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Data Governance Placemat

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(Francais: Tableau de la gouvernance des données) (Data Governance Page) (Home page: ISED Data Strategy)

ISED Departmental Data Strategy : Data Governance

Vision :

ISED leverages the power of data to foster a growing, competitive and knowledge-based economy.

Mission :

By providing employees with the data, skills and tools they need, we will achieve excellence in serving Canadians and Canadian businesses.

Laying the foundations Building the momentum Adopting a data culture
Establishing ISED data-related leadership, enabled by launching the Chief Data Office and data governance structure, and identifying key data stewards & champions and the planning processes to manage data.


Promoting a culture shift enabled by establishing data steward and champion networks and implementing and overseeing data processes.


People value their data and treat it as an asset, enabled by monitoring the adoption of data processes and standards, and ensuring data access is facilitated by data stewards


Establish a Structure

to Govern Data


Formalize departmental data governance structure
  • ISED data governance structure is created, with defined roles, responsibilities and accountabilities established and broadly communicated.
  • Oversight for ethical use and management of data at all levels. Data stewards, individually and collectively, operationalize the use of data, data standards, and make data discoverable, with key issues raised to SDDOC for resolution and decision making; with strategic direction and guidance provided by DMC.
  • Chief Data Office champions overall implementation of ISED Data Strategy providing support to advance data and analytics capabilities.


Democratize governance over data
  • Strong understanding of the roles and accountabilities of operational, strategic and executive levels of governance, and solid methods for interacting between groups and the Chief Data Office.
  • Data strategy implementation undertaken with key partner collaboration (e.g., pillar and topic-specific working groups), building on the relationship between data and digital. Implementation is governed within the established departmental data governance structure.
  • Performance indicators to measure success of strategy implementation defined and communicated.


Data is formally governed at ISED
  • Data-related guidelines are embedded in departmental processes and structures, with associated data decisions taken at appropriate levels.
  • Department wide management and governance of data aligns with ISED Data Strategy vision and drivers, and Federal initiatives.
  • Performance indicators tracked to demonstrate progress and value of investment.



Data Governance

via Data Stewardship


Identify data stewards
  • Chief Data Office identifies possible data stewardship models for ISED, acknowledging diversity of sectors. Model for departmental data stewardship developed and implemented. Collaborating with the CDO, sectors nominate data stewards based on identified data steward model.
  • Data stewards made aware of their role and provided with targeted training, supported by the CDO.
  • CDO conducts initial identification of existing data-related guidelines and processes to manage data at the departmental level (i.e., data sharing and storing protocols, data standards, data lifecycle management and data quality).
Form data steward network
  • Establish data steward network for sharing knowledge, best practices and expertise related to data.
  • Data stewards actively participate in CDO development of data-related guidelines and processes (e.g., departmental data standards, data quality requirements, and framework for the ethical use of data), and make recommendations for improvements to the CDO.
  • Support further development and enhancements to the ISED Data Catalogue to ensure appropriate access, use and interpretation of sector data.
Operationalize data stewards
  • Data stewards champion, uphold and monitor adherence to guidelines and processes within their sector, communicating regularly and raising data-related issues within the Data Steward Network and the Chief Data Office.
  • Data stewards ensure the ethical and secure use and management of data, and promote the sharing of their sector data to align with the strategic vision of the ISED Data Strategy.
  • Data Steward Network regularly meets and raises any implementation challenges with the CDO.
Identify departmental oversight over data
  • Chief Data Office works with key members of the ISED Data Governance Community to raise awareness of the departmental data governance structure, and the need for programs to consider data-related issues and concerns in projects and processes.
  • CDO works across the department to determine data governance implementation required for various data-related processes and initiatives under the Data Access, Data Framework, Talent, Innovation, and Technology pillars of the ISED Data Strategy.


Implement governance over departmental data
  • Employ the identified governance of departmental data initiatives, ensuring that decisions on data are made at the appropriate level through departmental data governance channels.


Monitor adherence to data governance
  • Data-related considerations are built into departmental initiatives, strategies and processes, and are governed appropriately at the right level through the right channels.
  • Data standards are adhered to and monitored regularly across ISED. Data are managed ethically and supported by strong data quality frameworks.
  • ISED staff respect data processes and standards and are accountable through the formal governance structure. Skills and competencies related to data are developed and needed tools are available.
