February 19, 2025 - GCWP - announcements and reminders, content lifecycle documentation
Back to GC Web Priorities Meetings - Réunions des Priorités Web du GC
Announcements and reminders:
- Consultation on proposed Accessible Canada regulations is closing today
- Principal Publisher - service pack update on Saturday, keep an eye out for email communication
- GC Design System updates:
- Sign up for the newsletter - https://design-system.alpha.canada.ca/en/contact/
- Register for a demo - https://design-system.alpha.canada.ca/en/register-for-a-demo/
- Session on how to contribute using GitHub - https://events.teams.microsoft.com/event/d73b678f-3f0d-44a3-b971-ed1c0d8fa30d@9ed55846-8a81-4246-acd8-b1a01abfc0d1
Community question:
- Looking for documentation for managing the web content lifecycle