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=<span style="color:#044a26">Retour au travail</span>=
=<span style="color:#044a26">Retour au travail</span>=
== Contexte ==
== Background ==
In line with public health guidanc​e for gradual resumption of business across Canada, National Defence has assessed its Business Resumption Plan to determine the required steps and conditions for resuming work. This page contains up-to-date information for All Defence Team members regarding resuming work, and will be regularly updated as new information and resources becomes available, so you are encouraged to check this page often.
In line with public health guidanc​e for gradual resumption of business across Canada, National Defence has assessed its Business Resumption Plan to determine the required steps and conditions for resuming work. This page contains up-to-date information for All Defence Team members regarding resuming work, and will be regularly updated as new information and resources becomes available, so you are encouraged to check this page often.
==messages clés==
==Key Messages==
* Protocol and measures will be put in place to ensure that the workplace is equipped to properly support returning personnel and making sure the space is safe.
* Protocol and measures will be put in place to ensure that the workplace is equipped to properly support returning personnel and making sure the space is safe.
* [Require specific details of how workplace is responding to:]
* [Require specific details of how workplace is responding to:]
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* As a Defence Team member, you are encouraged to continue to talk to your supervisor if there is a periodic or ongoing requirement for you to work from home due to COVID-19 related reasons (i.e. child care, elder care, symptoms, etc.).
* As a Defence Team member, you are encouraged to continue to talk to your supervisor if there is a periodic or ongoing requirement for you to work from home due to COVID-19 related reasons (i.e. child care, elder care, symptoms, etc.).
== Qu’est-ce qui a changé? ==
== What has changed ==
Nos lieux de travail et nos installations ont changé. Vous avez peut-être remarqué des changements en rentrant aujourd’hui, par exemple : flèches directionnelles sur le plancher afin d’assurer que la circulation se fait dans un sens seulement; escaliers à sens unique; membres du personnel portant des masques; capacité réduite des ascenseurs; moins d’espace pour s’asseoir dans les aires communes; certains espaces de travail collaboratif marqués comme étant non disponibles. Tous ces changements sont là afin de favoriser la distanciation physique.  
Our workspaces and facilities have changed. You may have noticed some changes when you came in today such as directional arrows on the floor to ensure pedestrian traffic flows in one direction, one-way staircases, some building occupants wearing masks, limited occupancy on elevators, less seating in common eating areas, and some collaborative spaces marked as not available. All these changes are to promote physical distancing.
Les mesures de santé publique suivantes et l’utilisation de masques non médicaux font partie intégrante d’un retour au travail sécuritaire :
The following Public Health Measures (PHM) as well as the use of non-medical masks are integral to a safe return to the workplace.
* Se laver les mains avec du '''savon''' et de l’eau pendant au moins '''20''' secondes;
* Wash hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds;
* Utiliser un '''désinfectant''' pour les mains à base d’alcool''';'''
* Use alcohol-based hand '''sanitizer;'''
* '''Éviter''' de se toucher les yeux, le nez ou la bouche avec des mains non lavées;
* '''Avoid''' touching eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands;
* '''Éviter''' les contacts étroits avec les personnes malades;
* '''Avoid''' close contact with people who are sick;
* Tousser ou éternuer dans un '''mouchoir ou sa manche''', et non pas dans les mains;
* Cough or sneeze into a '''tissue or sleeve''' and not in hands;
* Respecter la '''distanciation physique''' (2 mètres/6 pieds);
