Theme Management Committee Covid-April 29 2020 - Comité de gestion des thèmes Covid-29 avril 2020


1. Updates

2. Email subscription service - Pascale Elvas

3. Learning from COVID-19

4. Content inventory case studies

Notes and action items

1. Updates


  • DTO Newsletter went out this morning. Sign up for the DTO Newsletter and the WebManagers email on the main page of the TMC Wiki
  • Indigenous usability testing underway with ISC
  • Research insights - lessons learned to share more broadly
  • Head of Communications message went out on Monday from Deputy Minister for the COVID-19 response, Isabelle Mondou

Health Canada

  • Approvals for next round of changes to the landing page are underway

No updates from PCO and Principal Publisher

2. Email subscription service - Pascale Elvas

  • Began work in March on an email subscription service for trusted, authoritative content on COVID-19 from the Government of Canada
  • Working with partners to publish open source code
  • Plain language and action-oriented messaging
  • Content must be timely and of interest
  • Leveraged tools, approvals and processes we already have so we could get something put together in days instead of months
  • Driven by user-need and data, a demand for email updates over text
  • Based on Gov.UK Notify
  • Not asking people personal information and not collecting personal information
  • Over 23,000 users so far and want to increase it
  • Running daily analytics to be responsive to what people are searching for
  • Keeping an eye on misinformation
  • Authority to collect email is based on Health Canada authority to provide information in a health crisis
  • Started with public health information but legal team has cleared sharing information on more general COVID topics
  • NOT drafting new content, linking to already existing content
  • Went live on April 22nd
  • Iterative roll out - so far, growing subscribers organically, now ready to announce it more widely and want help to amplify message

Credibility and accessibility

  • Messages include FIP and wordmark to increase credibility
  • People sign up on
  • Did background work so it doesn’t go in the junk boxes
  • Did extensive accessibility checks
  • Put the whole link in the email so that people can see it

What’s next?

  • Looking for feedback to help improve the service
  • Working on an API approach to make it an automated process
  • Working on the unsubscribe feedback
  • Creating a survey for people who unsubscribe to help improve service
  • More iteration

They will be sharing documents on Slack. If people have something they want to share, email Pascale and Alexis.

3. Learning from COVID-19

  • Review of draft Council COVID-19 Lessons Learned deck for feedback - the aim of the deck is to gather lessons on ways of working that should carry through into normal times for the management of
  • Overall great feedback and colleagues considered it a very valuable tool
  • Deck will be shared on Slack. Please go in and add your insight and comments.

4. Content inventory - Instructions and case studies - Scott Duncan TBS/DTO

  • Content inventory
  • New button added to the top of the page that provides additional instructions
  • Scott gave examples and showed people how the tool can be used to optimize content
  • If you are using it and have an issue, email us and let us know:

Other discussions in chat

Chatbots - conversational design principles:

Pair writing

Ordre du jour

1. Mises à jour

2. Service d'abonnement au courrier électronique - Pascale Elvas

3. Tirer les leçons de COVID-19

4. Études de cas sur l'inventaire du contenu

Notes et actions à prendre

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