- We recruited participants on
- It’s been interesting to see how anxious people are to help out during this time by participating in our studies
- Interesting to see common top tasks across different audiences
- We’d like to run the study again in a month or two, to track how needs are changing
- We’d also be interested in running studies with individual provinces/territories to help identify needs at that level of government
- Lisa will put together a “What’s involved” summary that we can share so that any provinces/territories that are interested in doing a study with us can get a sense of what’s required.
Forward agenda
- Central page with info about travel restrictions within Canada
- Popular app for close contact (exposure app)
- Understand how people are dealing with search - how to improve search and tagging to manage expanding content
- Reopening of businesses
Manitoba has an engagement piece they could share
- How to handle the balance between a main COVID site and a re-opening site, for anyone who has them separated, and IA challenges for those keeping them together
- Strategies for linking between jurisdictions
- Personal protective equipment
- Strategies for handling specialist v generalist content, e.g. dividing content with a focus on health professionals
- How are people handling plain language for products (NWT has a literacy rate of about grade 5 and 11 languages)
Mary Beth Baker (PCO) has some resources for print materials
- How people are doing data integration and visualization
Rob Weibe (Health Canada) has a presentation he could share