* Respect '''physical distancing''' (2m/6’);
Vous constaterez également la prise des mesures suivantes qui favorisent la distanciation physique et assurent votre sécurité :
You may also see the following measures to promote physical distancing and keep you safe:
* Certaines portes menant à des zones sécurisées seront désignées comme étant pour entrer ou sortir et de la signalisation a été apposée pour permettre de les identifier.
* Certain doors into Secure Zones designated as In or Out and marked with signage.
* En cas d’alarme d’incendie ou d’évacuation, vous pouvez utiliser la porte la plus proche sans égard à la signalisation qui y est apposée et suivre les protocoles habituels d’évacuation. Nous nous assurerons que suffisamment de personnel formé sera disponible pour aider en cas de situation d’urgence. Étant donné que certains de vos collègues travaillent de la maison, il est possible qu’on vous demande d’aider à cet égard. Plus d’information vous sera transmise à ce sujet.
* During a fire alarm or evacuation you can use whatever door is closest and follow usual evacuation protocols. We will ensure that enough trained staff are available to help in an emergency situation. Given that some of your colleagues are working from home, you may be asked to volunteer to help in this regard. More news will follow on this topic.
* Certains corridors pourraient être à sens unique ou inaccessibles et marqués d’un X rouge afin de permettre l’utilisation d’un plus grand nombre de cubicules et assurer une distance de 2 mètres les uns des autres. Nous avons temporairement apposé des flèches directionnelles sur les planchers et de la signalisation pour nous aider. Votre fera le tour avec vous et vous expliquera cette signalisation pour s’assurer que tout est clair.
* Certain hallways may be one-directional or off limits and marked with red X’s to allow for more cubicles to be occupied and allow for 2M distance to others.
* We have marked the workspace temporarily with directional arrows and signage to assist us.
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** Les espaces confinés, notamment les salles d’impression et les toilettes, ne seront peut-être pas des aires à sens unique. Pour entrer dans ces endroits et en sortir, il faudra respecter l’espace personnel de chacun et la communication sera de mise. Veuillez attendre à l’extérieur de la pièce jusqu’à ce qu’elle soit libre et annoncer vos déplacements à vos collègues qui utilisent l’espace. Nous placerons des produits nettoyants dans les salles d’impression à des fins de désinfection. Veuillez suivre les instructions pour nettoyer les surfaces, tout particulièrement les appareils électroniques qui sont plus susceptibles d’être endommagés.
* Confined spaces such as printer rooms or washrooms may not be a one-way area. Entering and exiting these spaces will require communication and respect of personal space between colleagues. Please wait outside the room until it is available to use and communicate your movements to your colleagues who are using the space. We will place cleaning products in printer areas for disinfecting. Please follow the directions for sanitizing surfaces, especially electronic devices that may be more susceptible to damage.
** Les espaces de travail collaboratif seront limités et pourraient être adaptés pour permettre de garder une distance de 2 mètres entre les employés qui travaillent.
* Collaborative spaces will be limited and may be adjusted to allow for 2M distance.
** Toutes les chaises pour visiteurs seront retirées pour le moment. Elles peuvent être identifiées et entreposées afin de faciliter la distanciation physique.
* Any visitor chairs in cubicles should be removed at this time. They can be labeled and stored to promote physical distancing.
** Il y aura moins d’espace pour s’asseoir dans les salles de conférences et des chaises seront retirées afin de faciliter la distanciation physique. Sauf avis contraire, le nombre réduit de places assises doit être respecté. L’autodiscipline est de rigueur et la taille des réunions de groupe devra être maintenue au minimum.
* Conference rooms will have less seating and some chairs will be removed to promote physical distancing. Rooms must remain with limited seating until we are informed otherwise. Self-regulation will be required and group meeting sizes will need to be minimized.
