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BACLAC - Classification for Canadian Literature - Class PS8000 - Table of subdivisions
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Table of Subdivisions Under Individual Authors
Taken from Table P-PZ40 for authors prepared by the Library of Congress.
NOTE “.x” represents the Cutter number for the author
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Collected works
Including collected works in specific genres
.x date By date
(.xA11-.xA13) By editor
Subarrangement by editor has been discontinued. Beginning in 2005, all collected works are subarranged by date
(.xA14-.xA19) Collected prose, poetry, plays, etc.
For collected genres see .x date
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Translations (Collected or selected)
.xA199 Modern versions of early authors in the same language. By date
.xA1995 Polyglot. By date
.xA2 English. By date
.xA3 French. By date
.xA4 German. By date
.xA5-.xA59 Other. By language (alphabetically) and date
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Selected works
.xA6 Selected works. Selections. By date
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Separate works
.xA61-.xZ458 Separate works. By title
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Biography and criticism
.xZ4581-.xZ4589 Periodicals. Societies. Serials
.xZ459 Dictionaries, indexes, etc. By date
.xZ46 Autobiography, journals, memoirs. By date
.xZ48 Letters (Collections). By date
Including collections of letters to and from particular individuals
.xZ5-.xZ999 General works