** Nous avons adopté une approche temporaire où aucun siège n’est assigné ou modifié la disposition des places assises afin de permettre de respecter les 2 mètres de distance entre les cubicules occupés. Nous sommes conscients que ce changement peut être dérangeant et nous vous remercions de votre coopération. Si vous vous préoccupez de facteurs ou de dispositions sur le plan de l’ergonomie, veuillez en parler à votre superviseur.
* A temporary “no assigned seats” posture and/or a staggered seating arrangement for cubicle occupancy can allow for 2M physical distancing. We recognize that this can be disruptive and we appreciate your cooperation. If you have concerns about ergonomic considerations and arrangements, please speak to your supervisor.
** À condition que l’espace de travail et l’attribution des places assises permettent une distance de 2 mètres entre les employés, le port d’un masque dans votre cubicule n’est pas nécessaire. Les masques non médicaux sont fournis pour les situations où il n’est pas possible de respecter une distance de 2 mètres d’un autre employé pendant que vous travaillez ou lorsque vous circulez.
* As long as the work area and the assignment of seating ensures a 2M distance, the wearing of a mask at your cubicle while you are working is not necessary. The non-medical masks are provided to you in the event you cannot ensure a 2M distance from someone while working or walking around.
** Des masques non médicaux réutilisables seront fournis à chaque membre du personnel pour utilisation dans des situations où les 2 mètres de distance ne peuvent pas être respectés. Communiquez avec votre gestionnaire ou votre chaîne de commandement pour obtenir vos masques non médicaux. Pour obtenir plus de précisions, consultez la page Web du gouvernement du Canada sur les masques et les couvre-visage non médicaux.
* Every member of staff is being provided with non-medical masks for use when 2M distancing cannot be respected. Contact your manager or chain of command in order to obtain your non-medical masks. You are encouraged to wear these masks when appropriate. For details, visit the Government of Canada’s About non-medical masks and face coverings web page.
== Training ==
* The Department of National Defence (DND) has designed training on COVID-19 which is mandatory for all staff and was created by Canadian Forces Health Services Group. The course title is: ''COVID-19'' ''Awareness / Sensibilisation à COVID-19 MITE 122255''. It is available on the DLN:
** DWAN/DVPNI: http://dln-rad.mil.ca
** Home Internet: https://dln-rad.forces.gc.ca/login
Source - https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/campaigns/covid-19/resuming-work/return-to-the-workplace-orientation-template.html
== formation ==
== Business Resumption Narrative ==
Le ministère de la Défense nationale (MDN) a conçu une formation sur la COVID-19 qui est obligatoire pour tout le personnel et qui a été créée par le Groupe des Services de santé des Forces canadiennes. Le cours, ''COVID-19 Awareness / Sensibilisation à COVID-19 MITE 122255'', est disponible sur le RAD :
* The DT continues to tailor its evolving coronavirus (COVID-19) response in close consultation and coordination with other Government of Canada (GC) departments and agencies, while simultaneously preparing for subsequent phases of the pandemic.
* RED/IRPVD : [http://dln-rad.mil.ca/ http://dln-rad.mil.ca]
* DND/CAF as well as many of our other GC counterparts have continued working through the initial phase of this crisis – and in some cases harder, and in a focused way in responding to COVID-19 pandemic.
* Internet à domicile : https://dln-rad.forces.gc.ca/login
* During the initial response of COVID-19, various activities had to be temporarily suspended/deferred as they were no longer safe nor practical to do so under the circumstances or that the resources allocated to those activities were urgently needed elsewhere as part of the COVID-19 pandemic response.
* As we transition into the next phase of the crisis, the DT is preparing for the near-term resumption of a number of designated business activities across DND/CAF that were previously suspended/deferred. Specifically, a number of important activities related to training, recruitment and critical institutional support will resume on a limited basis when it has been deemed safe and appropriate to do so.
* Resumption of these activities is in response to the priorities set by the GC in response to the crisis while supporting ongoing recovery efforts and continuing to deliver on the DND mandate and related commitments as outlined in ''Strong, Secure, Engaged'' - Canada’s Defence Policy.
* These activities will be conducted within the context of a persistent COVID-19+ environment for the foreseeable future as a treatment or a vaccine does not yet exist and our understanding of this disease and its strategic implications are still evolving.
== Arc narratif de la reprise des activités ==
== HR-Civ ==
* L’ED continue d’adapter sa réponse au coronavirus (COVID-19), en étroite consultation et coordination avec d’autres ministères et organismes du gouvernement du Canada, et se prépare parallèlement aux phases subséquentes de la pandémie.
* For all your HR-related questions, please contact HR Connect HR at 1-833-RHR-MDND (1-833-747-6363).
* Le MDN, les FAC et nombre de ministères et organismes du gouvernement ont continué leurs activités pendant la phase initiale de la crise – et dans certains cas, de façon plus intense et plus ciblée pour répondre à la pandémie de la COVID-19.
* Other important sources of information are the HR GO RH App. Please download the app from android and apple.
* Pendant la réponse initiale, nous avons été obligés de suspendre ou de reporter certaines activités parce qu’elles ne pouvaient plus avoir lieu dans les circonstances actuelles ou que les ressources attribuées à ces activités étaient requises de toute urgence ailleurs dans le cadre de la réponse à la pandémie.
* Staying connected is important. Speak to supervisor if you have concerns or questions about returning to the workplace.
* Dans notre transition vers la prochaine phase de la crise, l’ED se prépare à la reprise à court terme de certaines activités opérationnelles désignées dans l’ensemble du MDN et des FAC qui avaient été précédemment suspendues ou reportées. Plus particulièrement, d’importantes activités liées à l’instruction, au recrutement et au soutien essentiel institutionnel reprendront de manière limitée lorsqu’il sera sécuritaire et approprié de le faire.
* Flexible work agreement can be made available to you and your supervisor if required to determine the best options for you.
* Ces activités reprendront pour donner suite aux priorités que le gouvernement du Canada a fixées en réponse à la crise, ainsi que pour soutenir les efforts continus de rétablissement et pour respecter le mandat du MDN et ses engagements associés tels que décrits dans Protection, Sécurité, Engagement – la politique de défense du Canada.
* Have a discussion about desired business outcomes and how these can be achieved.
* Ces activités seront réalisées dans le contexte d’un environnement de COVID-19 persistant dans un avenir prévisible, étant donné qu’il n’existe pas encore de traitement ou de vaccin, et que nos connaissances au sujet de cette maladie et de ses répercussions stratégiques continuent d’évoluer.
* Code 699 is being used out of compassion for those who have been diagnosed with COVID-19 or have a presumed case of COVid-19 (so they don’t deplete their sick leave banks) or who need to care for children, parents or other members of the vulnerable population or those who are ready and available to work but their duties are non-critical and don’t lend themselves well to remote work or who are experiencing child care challenges.
== RH-Civ ==
== Checklist ==
* Pour toutes vos questions liées aux RH, veuillez communiquer avec HR Connect HR au 1-833-RHR-MDND (1-833-747-6363).
The following checklist should be referred to by personnel returning to the workplace. These are key considerations for DT members given that new physical measures and guidance will be put in place to curb the spread of COVID-19 in the workplace. It is important that individuals understand the new measures being implemented, and that they are provided with adequate PPE to safely perform their work.
* Une autre source d’information importante est l’application HR GO RH. Veuillez télécharger l’application à partir d’Androïd et d’Apple.
* Have a conversation with your Supervisor and flag any concerns about returning to the workplace;
* Il est important de demeurer connecté. Adressez-vous au superviseur(e) si vous avez des préoccupations ou des questions au sujet du retour au travail.
* Discuss requirements for properly onboarding (e.g. mandatory training/courses);
* Votre superviseur(e) et vous avez la possibilité de conclure une entente de travail flexible, le cas échéant, s’il faut déterminer les meilleures options qui s’offrent à vous.
* Discutez des résultats opérationnels souhaités et de la façon dont ils peuvent être atteints.
* Le code 699 est utilisé par compassion pour les personnes qui ont reçu un diagnostic de COVID-19 ou qui sont un cas présumé de COVID-19 (afin de ne pas épuiser leur banque de congés de maladie); il l’est aussi pour les personnes qui ont besoin de s’occuper d’enfants, de parents ou d’autres membres de la population vulnérable, ou celles qui sont prêtes à travailler et sont disponibles, mais dont les tâches ne sont pas essentielles et ne conviennent pas bien au travail à distance, ou aussi à celles qui éprouvent des difficultés en matière de garde d’enfants.
== Liste de contrôle ==
* Complete Mandatory course for all personnel the COVID-19 Awareness (See [https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/campaigns/covid-19/resuming-work/covid-19-business-resumption-communications-toolkit/annexf.html Annex F]).
Les membres du personnel qui continuent de travailler à distance doivent consulter la liste de contrôle suivante. Elle présente des facteurs clés pour les membres de l’Équipe de la Défense, car le télétravail à court terme est maintenant prolongé pour plusieurs membres du personnel. Les membres du personnel visés doivent avoir le matériel convenable leur permettant d’exécuter correctement leur travail; on les encourage à avoir des conversations franches avec les superviseurs au sujet de leur situation.
* Confirm with your Supervisor that PHM and PPE requirements will be fulfilled upon return;
* Tenez une conversation avec votre superviseur(e) et signalez toute préoccupation au sujet du retour en milieu de travail;
* Consult the [https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/campaigns/covid-19/resuming-work/frequently-asked-questions.html Frequently Asked Questions], reach out to your Supervisor, and/or submit questions/concerns through the “[https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/campaigns/covid-19/resuming-work/ask-anything-covid-19.html Ask Me Anything-COVID-19” submission page].
* Parlez des exigences en matière d’intégration convenable (p. ex. formation ou cours obligatoires);
** Suivez le cours obligatoire Sensibilisation à la COVID-19 à l’intention de tous les membres du personnel (reportez-vous à [https://www.canada.ca/fr/ministere-defense-nationale/campagnes/covid-19/retour-au-travail/covid-19-planification-reprise-activites-trousse-communication/annexef.html l’annexe F]).
* Confirmez auprès de votre superviseur(e) que les exigences en matière de mesures de santé et d’équipement de protection individuel seront respectées au moment du retour en milieu de travail;
* Consultez la [https://www.canada.ca/fr/ministere-defense-nationale/campagnes/covid-19/retour-au-travail/foire-aux-questions.html Foire aux questions], communiquez avec votre superviseur(e) ou présentez vos questions ou préoccupations par le biais du formulaire de questions Web « [https://www.canada.ca/fr/ministere-defense-nationale/campagnes/covid-19/retour-au-travail/demandez-nimporte-quoi-covid-19.html Demandez n’importe quoi – COVID-19] ».
== liens ==
== Links ==
* [https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/campaigns/covid-19/resuming-work/frequently-asked-questions.html Resuming work FAQs]
* [https://www.canada.ca/fr/ministere-defense-nationale/campagnes/covid-19/retour-au-travail/foire-aux-questions.html FAQ - Retour au travail]
* [https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/campaigns/covid-19/resuming-work/return-to-the-workplace-orientation-template.html Return to the Workplace - Orientation Package]
* [https://www.canada.ca/fr/ministere-defense-nationale/campagnes/covid-19/retour-au-travail/modele-suggere-orientation-pour-le-retour-au-travail.html Modèle suggéré : Orientation pour le retour au travail]
* [https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/campaigns/covid-19/resuming-work/ask-anything-covid-19.html Ask Anything COVID-19]
* [https://www.canada.ca/fr/ministere-defense-nationale/campagnes/covid-19/retour-au-travail/demandez-nimporte-quoi-covid-19.html Demandez n’importe quoi – COVID-19]
* [https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/campaigns/covid-19/resuming-work/ohs-conditions-for-business-resumption-planning.html OHS Conditions for Business Resumption Planning]
* [https://www.canada.ca/fr/ministere-defense-nationale/campagnes/covid-19/retour-au-travail/conditions-de-sst-applicables-a-la-planification-de-la-reprise-des-activites.html Conditions de SST applicables à la planification de la reprise des activités]
* [https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/corporate/policies-standards/joint-cds-dm-directive-for-the-resumption-of-activities.html Joint CDS/DM Directive for the Resumption of Activities]
* [https://www.canada.ca/fr/ministere-defense-nationale/organisation/politiques-normes/directive-commune-du-cemd-et-de-la-sm-sur-la-reprise-des-activites.html Directive commune du <abbr>CEMD</abbr> et de la <abbr>SM</abbr> sur la reprise des activités]
* [https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/maple-leaf/defence/2020/05/update-from-deputy-minister-jody-thomas-on-business-resumption-planning.html May 22: Update from Deputy Minister Jody Thomas on Business Resumption Planning]
* [https://www.canada.ca/fr/ministere-defense-nationale/feuille-derable/defense/2020/05/mise-jour-de-la-sous-ministre-jody-thomas-sur-la-planification-de-la-reprise-des-activites.html Le 22 mai : Mise à jour de la sous-ministre Jody Thomas sur la planification de la reprise des activités]
* [https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/campaigns/covid-19/resuming-work/supervisors-comms-toolkit.html COVID-19 Business Resumption Supervisors’ Communications Toolkit]
== Toolkit ==
* [https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/campaigns/covid-19/resuming-work/covid-19-business-resumption-communications-toolkit.html COVID-19 Business Resumption – Communications Toolkit]
* [https://www.canada.ca/fr/ministere-defense-nationale/campagnes/covid-19/retour-au-travail/outils-comms-superviseurs.html COVID-19 Reprise des activités Outils de communications pour les superviseurs]
* [https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/campaigns/covid-19/resuming-work/return-to-the-workplace-orientation-template.html Return to Work Orientation Package]
* [https://www.canada.ca/fr/ministere-defense-nationale/campagnes/covid-19/retour-au-travail/covid-19-planification-reprise-activites-trousse-communication.html Reprise des activités suite à la COVID-19 : Trousse d’outils sur les communications]  ''' '''
* [https://www.canada.ca/fr/ministere-defense-nationale/campagnes/covid-19/retour-au-travail/modele-suggere-orientation-pour-le-retour-au-travail.html Modèle suggéré : Orientation pour le retour au travail]
== Posters for Download ==
== Posters for Download ==
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== Sources for Page ==
== Sources for Page ==
COVID-19 Business Resumption Toolkit - https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/campaigns/covid-19/resuming-work/covid-19-business-resumption-communications-toolkit.html
Return to the Workplace Orientation Package - https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/campaigns/covid-19/resuming-work/return-to-the-workplace-orientation-template.html

Revision as of 22:30, 14 July 2020

ADM(Mat) Covid-19.png
Accueil Travail au Distance Retour au travail Santé Mentale Measures de Protection Dictation Ressources
Return to work.png

Retour au travail


In line with public health guidanc​e for gradual resumption of business across Canada, National Defence has assessed its Business Resumption Plan to determine the required steps and conditions for resuming work. This page contains up-to-date information for All Defence Team members regarding resuming work, and will be regularly updated as new information and resources becomes available, so you are encouraged to check this page often.

Key Messages

  • Protocol and measures will be put in place to ensure that the workplace is equipped to properly support returning personnel and making sure the space is safe.
  • [Require specific details of how workplace is responding to:]
    • open seating protocol;
    • plexiglass at commissionaire stations;
    • sanitizer availability and ordering;
    • reducing chairs in boardrooms for meetings;
    • kitchen protocols; and
    • marking floor spaces, among others.
  • Staff returning to the workplace will not be automatically tested for COVID-19. However, any DT member who is experiencing COVID-19 symptoms is encouraged to get tested, following the advice of their provincial and territorial health authorities
  • Should a staff member feel ill and be experiencing symptoms of COVID-19, they are asked to inform their supervisor, go/stay home, and contact local public health authorities. This will be supported by management across the DT.
  • Each supervisor, including myself, will be responsible for ensuring that staff are abiding by physical distancing requirements and PPE and PHM guidance within the workplace.
  • Upon your return, you will notice that all Defence Establishments have been - or are being - marked with one-way pathways and staircases, and elevators only to be used by individuals with limited mobility.
  • Hand sanitizer will be available at each entrance/exit and will be replenished when possible given the high demand for the product. More importantly, staff are encouraged to frequently wash their hands with soap and water for at least twenty seconds, as this is the most effective way to sanitize hands.
  • Direction on how cubicles can and should be occupied to maintain distancing has been received and you may notice some differences in how to access and use communal spaces. For example, you will see that washrooms, for the most part, will be single occupancy.
  • As a Defence Team member, you are encouraged to continue to talk to your supervisor if there is a periodic or ongoing requirement for you to work from home due to COVID-19 related reasons (i.e. child care, elder care, symptoms, etc.).

What has changed

Our workspaces and facilities have changed. You may have noticed some changes when you came in today such as directional arrows on the floor to ensure pedestrian traffic flows in one direction, one-way staircases, some building occupants wearing masks, limited occupancy on elevators, less seating in common eating areas, and some collaborative spaces marked as not available. All these changes are to promote physical distancing.

The following Public Health Measures (PHM) as well as the use of non-medical masks are integral to a safe return to the workplace.

  • Wash hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds;
  • Use alcohol-based hand sanitizer;
  • Avoid touching eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands;
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick;
  • Cough or sneeze into a tissue or sleeve and not in hands;
  • Respect physical distancing (2m/6’);

You may also see the following measures to promote physical distancing and keep you safe:

  • Certain doors into Secure Zones designated as In or Out and marked with signage.
  • During a fire alarm or evacuation you can use whatever door is closest and follow usual evacuation protocols. We will ensure that enough trained staff are available to help in an emergency situation. Given that some of your colleagues are working from home, you may be asked to volunteer to help in this regard. More news will follow on this topic.
  • Certain hallways may be one-directional or off limits and marked with red X’s to allow for more cubicles to be occupied and allow for 2M distance to others.
  • We have marked the workspace temporarily with directional arrows and signage to assist us.
Building Signage
Green sign.jpg
Caution sign.jpg
X sign.jpg
  • Confined spaces such as printer rooms or washrooms may not be a one-way area. Entering and exiting these spaces will require communication and respect of personal space between colleagues. Please wait outside the room until it is available to use and communicate your movements to your colleagues who are using the space. We will place cleaning products in printer areas for disinfecting. Please follow the directions for sanitizing surfaces, especially electronic devices that may be more susceptible to damage.
  • Collaborative spaces will be limited and may be adjusted to allow for 2M distance.
  • Any visitor chairs in cubicles should be removed at this time. They can be labeled and stored to promote physical distancing.
  • Conference rooms will have less seating and some chairs will be removed to promote physical distancing. Rooms must remain with limited seating until we are informed otherwise. Self-regulation will be required and group meeting sizes will need to be minimized.
  • A temporary “no assigned seats” posture and/or a staggered seating arrangement for cubicle occupancy can allow for 2M physical distancing. We recognize that this can be disruptive and we appreciate your cooperation. If you have concerns about ergonomic considerations and arrangements, please speak to your supervisor.
  • As long as the work area and the assignment of seating ensures a 2M distance, the wearing of a mask at your cubicle while you are working is not necessary. The non-medical masks are provided to you in the event you cannot ensure a 2M distance from someone while working or walking around.
  • Every member of staff is being provided with non-medical masks for use when 2M distancing cannot be respected. Contact your manager or chain of command in order to obtain your non-medical masks. You are encouraged to wear these masks when appropriate. For details, visit the Government of Canada’s About non-medical masks and face coverings web page.


  • The Department of National Defence (DND) has designed training on COVID-19 which is mandatory for all staff and was created by Canadian Forces Health Services Group. The course title is: COVID-19 Awareness / Sensibilisation à COVID-19 MITE 122255. It is available on the DLN:

Source - https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/campaigns/covid-19/resuming-work/return-to-the-workplace-orientation-template.html

Business Resumption Narrative

  • The DT continues to tailor its evolving coronavirus (COVID-19) response in close consultation and coordination with other Government of Canada (GC) departments and agencies, while simultaneously preparing for subsequent phases of the pandemic.
  • DND/CAF as well as many of our other GC counterparts have continued working through the initial phase of this crisis – and in some cases harder, and in a focused way in responding to COVID-19 pandemic.
  • During the initial response of COVID-19, various activities had to be temporarily suspended/deferred as they were no longer safe nor practical to do so under the circumstances or that the resources allocated to those activities were urgently needed elsewhere as part of the COVID-19 pandemic response.
  • As we transition into the next phase of the crisis, the DT is preparing for the near-term resumption of a number of designated business activities across DND/CAF that were previously suspended/deferred. Specifically, a number of important activities related to training, recruitment and critical institutional support will resume on a limited basis when it has been deemed safe and appropriate to do so.
  • Resumption of these activities is in response to the priorities set by the GC in response to the crisis while supporting ongoing recovery efforts and continuing to deliver on the DND mandate and related commitments as outlined in Strong, Secure, Engaged - Canada’s Defence Policy.
  • These activities will be conducted within the context of a persistent COVID-19+ environment for the foreseeable future as a treatment or a vaccine does not yet exist and our understanding of this disease and its strategic implications are still evolving.


  • For all your HR-related questions, please contact HR Connect HR at 1-833-RHR-MDND (1-833-747-6363).
  • Other important sources of information are the HR GO RH App. Please download the app from android and apple.
  • Staying connected is important. Speak to supervisor if you have concerns or questions about returning to the workplace.
  • Flexible work agreement can be made available to you and your supervisor if required to determine the best options for you.
  • Have a discussion about desired business outcomes and how these can be achieved.
  • Code 699 is being used out of compassion for those who have been diagnosed with COVID-19 or have a presumed case of COVid-19 (so they don’t deplete their sick leave banks) or who need to care for children, parents or other members of the vulnerable population or those who are ready and available to work but their duties are non-critical and don’t lend themselves well to remote work or who are experiencing child care challenges.


The following checklist should be referred to by personnel returning to the workplace. These are key considerations for DT members given that new physical measures and guidance will be put in place to curb the spread of COVID-19 in the workplace. It is important that individuals understand the new measures being implemented, and that they are provided with adequate PPE to safely perform their work.

  • Have a conversation with your Supervisor and flag any concerns about returning to the workplace;
  • Discuss requirements for properly onboarding (e.g. mandatory training/courses);



Posters for Download

Orientation Package - To Support the Easing of Restrictions at Federal Worksites

TROUSSE D’ORIENTATION Pour soutenir l’assouplissement des restrictions dans les lieux de travail fédéraux ​​

Frequently Asked Questions

Defence Team members are encouraged to refer to this page regularly for updated questions and answers regarding the Business Resumption Process (BRP) and the measures being taken around COVID-19 in the workplace.

DND - https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/campaigns/covid-19/resuming-work/frequently-asked-questions.html

ADM(Mat) DWAN - https://collaboration-materiel.forces.mil.ca/sites/DCOS/COVID19/admmatcovid19/Lists/AdmMAT%20COVID19%20QA%20Portal/Return%20To%20Work.aspx

Sources for Page

COVID-19 Business Resumption Toolkit - https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/campaigns/covid-19/resuming-work/covid-19-business-resumption-communications-toolkit.html

Return to the Workplace Orientation Package - https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/campaigns/covid-19/resuming-work/return-to-the-workplace-orientation-template.html